
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Cleaning Store


  • The cleaners store should be locked at all times that children are on the premises.


  • Are they stored appropriately ?<br>Is suitable information available regarding substance hazards and correct use ?


  • Is it in good condition ?<br>Is there lighting for backstage areas ?<br>Is stage equipment maintained ?<br>Is there any waste or rubbish left in the stage area ?

Walls / Ceilings

  • Are they in good condition ?<br>Are there any visible defects or imminent risks (broken tiles,plaster falling off ) ?

School Entrance


  • Is there clear, unambiguous directions for visitors to get to reception ?<br>Is reception/main entrance readily identifiable ?


  • Are visitor control procedures in place such as a signing in book and badge system, a lobby waiting area, all visitors having been escorted ?<br>Are other potential entrances in the vicinity of the reception kept locked or clearly state they are not in use ?

Slip / Trip Hazards

  • Are there any raised edges or drops on the entrance route e.g. Raised flagstones, pot holes ?<br><br>Is there any build up of leaves/moss/mud that can make the entrance area slippery ?


Slip / Trip hazards

  • Are there any raised or curled up carpet edges ?<br>Are there any sunken mat wells with mats below the edge ?<br>Are there any raised floor tiles ?<br>Are there mats at entrances to prevent corridor floors becoming wet during wet and snowy weather ?


  • Is anything placed on the corridor so that the width is insufficient for the numbers that will be required to use it in an emergency ?<br>Is anything left in the corridor that should not be there ?

Fire Loading

  • Do displays run the full length of the corridor ?<br>Are items stored on the corridor easily ignited and would they help spread a fire if one started ?<br>Are there any dead ends on the corridors ?

Cloakrooms / Toilets


  • Is anything stored in the area that impedes access ?

Slip / Trip Hazards

  • Is the flooring anti slip in areas that may become wet ?<br>Are there any raised tiles / damaged flooring ?



  • Can staff and pupils move freely around the room and exit the room without hindrence ?


  • Is equipment in good condition and stored appropriately ?<br>Is equipment causing an obstruction ?

Heating Pipes

  • Are there exposed pipes that a child could trap their arm or leg behind ?


  • Are radiators positioned so that children are unlikely to scald themselves ?<br>Are electric heaters fitted with guards to prevent things being inserted into them ?


  • Are any hazardous substances left out in the room ?<br>Are there any containers without labels identifying the substance inside ?


  • Is there anything that prevents quick and easy access and egress from the room ?

Slip / Trip Hazards

  • Are there any raised carpet edges / floor tiles / cables ?<br>If water and sand activities take place is there an anti slip floor and is sand immediately cleared up when it spills ?

Access & Egress

  • Is there only one entrance door to the room ?<br>Are the exit routes free from obstructions inside and outside ?


  • Is the store room kept tidy ?<br>Is anything stored at height ?<br>If so, is there a safe method for accessing it ?<br>Is there adequate lighting to the store ?


  • Do they present a risk when open ?<br>Is safety installed where required ?<br>Are they in good condition ?

Walls / Ceilings

  • Are they in good condition ?<br>Are there any visible defects or imminent risks (broken tiles,plaster falling off ) ?


  • Is it in good condition ?<br>Is it stable, no sharp edges protruding ?<br>Does it fit ?

Boiler House


  • Is there sufficient space to access controls ?


  • Is equipment stored appropriately and is it appropriate to store it in the boiler house ?

  • Is equipment stored appropriately and is it appropriate to store it in the boiler house ?


  • Is there anything blocking the entrance/exit or blocking access to the boiler and controls ?

Slips / Trip Hazards

  • Is the floor in good condition ?<br>Is there anything on the floor that could cause a trip ?<br>Is the floor maintained in a clean and dry condition ?

Access and Egress

  • Is access and egress readily available and easily achieved ?


  • Generally boiler houses should not be used as storage areas. Stored items should not be combustible and should not impede access to the boiler and its controls.


Display Screen Equipment

  • Have workstations been assessed ?<br>Have staff been provided with information about workstation safety ?<br>Have staff requested and had eye tests ?


  • Is the area kept in a clean and tidy condition, free from tripping hazards, waste materials and obstructions ?


  • Is there sufficient space for the activities undertaken, can staff move around the area freely ?


  • Are items stored safely. E.g. If objects are stored on top of filing cabinets are they stored so that they will not fall off when the cabinet is used ?

Other Internal Concerns

  • Check for slip and trip hazards, that access and egress is readily available, that equipment and other items are stored safely. <br>Check that fire extinguishers have been inspected and tested within the last 12 months.<br>Check that electrical equipment has been inspected and tested within the last 1-4 years depending on the type of equipment.



  • Is outdoor equipment in good condition ?<br>Is there a safety surface beneath equipment that enables children to climb over 600mm ?


  • Is there anything on or around the playground that children could collide with or fall onto ?

Slip / Trip Hazards

  • Is the surface flat and even, are there any obvious trip hazards where children are likely to play or run ?

Car Park

  • Car Park

  • Are there separate routes in and out for vehicles and pedestrians ? If not, is there a method to prevent pedestrians being struck by vehicles ?<br>Is there a traffic management system in place. E.g a one way system around the car park, clearly laid out parking bays, traffic calming measures and speed reduction signs ?

Traffic Management

Slip / Trip Hazards

  • Are there any obvious tripping hazards E.g. Pot holes, raised and uneven kerba, are there slip hazards e.g. Wet leaves, moss etc ?

Other Locations

Include anything that you consider to be hazardous i.e. Anything that you think may cause a pupil, member of staff, parent or visitor to be injured.

  • Are there any obvious tripping hazards E.g. Pot holes, raised and uneven kerba, are there slip hazards e.g. Wet leaves, moss etc ?

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