Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Shop Floor
Is there a member of management on the shop floor on arrival?A member of management should always be on the shop floor with aminimum of one member of staff no
s the CCTV POS displayed as per the company policy ? CCTV checklist from the Intranet and ensure all CCTV POS is displayed
Is the Radio Link being held on the shop floor by a responsible person?
Check 25 random date code lines -including A)5 confect, 5 healthy life,5 baby & 10 warehouse B) Was there any stock found out of date, C) Is stock being rotated?
Are all Management and Team Members wearing a name badge?
Are all headsets being fully utilised? Ok
Till Area
Check all till drawers. Is there £80 (250€) or less in each till drawer?
Are the counter cache boxes secure ?
Are all unwanted till receipts torn in half?
Is there any A) Staff shopping paid/unpaid behind the till areas forlater collection? B) Is there any unsigned, consumed stock behind the tillareas? C) Is the till area tidy/uncluttered?
Is the Nedap barrier test being recorded on A) Daily floor walk? B) Areactivations being recorded in the activation log C) Is the log on the salesfloor.
Security Tagging
Check 25 different sku’s pre-promotion price to include all products ofthat sku which are on display are Security Tagged - is the compliance 80%and above?
Check Spider Wraps and Pin Tags - are they being used as per thecompany guidelines? No more than a combined total of 2 wraps or pins missing
Cash Office
Is the cash office door locked?
Is the Burglary Checklist displayed in the Office?
Is the latest Cashiers Security Report up to date, displayed,investigated with recorded actions as per Cashier Security Report policydisplayed on the Intranet?
Is the new June 2020 Till and Safe loss tracker A) On display and fullycompleted? B) Are there actions being taken on losses identified?
Has the Safe check carry over money bag been correctly sealed,signed, dated and values recorded?
Check the Intranet Keyholder List. Is it up to date?
Are all keys being controlled as per the company policy?
Is the cash office tidy and uncluttered?
Check quantity of price reductions during the last 7 days. Is thereevidence of repetitive reductions for the same product?
Has the charity money been A) Paid in weekly? B) Checksafe/cupboard to ensure that charity money is not being stored. (onlycomplete if you are able to social distance)
Are there any uncut bank cards in the safe over 48 hours old? (onlycomplete if you are able to social distance)
Are there actions on products which are A) Being repeatedly writtenoff within the Top 30 event count? B) Check that the event count matchesthe tracker
Has the electronic action plan been completed and on display,followed-up with A) The appropriate actions identified for the top threeshrinkage loss departments? B) Are the check counts taking placecorrectly with follow-up
CCTV Checks
Check one paid out over £10 within the last 28 days, is theresupporting documentation and was this authorised by the Area Manager?
Check a sample of 3 Cash refunds £5 and above. Are they controlledas per the company policy?
Check a sample a minimum of 3 cash line voids, focusing on cashiersthat are trending high on the amount of voids/transaction voids - . Anyissues found on reviewing CCTV?
Check the last banking/safe check, was all money counted/verifiedand did a safe check take place as part of the banking being prepared?
Check three staff searches, are they A) Are Covid-19 measures inplace? B) Is the team search area set up with an empty tray?
Check one store opening and one closing - are there any issues withthe store opening/closing?
Cosmetics Aisle CCTV Checks
How many times did you find the Cosmetic Aisle not covered acrossthe two days checked?
Is there any POS blocking the CCTV Images?
Back Of House / Warehouse
Is the A) intelliQ poster? B) Confidential Helpline poster? C) CurrentSpotlight Memos being displayed?
Is the warehouse tidy? A) No stock stored on the floor. B) Are thewarehouse on wheels tidy C) Are there lidded totes and cages being usedfor the storage of stock/equipment ?
Are all the Security Room Cupboards/Cabinets locked?
Are all the fire routes A) Clear B) Are all fire doors unlocked C) Haveall fire doors been opened on the day of visit
Rear door 24hr alarm to be set with keys removed?
Cages stored outside - are they secured with a lock and chain?
Check personal belongings - are they secured in a lockable locker?
Is there any unsigned stock found?
Is the Damages policy being followed? including: A) Storage B)Displayed C) Written off
Check one pick from store and ensure contents match the orderdetails.FailComplete one weekly random pick from store check to ensure stock matches the detail of the order.
Pharmacy Store’s
Is the correct responsible Pharmacist certificate on display?
Responsible Pharmacist Record Book filled in correctly?
Is the consultation room door locked?
Are the CD Keys being held by the Pharmacy Manager?
Personal belongings locked away?