
  • Station Name

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Distribution Equipment

Distribution Boards

  • Are there any distribution boards within the room?

  • Click here to add a Distribution Board

  • DB
  • DB Designation/Name

  • DB Manufacturer/Range

  • Enter Manufacturer/Type

  • Number of Phases

  • Number of Ways

  • Picture of DB with cover closed

  • Picture of DB with cover open

  • 1. Is the distribution board labelled externally?

  • Recommendation - Fit Label

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of DB with no external label

  • Comment

  • 2. Are all circuit labels present?

  • Circuits with no labels

  • Recommendation - Fit Labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits with no labels

  • Comment

  • 3. Are all circuit labels of the correct type & colour?

  • Incorrect Type

  • Circuits with incorrect label type

  • Type of labels fitted

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrect label type

  • Comment

  • Incorrect Colour

  • Circuits with incorrect label colour

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrect label colours

  • Comment

  • 4. As the descriptions on all circuit labels correct?

  • Circuits with incorrect label descriptions

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of incorrect labels

  • Comment

  • 5. Do all labels correspond to the circuit fuse rating?

  • Circuits with incorrect fuse rating labels

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of incorrect labels

  • Comment

  • 6. Are all spare ways labelled?

  • Comment

  • Spare ways not labelled

  • Recommendation - Fit labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non labelled spare ways

  • 7. Are all labels fixed with nuts and bolts?

  • Labels not fitted with nuts and bolts

  • Recommendation - mechanically fix labels with nuts and bolts

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of labels not fitted with nuts and bolts

  • Comment

  • Now remove DB cover

  • Picture of DB with cover removed

  • 8. Are all circuit cables identified with "z" type Critchley markers?

  • Circuits without 'z' type Critchley markers

  • Recommendation - fit Critchley markets

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuit cables without Critchley markers

  • Comment

  • 9. Are all neutral and earth cables connected to the correct way / sequence?

  • Circuits with neutral and/or earth cables not in correct way/sequence

  • Recommendation - move neutral and/or earth cables into correct way/sequence

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits with neutral and/or earth cables not in correct way/sequence

  • Comment

  • 10. Are all cables terminated correctly, e.g. no exposed copper?

  • Circuits with cables not terminated correcty

  • Recommendation - Re-terminate cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables not terminated correctly

  • Comment

  • 11. Are all cables correctly coloured?

  • Circuits with incorrect cable colours

  • Recommendation - Sleeve cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables of incorrect colour

  • Comment

  • 12. Are all cables neatly dressed in the board?

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables not dressed neatly

  • Comment

  • Circuits not dressed neatly in the board

  • Recommendation - Re-dress cables

  • 13. Are there cable ties present? Circuits bundled together with cable ties?

  • Circuits bundled with cable ties

  • Recommendation - Remove cable ties

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits bundled with cable ties

  • Comment

  • 14. Is the board bonded correctly?

  • How is the board currently bonded?

  • Recommendation -

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of current bonding

  • Comment

  • 15. Are all spare ways fitted with a blank fuse base?

  • Ways not fitted with a blank fuse base

  • Recommendation - Fit blank fuse bases

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of ways not fitted with blank fuse bases

  • Comment

  • 16. Are all red pips in place on fuse carrier?

  • Fuse carriers without red pips

  • Recommendation - Fit red pips

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of fuse carriers without red pips

  • Comment

  • 17. Are all fuse finishes and cable guards in place?

  • Fuse finishes not in place

  • Recommendation - Fit fuse finishes

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of fuse finishes not in place

  • Comment

  • Cable guards not in place

  • Recommendation - Fit cable guards

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cable guards not in place

  • Comment

  • 18. Do doors operate and close securely?

  • Door stiff

  • Recommendation - Lubricate door

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of door

  • Comment

  • Door seal damaged/missing

  • Recommendation - Fit new door seal

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of damaged/missing door seal

  • Comment

  • Locking mechanism loose

  • Comment

  • Recommendation - Tighten/re-secure locking mechanism

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose locking mechanism

  • Locking mechanism worn/broken

  • Recommendation - Replace locking mechanism

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of worn/broken mechanism

  • Comment

  • 19. Is the DB clean and free from any debris?

  • Recommendation - Vacuum out DB

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of debris

  • Comment

  • 20. Is an earth bar present within the DB?

  • Recommendation - Install earth bar

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing no earth bar present

  • Comment

  • 21. Is the circuit schedule present?

  • Recommendation - Produce and install circuit schedule

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing no circuit schedule present

  • Comment

  • 22. Are all screws and fixings present?

  • What screws and fixings are missing?

