Title Page
PM Seafood Review
Conducted on
Prepared by
Manager / Clerk
Case Presentation
Is the display fresh and full?
Buy Spots full ?
Case Flow Correct
Cross Contamination Divider in Place
Signage Clean and Correct
COOL Compliant
Raw Shellfish section displayed with dummies or ice ?
Is the ice in the bowls full ? (Not Melted)
Condiment racks full variety
Live shellfish set correctly
Quality and Variety Check
Fin Fish Count/ Variety
Cooked Shellfish Section Proper Variety
New shrimp skewers in place standing up in ice on the side of the bowls near the fillets ?
Case Clean and Odor Free
Prep Area Clean
Sinks Clean
Are shellfish tags available ?
Seafood Cooler Organized
Store Following Proper Stacking Order (food safety)
Sales Review
Is there a live Sample going on between 4-7?
Customer Service (clerk behind block)
Is the case de-iced every night ?
I have coached the store on how to pull the case for best results.
Does Store Require Additional Training