
  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Load rating

  • Company

  • Floor Level

  • Handover or Monthly

Scaffold vicinity

  • Scaffold Vicinity

  • Sufficient public protection been provided?

  • Sufficient safeguards against electric power lines been provided?

  • Sufficient control over vehicle movement?

  • Sufficient control over crane operation

  • Sufficient controls over the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances?

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  • Base

  • Are there sufficient sole plates?

  • Sole plates of suitable material and in a serviceable condition

  • Sole plates/ base plates secure?

  • Are there sufficient base plates?

  • Are the base plates of the appropriate type?

  • Are the base plates serviceable and of suitable dimensions?

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Scaffold Structure

  • Scaffold Structure

  • Standards bearing firmly?

  • Standards plumb (or as designed)?

  • Longitudinal standards spacing a correct?

  • Transverse standard spacing a correct?

  • Joints in standards correctly positioned?

  • Standards correctly secured (special duty or hung scaffolds)?

  • Ledgers level (or as designed)?

  • Ledgers continuous (or as designed)?

  • Lift heights correct?

  • Ledgers correctly secured?

  • Ledger joints correctly positioned ( tube and coupler scaffold)?

  • Joints in ledgers correctly secured ( tube and coupler scaffold)?

  • Sufficient transforms/putlogs?

  • Transforms/putlogs correctly positioned and secured?

  • Is the bracing adequate?

  • Is the scaffold sufficiently stable?

  • Have external and internal handrails been installed?

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  • Platforms

  • Scaffold have the required number of working platforms?

  • Working platforms at the required locations?

  • Catch platforms correctly positioned?

  • Platforms and supporting scaffold constructed for the appropriate duty live loads?

  • Platform dimensions suitable for the intended work?

  • Adequate edge protection?

  • Platforms correctly constructed?

  • Planks secured against wind?

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Containment sheeting

  • Has the scaffold been designed for wind loading on any containment sheeting?

  • Fixing ties secure?

  • Any rips or tears?

  • Overlap joints satisfactory?

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Supporting structure

  • Supporting structure in good condition?

  • Supporting structure have adequate strength?

  • Sufficient controls to prevent adverse deterioration of the supporting structure?

  • All measures to strengthen the supporting structure adequate?

  • Risk of the supporting structure being overloaded from other sources adequately controlled?

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Access and Egress

  • Access and egress

  • Access and egress to working platforms?

  • Temporary stairways correctly installed?

  • Portable ladders of an industrial grade, serviceable and correctly installed?

  • Access ways and access platforms correctly installed?

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General fitness for purpose

  • General fitness for purpose

  • Adequate provision for material handling?

  • Clearances between the scaffold and adjacent structures correct

  • Adequate protection from falling debris?

  • Scaffold been adequately designed to support to all attachments?

  • Are all approaches and platforms effectively lit?

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Tie registrar

  • Tie registrar

  • 100% ties tensioned?

  • Ties tensioned to manufacturer specifications?

  • Ties correctly positioned and fixed?

  • Ties fixed as per Australian Standards or engineers specifications?

  • Add media

  • Remedial action required

  • Dubbo scaffold representative

  • Signed customer representive

  • Company

  • Select date

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.