  • Recommendation - fit missing screws and fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing missing screws and fixings

  • Comment

  • 23. Is enclosure damaged/deteriorated so as to impair safety? (621.2 (iii))

  • Recommendation - replace enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing damage/deterioration to enclosure

  • Comment

  • 24. Are there signs of surface rust on the enclosure?

  • Recommendation - remove surface rust, seal and paint enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing surface rust

  • Comment

  • 25. Is the DB securely fixed?

  • Existing fixings are loose

  • Recommendation - tighten existing fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose fixings

  • Comment

  • Some of the existing fixings are missing

  • Recommendation - replace missing fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing missing fixings

  • Comment

  • Existing fixings inadequate

  • Recommendation - install new fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of existing inadequate fixings

  • Comment

  • 26. Is there adequate working space / accessibility to consumer unit / distribution board? (132.1.2; 513.1)

  • Door/Cover obstructed and cannot be opened fully

  • Comment

  • Recommendation -

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing obstruction

  • Insufficient space between consumer unit/distribution board and wall/other equipment.

  • Recommendation - Relocate consumer unit/DB

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing insufficient space

  • Comment

  • 27. Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of IP rating etc (416.2)

  • Door/cover/access panel seals missing or deteriorated

  • Recommendation - replace seals

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of missing/deteriorated seals

  • Comment

  • Penetrations in enclosure not adequately sealed

  • Recommendation - seal penetrations

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of penetrations not adequately sealed

  • Comment

  • Enclosure type not suitable for application

  • Recommendation - Replace enclosure with suitably IP rated enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non suitable enclosure

  • Comment

  • 28. Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of fire rating etc (526.5)

  • Penetrations in enclosure not adequately sealed

  • Recommendation - seal penetrations

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of penetrations not adequately sealed

  • Comment

  • Enclosure type not suitable for application

  • Recommendation - Replace enclosure with suitably fire rated enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non suitable enclosure

  • Comment

  • 29. Is the RCD quarterly test notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.12.2)

  • Recommendation - Perform RCD quarterly test and display test notice

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing no quarterly RCD test notice present

  • Comment

  • 30. Is a non-standard (mixed) cable colour warning notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.14)

  • Recommendation - produce and install non-standard cable colour warning notice

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing non-standard cable colour warning notice not present

  • Comment

  • 31. Is an alternative supply warning notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.15)

  • Recommendation - produce and install alternative supply warning notice

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing alternative supply warning notice not present

  • Comment

  • 32. Is all other required labelling present? (Please specify) (Section 514)

  • Required Labels

  • Recommendation - produce and install required labels

  • Sang Category

  • Pictures showing other required labels not present

  • Comment

  • 33. Are there any open holes in DB enclosure?

  • Recommendation - seal open holes

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of open holes in DB enclosure

  • Comment

  • 34. Are there any redundant circuits, breaker and or labels?

  • Redundant circuit/circuits

  • Redundant circuits

  • Recommendation - remove redundant circuits

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant circuits

  • Comment

  • Redundant breaker/breakers

  • Redundant breakers

  • Recommendation - remove redundant breakers and fit appropriate blanks

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant breakers

  • Comment

  • Redundant labels

  • Redundant labels

  • Recommendation - remove redundant labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant labels

  • Comment

  • 35. Are there any sign of burn marks and or overheating?

  • Recommendation - carry out thermal imaging survey to determine overheating cause

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing burn marks or signs of overheating

  • Comment

  • Circuits showing burn marks or signs of overheating

  • 36. Are all unused holes/slots blanked off?

  • Recommendation - fit appropriate blanks/covers

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing unused holes/slots not blanked off

  • Comment

  • 37. Are SWA’s fitted with banjos & fly leads?

  • No banjos fitted

  • Recommendation - fit missing banjos

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing circuits/cables with no banjos fitted

  • Comment

  • Circuits/cables with no banjos fitted

  • No fly leads fitted

  • Circuits with no fly leads fitted

  • Recommendation - fit missing fly leads

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing circuits/cables with no fly leads fitted

  • Comment

  • 38. Are SWA glands tight and of the correct type?

  • SWA Glands loose

  • Circuits/cables with loose SWA glands

  • Recommendation - tighten glands

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose SWA glands

  • Comment

  • Glands not of the correct type

  • Circuits/cables with incorrect gland type

  • Recommendation - fit correct glands

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing incorrect glands

  • Comment

  • 39. Are MICC Cables sleeved correctly? Correct Colours etc?

  • Recommendation - re-sleeve cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing incorrectly sleeved MICC cables

  • Comment

  • 40. Are all MICC pots & seal terminated correctly?

  • Recommendation - re-terminate pots

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrectly terminated MICC's

  • Comment

  • Are there any distribution boards within the room?

