
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • all personnel on tills use please and thank-you when interacting with guests

  • team members provide a quick and courteous greeting to each guest<br><br>greeted within 3/5 seconds<br>welcome to Burger King/hi how can i help<br>smiles at guests<br>eye contact with guest

  • team member at front counter when guests arrive

  • MIC or staff member completes at least 2 table touches per shift<br><br>ask for feedback<br>takes action on feedback<br>completes at least 2 different table touches at different times

  • team provides a polite send off to each guest<br><br>warm parting phrase<br>tray or bag handed to guest <br>condiments offered/directed<br>receipt included<br>apologise by saying i'm sorry in a sincere manner<br>satisfy guest needs when resolving complaints<br>thank guest for their complaint

  • team members in correct full uniform<br>

  • guests feedback is not active<br><br>restaurant aware of guest trac results<br>restaurant compliant with guest trac<br>management set quarterly guest trac goals

  • SOS <br><br>under 2.30 7 points<br>2.31- 2.35 4 points<br>2.36 - 2.40 3 points<br>2.41 - 2.45 2 points<br>2.46 or greater 0 points

  • current foundation and serv safe certificates

  • RTT not present or complete

  • proficiency chart is not current or complete

  • passports not complete and updated<br><br>employee has no dedicated passport<br>passport not matches current work station

  • C A R E training and scorecards and in use

  • fries are not cooked or held properly<br><br>oil is out of spec<br>loaded into baskets properly<br>cooked or shaken correctly<br>salted or drained correctly<br>fresh and older fries mixed together<br>expired fries discarded

  • kitchen minder/pls system is not present and/or phu monitoring system is not properly exercuted<br><br>system is not present and properly functioning<br>projections not correct<br>team members are not interacting with kitchen minder

  • restaurant doesnt have expired products

  • sandwiches toasted correctly<br><br>buns are not toasted to order and held for 30 secs<br>at least 1 toaster per location available<br>bun toasted colour not within range<br>

  • produce does not meet quality standards<br><br>produce is not held at minimum of 18 degrees<br>prep procedures not properly executed<br>produce does not meet minimum quality standards

  • products/condiments not properly stored<br><br>equipment/ingredients/ packaging not held at least 15cmform floor<br>FIFO not being used for rotation

  • side items are not cooked and held properly<br><br>multi vat does not pass shortening test<br>side items not cooked properly<br>excess breading is not prevented from getting in oil<br>multi vat fryers not programmed correctly<br>expired products discarded

  • 12 criticlals<br><br>hand washing procedures followed and hand wash sink fully stocked<br>health dept inspections are available<br>hot water at 3 compartment sink and hand wash sink at required temps '38-45/49-55'<br>temperature control - quality checks on phf, temps to reach required standards<br>sanitising - buckets in correct places and at required strenght<br>ice cream machine and brushes are clean<br>restaurant not using unapproved products<br>prepped items not expired or holding times not marked<br>cross contamination observed<br>pest control system in place and effective <br>product cookout standards are met and executed correctly<br>other food safety violations - drains, contaminated staff etc.

  • travel paths not effectively completed as required<br><br>MIC does not take effective action on travel paths<br>minimum of 2 travel paths per shift<br>MIC does not assign tasks to team based on restaurants needs and provides feedback and follow up

  • dining room clean <br><br>doors, thresholds, and windows/window sils not clean<br>walls, floors, and baseboards not clean<br>beverage/condiment station not clean<br>tables not clean - chewing gum etc.<br>seats, high chairs not clean<br>ceiling lights and vents not clean<br>trash cans not clean

  • back of house<br><br>walls, floors and baseboards not clean<br>ceiling lights and vents not clean<br>fixtures and shelving not clean <br>

  • kitchen equipment not clean<br><br>cooking equipment not clean<br>walk in cooler/freezer not clean<br>reach coolers/freezers not clean<br>PHU's and bagging station not clean<br>prep and production area not clean<br>small wares not clean or held correctly<br>ice machine not clean<br>

  • profitability and shift management<br><br>suggestive selling is apparrent<br>all menu items available<br>POP materials not out of date and positioned to maximise sales<br>* pop not approved or hand written signs<br>* pop not posted as per guidelines<br>* interior/exterior not displaying national promotion<br>management command station is not present and effective<br>* half hour sales not posted to manage business flow<br>* no. of team members to positioning guide and in correct positions<br>* cleaning planner not being used effectively or filled out correctly<br>* SOS not communicated or tracked throughout the shift<br>fresh and ready system not in place<br>* condiment pull charts not located in prep area and visible to team and up to date<br>* current frozen/condiments products do not match the charts<br>* evidence of over production resulting in high waste

  • dining room well maintained<br><br>doors/windows and sils not well maintaned<br>walls/floors and baseboards not well maintained<br>tables not well maintained<br>seats and high chairs not well maintained<br>front counter, condiment stand, trash cans and decor not well maintained<br>temperature of dining area not comfortable<br>ceiling lights and vents not well maintained<br>safety hazards not present<br>graffiti not present

  • back of house maintainance<br><br>walls, floors and baseboards not well maintained<br>ceiling, vents and lights not well maintained<br>sinks not well maintained<br>safety hazards are not present

  • equipment present and maintained<br><br>all required equipment not present<br>cooking equipment maintained<br>freezers and coolers maintained<br>beverage equipment maintained<br>soft serve machine maintained<br>ice machine maintained<br>holding equipment maintained<br>prep equipment maintained<br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.