Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Project Name/Job No.

  • Supervisor/Foreman


  • Safety Glasses/goggles available and are used?

  • Face Shieldavailable for liquid handling or grinding tasks?

  • Hand Protection used/worn as required?

  • Foot Protection worn as required?

  • Hard hats worn on the job? Good condition?

  • Respirators used, cleaned, stored properly?

  • Fall protection, full body harness & lanyard used at > 6 ft?


  • SDS/s openly available to all employees?

  • Flammable liquids are in approved safety cans?

  • Flammable liquids storage containers labled properly?

  • All hazardous containers labeled appropriately?

  • Supplies on hand for accidental chemical spills?


  • Are ladders being used on location?

  • Correctly used Ladders & are safe inspected as appropriate?

  • Stairs or ladder provided for access points > 19-inch high?

  • Extension & straight ladders extend 3-ft beyond landing?

  • Step ladders are only used in open position?


  • GFCI's used for portable electrial hand tools?

  • Electrial panels or circuits are labeled appropriately?

  • Lighting bulbs or tubes are protected from breakage?

  • LO/TO is being used for appropriate tasks?

  • Strain relief integrity for cords and plugs intact?

  • Extension cords are rated for hard usage?

  • Electrial cords regularly inspected and all prongs are intact?

  • Electrial power tools are double-insualted or grounded?


  • Is there confined space work present?

  • Confince space entry work? Posted?

  • Permit for entry into permit-rquired confined space?

  • Fire/Resuce notified for permit-required confined spaces?

  • Air monitoring? Instrument?

  • Appropriate CS training in place?


  • Are Compressed Gases Present on location?

  • Compressed gas cylinders stored secured and upright?

  • Oxygen/acetylene torch units have flash back resistors?

  • Compressed gas cylinders not in use have caps in place?


  • Wire rope used for lifting? Deterioration is absent?

  • Crane used? Approved written plan on file with load capacities?

  • Hooks used for lifting have safety latch in place?


  • Is there excavation work being performed on location?

  • Excavation-ladder if ? 4ft deep? Extends 3ft above and are 25 ft apart, or less?

  • Excavation - protection from cave-ins for depts > 5ft?

  • Sloping, shoring evaluated?

  • Daily inpsection by Competent Person?


  • Emergency phone numbers posted and are known by all?

  • Emergency eyewash and/or shower units accessible and useable?

  • First-aid kit avaiable at work site and are well stocked?

  • Fire extinguishers readily available (not blocked)?

  • Fire extinguishers inspected? Sufficient number?

  • Hot work/burn permits used for grinding, cutting, welding?

  • Exits marked? Not Blocked?


  • Grinders (portable and stationary) have guards in place?

  • Impact sytle air tools have safety clips/retainers installed?

  • Pnematic power tools have hoses secured?

  • Portable circular saws equipped with protective guards?

  • No Signs of Unsafe hand tools?

  • Impact tools, hammers kept free of splinters/mushrooms?


  • General housekeeping is neat and orderly?

  • Wall openings and floor holes are covered or guarded?

  • Rebar caps used for protruding bars?

  • Concrete work? Silica dust training documents for all ?

  • Scaffolding

  • Saffolding-guardrails used?

  • Scaffold design by Qualified Person?

  • Scaffold Competent Person? Name:

  • Illumination adequate?

  • Permits in place (enviornmental, concrete penetration, digging, burning, Hot Work)?

  • Employees signed?

  • Tool-Box safety talks conducted and documented?

  • Safety Training is current and documented

  • Project-Specific training conducted and documented

  • Health & Safety Plan Available? Reviewed with workers?


  • Is there welding being performed on this project?

  • Are welding leads in good condition with NO visible damage?

  • Are flammables stored 50ft. Or greater from the work area?

  • Are there requirements for a Fire Watch?

  • Are approprate fire extinshishers available? Inspected?

  • Are welding hoods in good condition?

  • Is the appropriate shade available, is it in place?

  • Are welding blinds or screens necessary?

  • Will wind or breeze affect the work?

  • Hot Work Permit acquired, completed and signed?


  • Is there any Blasting / Painting work being performed?

  • Are pressure hoses inspected: (air, blast, etc.) Hoses are without cuts, blisters, soft areas, etc.

  • Fittings on blast pot are secure?

  • "Deadman" control properly working?

  • Are all hose connections and fittings safety wired, or clipped to ensure security?

  • Are whip checks present and in good condition?

  • Are all the hoses neatly laid out and without kinks?

  • Are all Blast hoods in a safe working condition?

  • Proper lifting techiniques used?

  • Hearing protection is worn when equipment is running?

  • Is the area Lead restricted and posted?

Inspection Conclusion

  • Supervisor/Foreman

  • Signature

  • Notes

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.