  • Click here to add a Distribution Board

  • DB
  • DB Designation/Name

  • DB Manufacturer/Range

  • Enter Manufacturer/Type

  • Number of Phases

  • Number of Ways

  • Picture of DB with cover closed

  • Picture of DB with cover open

  • 1. Is the distribution board labelled externally?

  • Recommendation - Fit Label

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of DB with no external label

  • Comment

  • 2. Are all circuit labels present?

  • Circuits with no labels

  • Recommendation - Fit Labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits with no labels

  • Comment

  • 3. Are all circuit labels of the correct type & colour?

  • Incorrect Type

  • Circuits with incorrect label type

  • Type of labels fitted

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrect label type

  • Comment

  • Incorrect Colour

  • Circuits with incorrect label colour

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrect label colours

  • Comment

  • 4. As the descriptions on all circuit labels correct?

  • Circuits with incorrect label descriptions

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of incorrect labels

  • Comment

  • 5. Do all labels correspond to the circuit fuse rating?

  • Circuits with incorrect fuse rating labels

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of incorrect labels

  • Comment

  • 6. Are all spare ways labelled?

  • Comment

  • Spare ways not labelled

  • Recommendation - Fit labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non labelled spare ways

  • 7. Are all labels fixed with nuts and bolts?

  • Labels not fitted with nuts and bolts

  • Recommendation - mechanically fix labels with nuts and bolts

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of labels not fitted with nuts and bolts

  • Comment

  • Now remove DB cover

  • Picture of DB with cover removed

  • 8. Are all circuit cables identified with "z" type Critchley markers?

  • Circuits without 'z' type Critchley markers

  • Recommendation - fit Critchley markets

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuit cables without Critchley markers

  • Comment

  • 9. Are all neutral and earth cables connected to the correct way / sequence?

  • Circuits with neutral and/or earth cables not in correct way/sequence

  • Recommendation - move neutral and/or earth cables into correct way/sequence

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits with neutral and/or earth cables not in correct way/sequence

  • Comment

  • 10. Are all cables terminated correctly, e.g. no exposed copper?

  • Circuits with cables not terminated correcty

  • Recommendation - Re-terminate cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables not terminated correctly

  • Comment

  • 11. Are all cables correctly coloured?

  • Circuits with incorrect cable colours

  • Recommendation - Sleeve cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables of incorrect colour

  • Comment

  • 12. Are all cables neatly dressed in the board?

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables not dressed neatly

  • Comment

  • Circuits not dressed neatly in the board

  • Recommendation - Re-dress cables

  • 13. Are there cable ties present? Circuits bundled together with cable ties?

  • Circuits bundled with cable ties

  • Recommendation - Remove cable ties

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits bundled with cable ties

  • Comment

  • 14. Is the board bonded correctly?

  • How is the board currently bonded?

  • Recommendation -

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of current bonding

  • Comment

  • 15. Are all spare ways fitted with a blank fuse base?

  • Ways not fitted with a blank fuse base

  • Recommendation - Fit blank fuse bases

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of ways not fitted with blank fuse bases

  • Comment

  • 16. Are all red pips in place on fuse carrier?

  • Fuse carriers without red pips

  • Recommendation - Fit red pips

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of fuse carriers without red pips

  • Comment

  • 17. Are all fuse finishes and cable guards in place?

  • Fuse finishes not in place

  • Recommendation - Fit fuse finishes

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of fuse finishes not in place

  • Comment

  • Cable guards not in place

  • Recommendation - Fit cable guards

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cable guards not in place

  • Comment

  • 18. Do doors operate and close securely?

  • Door stiff

  • Recommendation - Lubricate door

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of door

  • Comment

  • Door seal damaged/missing

  • Recommendation - Fit new door seal

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of damaged/missing door seal

  • Comment

  • Locking mechanism loose

  • Comment

  • Recommendation - Tighten/re-secure locking mechanism

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose locking mechanism

  • Locking mechanism worn/broken

  • Recommendation - Replace locking mechanism

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of worn/broken mechanism

  • Comment

  • 19. Is the DB clean and free from any debris?

  • Recommendation - Vacuum out DB

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of debris

  • Comment

  • 20. Is an earth bar present within the DB?

  • Recommendation - Install earth bar

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing no earth bar present

  • Comment

  • 21. Is the circuit schedule present?

  • Recommendation - Produce and install circuit schedule

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing no circuit schedule present

  • Comment

  • 22. Are all screws and fixings present?

  • What screws and fixings are missing?

  • Recommendation - fit missing screws and fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing missing screws and fixings

  • Comment

  • 23. Is enclosure damaged/deteriorated so as to impair safety? (621.2 (iii))

  • Recommendation - replace enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing damage/deterioration to enclosure

  • Comment

  • 24. Are there signs of surface rust on the enclosure?

  • Recommendation - remove surface rust, seal and paint enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing surface rust

  • Comment

  • 25. Is the DB securely fixed?

  • Existing fixings are loose

  • Recommendation - tighten existing fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose fixings

  • Comment

  • Some of the existing fixings are missing

  • Recommendation - replace missing fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing missing fixings

  • Comment

  • Existing fixings inadequate

  • Recommendation - install new fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of existing inadequate fixings

  • Comment

  • 26. Is there adequate working space / accessibility to consumer unit / distribution board? (132.1.2; 513.1)

  • Door/Cover obstructed and cannot be opened fully

  • Comment

  • Recommendation -

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing obstruction

  • Insufficient space between consumer unit/distribution board and wall/other equipment.

  • Recommendation - Relocate consumer unit/DB

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing insufficient space

  • Comment

  • 27. Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of IP rating etc (416.2)

  • Door/cover/access panel seals missing or deteriorated

  • Recommendation - replace seals

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of missing/deteriorated seals

  • Comment

  • Penetrations in enclosure not adequately sealed

  • Recommendation - seal penetrations

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of penetrations not adequately sealed

  • Comment

  • Enclosure type not suitable for application

  • Recommendation - Replace enclosure with suitably IP rated enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non suitable enclosure

  • Comment

  • 28. Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of fire rating etc (526.5)

  • Penetrations in enclosure not adequately sealed

  • Recommendation - seal penetrations

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of penetrations not adequately sealed

  • Comment

  • Enclosure type not suitable for application

  • Recommendation - Replace enclosure with suitably fire rated enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non suitable enclosure

  • Comment

  • 29. Is the RCD quarterly test notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.12.2)

  • Recommendation - Perform RCD quarterly test and display test notice

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing no quarterly RCD test notice present

  • Comment

  • 30. Is a non-standard (mixed) cable colour warning notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.14)

  • Recommendation - produce and install non-standard cable colour warning notice

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing non-standard cable colour warning notice not present

  • Comment

  • 31. Is an alternative supply warning notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.15)

  • Recommendation - produce and install alternative supply warning notice

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing alternative supply warning notice not present

  • Comment

  • 32. Is all other required labelling present? (Please specify) (Section 514)

  • Required Labels

  • Recommendation - produce and install required labels

  • Sang Category

  • Pictures showing other required labels not present

  • Comment

  • 33. Are there any open holes in DB enclosure?

  • Recommendation - seal open holes

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of open holes in DB enclosure

  • Comment

  • 34. Are there any redundant circuits, breaker and or labels?

  • Redundant circuit/circuits

  • Redundant circuits

  • Recommendation - remove redundant circuits

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant circuits

  • Comment

  • Redundant breaker/breakers

  • Redundant breakers

  • Recommendation - remove redundant breakers and fit appropriate blanks

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant breakers

  • Comment

  • Redundant labels

  • Redundant labels

  • Recommendation - remove redundant labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant labels

  • Comment

  • 35. Are there any sign of burn marks and or overheating?

  • Recommendation - carry out thermal imaging survey to determine overheating cause

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing burn marks or signs of overheating

  • Comment

  • Circuits showing burn marks or signs of overheating

  • 36. Are all unused holes/slots blanked off?

  • Recommendation - fit appropriate blanks/covers

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing unused holes/slots not blanked off

  • Comment

  • 37. Are SWA’s fitted with banjos & fly leads?

  • No banjos fitted

  • Recommendation - fit missing banjos

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing circuits/cables with no banjos fitted

  • Comment

  • Circuits/cables with no banjos fitted

  • No fly leads fitted

  • Circuits with no fly leads fitted

  • Recommendation - fit missing fly leads

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing circuits/cables with no fly leads fitted

  • Comment

  • 38. Are SWA glands tight and of the correct type?

  • SWA Glands loose

  • Circuits/cables with loose SWA glands

  • Recommendation - tighten glands

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose SWA glands

  • Comment

  • Glands not of the correct type

  • Circuits/cables with incorrect gland type

  • Recommendation - fit correct glands

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing incorrect glands

  • Comment

  • 39. Are MICC Cables sleeved correctly? Correct Colours etc?

  • Recommendation - re-sleeve cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing incorrectly sleeved MICC cables

  • Comment

  • 40. Are all MICC pots & seal terminated correctly?

  • Recommendation - re-terminate pots

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrectly terminated MICC's

  • Comment

  • Click here to add a room

  • Room
  • Room Name

  • Name of Tenancy

  • Picture of Tenancy

  • Room SID Number

  • Picture of SID Number Plate

Distribution Boards

  • Are there any distribution boards within the room?

  • Click here to add a Distribution Board

  • DB
  • DB Designation/Name

  • DB Manufacturer/Range

  • Enter Manufacturer/Type

  • Number of Phases

  • Number of Ways

  • Picture of DB with cover closed

  • Picture of DB with cover open

  • 1. Is the distribution board labelled externally?

  • Recommendation - Fit Label

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of DB with no external label

  • Comment

  • 2. Are all circuit labels present?

  • Circuits with no labels

  • Recommendation - Fit Labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits with no labels

  • Comment

  • 3. Are all circuit labels of the correct type & colour?

  • Incorrect Type

  • Circuits with incorrect label type

  • Type of labels fitted

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrect label type

  • Comment

  • Incorrect Colour

  • Circuits with incorrect label colour

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrect label colours

  • Comment

  • 4. As the descriptions on all circuit labels correct?

  • Circuits with incorrect label descriptions

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of incorrect labels

  • Comment

  • 5. Do all labels correspond to the circuit fuse rating?

  • Circuits with incorrect fuse rating labels

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of incorrect labels

  • Comment

  • 6. Are all spare ways labelled?

  • Comment

  • Spare ways not labelled

  • Recommendation - Fit labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non labelled spare ways

  • 7. Are all labels fixed with nuts and bolts?

  • Labels not fitted with nuts and bolts

  • Recommendation - mechanically fix labels with nuts and bolts

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of labels not fitted with nuts and bolts

  • Comment

  • Now remove DB cover

  • Picture of DB with cover removed

  • 8. Are all circuit cables identified with "z" type Critchley markers?

  • Circuits without 'z' type Critchley markers

  • Recommendation - fit Critchley markets

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuit cables without Critchley markers

  • Comment

  • 9. Are all neutral and earth cables connected to the correct way / sequence?

  • Circuits with neutral and/or earth cables not in correct way/sequence

  • Recommendation - move neutral and/or earth cables into correct way/sequence

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits with neutral and/or earth cables not in correct way/sequence

  • Comment

  • 10. Are all cables terminated correctly, e.g. no exposed copper?

  • Circuits with cables not terminated correcty

  • Recommendation - Re-terminate cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables not terminated correctly

  • Comment

  • 11. Are all cables correctly coloured?

  • Circuits with incorrect cable colours

  • Recommendation - Sleeve cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables of incorrect colour

  • Comment

  • 12. Are all cables neatly dressed in the board?

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables not dressed neatly

  • Comment

  • Circuits not dressed neatly in the board

  • Recommendation - Re-dress cables

  • 13. Are there cable ties present? Circuits bundled together with cable ties?

  • Circuits bundled with cable ties

  • Recommendation - Remove cable ties

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits bundled with cable ties

  • Comment

  • 14. Is the board bonded correctly?

  • How is the board currently bonded?

  • Recommendation -

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of current bonding

  • Comment

  • 15. Are all spare ways fitted with a blank fuse base?

  • Ways not fitted with a blank fuse base

  • Recommendation - Fit blank fuse bases

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of ways not fitted with blank fuse bases

  • Comment

  • 16. Are all red pips in place on fuse carrier?

  • Fuse carriers without red pips

  • Recommendation - Fit red pips

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of fuse carriers without red pips

  • Comment

  • 17. Are all fuse finishes and cable guards in place?

  • Fuse finishes not in place

  • Recommendation - Fit fuse finishes

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of fuse finishes not in place

  • Comment

  • Cable guards not in place

  • Recommendation - Fit cable guards

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cable guards not in place

  • Comment

  • 18. Do doors operate and close securely?

  • Door stiff

  • Recommendation - Lubricate door

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of door

  • Comment

  • Door seal damaged/missing

  • Recommendation - Fit new door seal

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of damaged/missing door seal

  • Comment

  • Locking mechanism loose

  • Comment

  • Recommendation - Tighten/re-secure locking mechanism

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose locking mechanism

  • Locking mechanism worn/broken

  • Recommendation - Replace locking mechanism

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of worn/broken mechanism

  • Comment

  • 19. Is the DB clean and free from any debris?

  • Recommendation - Vacuum out DB

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of debris

  • Comment

  • 20. Is an earth bar present within the DB?

  • Recommendation - Install earth bar

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing no earth bar present

  • Comment

  • 21. Is the circuit schedule present?

  • Recommendation - Produce and install circuit schedule

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing no circuit schedule present

  • Comment

  • 22. Are all screws and fixings present?

  • What screws and fixings are missing?

  • Recommendation - fit missing screws and fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing missing screws and fixings

  • Comment

  • 23. Is enclosure damaged/deteriorated so as to impair safety? (621.2 (iii))

  • Recommendation - replace enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing damage/deterioration to enclosure

  • Comment

  • 24. Are there signs of surface rust on the enclosure?

  • Recommendation - remove surface rust, seal and paint enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing surface rust

  • Comment

  • 25. Is the DB securely fixed?

  • Existing fixings are loose

  • Recommendation - tighten existing fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose fixings

  • Comment

  • Some of the existing fixings are missing

  • Recommendation - replace missing fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing missing fixings

  • Comment

  • Existing fixings inadequate

  • Recommendation - install new fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of existing inadequate fixings

  • Comment

  • 26. Is there adequate working space / accessibility to consumer unit / distribution board? (132.1.2; 513.1)

  • Door/Cover obstructed and cannot be opened fully

  • Comment

  • Recommendation -

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing obstruction

  • Insufficient space between consumer unit/distribution board and wall/other equipment.

  • Recommendation - Relocate consumer unit/DB

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing insufficient space

  • Comment

  • 27. Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of IP rating etc (416.2)

  • Door/cover/access panel seals missing or deteriorated

  • Recommendation - replace seals

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of missing/deteriorated seals

  • Comment

  • Penetrations in enclosure not adequately sealed

  • Recommendation - seal penetrations

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of penetrations not adequately sealed

  • Comment

  • Enclosure type not suitable for application

  • Recommendation - Replace enclosure with suitably IP rated enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non suitable enclosure

  • Comment

  • 28. Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of fire rating etc (526.5)

  • Penetrations in enclosure not adequately sealed

  • Recommendation - seal penetrations

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of penetrations not adequately sealed

  • Comment

  • Enclosure type not suitable for application

  • Recommendation - Replace enclosure with suitably fire rated enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non suitable enclosure

  • Comment

  • 29. Is the RCD quarterly test notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.12.2)

  • Recommendation - Perform RCD quarterly test and display test notice

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing no quarterly RCD test notice present

  • Comment

  • 30. Is a non-standard (mixed) cable colour warning notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.14)

  • Recommendation - produce and install non-standard cable colour warning notice

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing non-standard cable colour warning notice not present

  • Comment

  • 31. Is an alternative supply warning notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.15)

  • Recommendation - produce and install alternative supply warning notice

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing alternative supply warning notice not present

  • Comment

  • 32. Is all other required labelling present? (Please specify) (Section 514)

  • Required Labels

  • Recommendation - produce and install required labels

  • Sang Category

  • Pictures showing other required labels not present

  • Comment

  • 33. Are there any open holes in DB enclosure?

  • Recommendation - seal open holes

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of open holes in DB enclosure

  • Comment

  • 34. Are there any redundant circuits, breaker and or labels?

  • Redundant circuit/circuits

  • Redundant circuits

  • Recommendation - remove redundant circuits

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant circuits

  • Comment

  • Redundant breaker/breakers

  • Redundant breakers

  • Recommendation - remove redundant breakers and fit appropriate blanks

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant breakers

  • Comment

  • Redundant labels

  • Redundant labels

  • Recommendation - remove redundant labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant labels

  • Comment

  • 35. Are there any sign of burn marks and or overheating?

  • Recommendation - carry out thermal imaging survey to determine overheating cause

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing burn marks or signs of overheating

  • Comment

  • Circuits showing burn marks or signs of overheating

  • 36. Are all unused holes/slots blanked off?

  • Recommendation - fit appropriate blanks/covers

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing unused holes/slots not blanked off

  • Comment

  • 37. Are SWA’s fitted with banjos & fly leads?

  • No banjos fitted

  • Recommendation - fit missing banjos

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing circuits/cables with no banjos fitted

  • Comment

  • Circuits/cables with no banjos fitted

  • No fly leads fitted

  • Circuits with no fly leads fitted

  • Recommendation - fit missing fly leads

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing circuits/cables with no fly leads fitted

  • Comment

  • 38. Are SWA glands tight and of the correct type?

  • SWA Glands loose

  • Circuits/cables with loose SWA glands

  • Recommendation - tighten glands

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose SWA glands

  • Comment

  • Glands not of the correct type

  • Circuits/cables with incorrect gland type

  • Recommendation - fit correct glands

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing incorrect glands

  • Comment

  • 39. Are MICC Cables sleeved correctly? Correct Colours etc?

  • Recommendation - re-sleeve cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing incorrectly sleeved MICC cables

  • Comment

  • 40. Are all MICC pots & seal terminated correctly?

  • Recommendation - re-terminate pots

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrectly terminated MICC's

  • Comment

  • Are there any distribution boards within the room?

  • Click here to add a Distribution Board

  • DB
  • DB Designation/Name

  • DB Manufacturer/Range

  • Enter Manufacturer/Type

  • Number of Phases

  • Number of Ways

  • Picture of DB with cover closed

  • Picture of DB with cover open

  • 1. Is the distribution board labelled externally?

  • Recommendation - Fit Label

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of DB with no external label

  • Comment

  • 2. Are all circuit labels present?

  • Circuits with no labels

  • Recommendation - Fit Labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits with no labels

  • Comment

  • 3. Are all circuit labels of the correct type & colour?

  • Incorrect Type

  • Circuits with incorrect label type

  • Type of labels fitted

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrect label type

  • Comment

  • Incorrect Colour

  • Circuits with incorrect label colour

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrect label colours

  • Comment

  • 4. As the descriptions on all circuit labels correct?

  • Circuits with incorrect label descriptions

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of incorrect labels

  • Comment

  • 5. Do all labels correspond to the circuit fuse rating?

  • Circuits with incorrect fuse rating labels

  • Recommendation - Fit correct labels

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of incorrect labels

  • Comment

  • 6. Are all spare ways labelled?

  • Comment

  • Spare ways not labelled

  • Recommendation - Fit labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non labelled spare ways

  • 7. Are all labels fixed with nuts and bolts?

  • Labels not fitted with nuts and bolts

  • Recommendation - mechanically fix labels with nuts and bolts

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of labels not fitted with nuts and bolts

  • Comment

  • Now remove DB cover

  • Picture of DB with cover removed

  • 8. Are all circuit cables identified with "z" type Critchley markers?

  • Circuits without 'z' type Critchley markers

  • Recommendation - fit Critchley markets

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuit cables without Critchley markers

  • Comment

  • 9. Are all neutral and earth cables connected to the correct way / sequence?

  • Circuits with neutral and/or earth cables not in correct way/sequence

  • Recommendation - move neutral and/or earth cables into correct way/sequence

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits with neutral and/or earth cables not in correct way/sequence

  • Comment

  • 10. Are all cables terminated correctly, e.g. no exposed copper?

  • Circuits with cables not terminated correcty

  • Recommendation - Re-terminate cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables not terminated correctly

  • Comment

  • 11. Are all cables correctly coloured?

  • Circuits with incorrect cable colours

  • Recommendation - Sleeve cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables of incorrect colour

  • Comment

  • 12. Are all cables neatly dressed in the board?

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cables not dressed neatly

  • Comment

  • Circuits not dressed neatly in the board

  • Recommendation - Re-dress cables

  • 13. Are there cable ties present? Circuits bundled together with cable ties?

  • Circuits bundled with cable ties

  • Recommendation - Remove cable ties

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of circuits bundled with cable ties

  • Comment

  • 14. Is the board bonded correctly?

  • How is the board currently bonded?

  • Recommendation -

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of current bonding

  • Comment

  • 15. Are all spare ways fitted with a blank fuse base?

  • Ways not fitted with a blank fuse base

  • Recommendation - Fit blank fuse bases

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of ways not fitted with blank fuse bases

  • Comment

  • 16. Are all red pips in place on fuse carrier?

  • Fuse carriers without red pips

  • Recommendation - Fit red pips

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of fuse carriers without red pips

  • Comment

  • 17. Are all fuse finishes and cable guards in place?

  • Fuse finishes not in place

  • Recommendation - Fit fuse finishes

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of fuse finishes not in place

  • Comment

  • Cable guards not in place

  • Recommendation - Fit cable guards

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of cable guards not in place

  • Comment

  • 18. Do doors operate and close securely?

  • Door stiff

  • Recommendation - Lubricate door

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of door

  • Comment

  • Door seal damaged/missing

  • Recommendation - Fit new door seal

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of damaged/missing door seal

  • Comment

  • Locking mechanism loose

  • Comment

  • Recommendation - Tighten/re-secure locking mechanism

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose locking mechanism

  • Locking mechanism worn/broken

  • Recommendation - Replace locking mechanism

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of worn/broken mechanism

  • Comment

  • 19. Is the DB clean and free from any debris?

  • Recommendation - Vacuum out DB

  • Snag Category

  • Picture of debris

  • Comment

  • 20. Is an earth bar present within the DB?

  • Recommendation - Install earth bar

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing no earth bar present

  • Comment

  • 21. Is the circuit schedule present?

  • Recommendation - Produce and install circuit schedule

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing no circuit schedule present

  • Comment

  • 22. Are all screws and fixings present?

  • What screws and fixings are missing?

  • Recommendation - fit missing screws and fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing missing screws and fixings

  • Comment

  • 23. Is enclosure damaged/deteriorated so as to impair safety? (621.2 (iii))

  • Recommendation - replace enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing damage/deterioration to enclosure

  • Comment

  • 24. Are there signs of surface rust on the enclosure?

  • Recommendation - remove surface rust, seal and paint enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing surface rust

  • Comment

  • 25. Is the DB securely fixed?

  • Existing fixings are loose

  • Recommendation - tighten existing fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose fixings

  • Comment

  • Some of the existing fixings are missing

  • Recommendation - replace missing fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing missing fixings

  • Comment

  • Existing fixings inadequate

  • Recommendation - install new fixings

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of existing inadequate fixings

  • Comment

  • 26. Is there adequate working space / accessibility to consumer unit / distribution board? (132.1.2; 513.1)

  • Door/Cover obstructed and cannot be opened fully

  • Comment

  • Recommendation -

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing obstruction

  • Insufficient space between consumer unit/distribution board and wall/other equipment.

  • Recommendation - Relocate consumer unit/DB

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing insufficient space

  • Comment

  • 27. Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of IP rating etc (416.2)

  • Door/cover/access panel seals missing or deteriorated

  • Recommendation - replace seals

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of missing/deteriorated seals

  • Comment

  • Penetrations in enclosure not adequately sealed

  • Recommendation - seal penetrations

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of penetrations not adequately sealed

  • Comment

  • Enclosure type not suitable for application

  • Recommendation - Replace enclosure with suitably IP rated enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non suitable enclosure

  • Comment

  • 28. Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of fire rating etc (526.5)

  • Penetrations in enclosure not adequately sealed

  • Recommendation - seal penetrations

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of penetrations not adequately sealed

  • Comment

  • Enclosure type not suitable for application

  • Recommendation - Replace enclosure with suitably fire rated enclosure

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of non suitable enclosure

  • Comment

  • 29. Is the RCD quarterly test notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.12.2)

  • Recommendation - Perform RCD quarterly test and display test notice

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing no quarterly RCD test notice present

  • Comment

  • 30. Is a non-standard (mixed) cable colour warning notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.14)

  • Recommendation - produce and install non-standard cable colour warning notice

  • Snag Category

  • Picture showing non-standard cable colour warning notice not present

  • Comment

  • 31. Is an alternative supply warning notice present at or near consumer unit / distribution board (514.15)

  • Recommendation - produce and install alternative supply warning notice

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing alternative supply warning notice not present

  • Comment

  • 32. Is all other required labelling present? (Please specify) (Section 514)

  • Required Labels

  • Recommendation - produce and install required labels

  • Sang Category

  • Pictures showing other required labels not present

  • Comment

  • 33. Are there any open holes in DB enclosure?

  • Recommendation - seal open holes

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of open holes in DB enclosure

  • Comment

  • 34. Are there any redundant circuits, breaker and or labels?

  • Redundant circuit/circuits

  • Redundant circuits

  • Recommendation - remove redundant circuits

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant circuits

  • Comment

  • Redundant breaker/breakers

  • Redundant breakers

  • Recommendation - remove redundant breakers and fit appropriate blanks

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant breakers

  • Comment

  • Redundant labels

  • Redundant labels

  • Recommendation - remove redundant labels

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing redundant labels

  • Comment

  • 35. Are there any sign of burn marks and or overheating?

  • Recommendation - carry out thermal imaging survey to determine overheating cause

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing burn marks or signs of overheating

  • Comment

  • Circuits showing burn marks or signs of overheating

  • 36. Are all unused holes/slots blanked off?

  • Recommendation - fit appropriate blanks/covers

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing unused holes/slots not blanked off

  • Comment

  • 37. Are SWA’s fitted with banjos & fly leads?

  • No banjos fitted

  • Recommendation - fit missing banjos

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing circuits/cables with no banjos fitted

  • Comment

  • Circuits/cables with no banjos fitted

  • No fly leads fitted

  • Circuits with no fly leads fitted

  • Recommendation - fit missing fly leads

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing circuits/cables with no fly leads fitted

  • Comment

  • 38. Are SWA glands tight and of the correct type?

  • SWA Glands loose

  • Circuits/cables with loose SWA glands

  • Recommendation - tighten glands

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of loose SWA glands

  • Comment

  • Glands not of the correct type

  • Circuits/cables with incorrect gland type

  • Recommendation - fit correct glands

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing incorrect glands

  • Comment

  • 39. Are MICC Cables sleeved correctly? Correct Colours etc?

  • Recommendation - re-sleeve cables

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures showing incorrectly sleeved MICC cables

  • Comment

  • 40. Are all MICC pots & seal terminated correctly?

  • Recommendation - re-terminate pots

  • Snag Category

  • Pictures of incorrectly terminated MICC's

  • Comment

Cubical Boards

  • Are there any cubical boards within the room?

  • Click here to add a cubical board

Busbar Chambers


Isolators Combined Fuse Switches

Intake / Service Head

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.