Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • LAS Trainee being certified

Opening Certification

  • Who is completing the certification?

  • Conducted on

Closing Certification

  • Who is completing the certification?

  • Conducted on

Review Evidence

  • Has the MIC obtained First Aid certificate?

  • When are they booked in to get it?

  • Has the MIC obtained Food Safety certificate?

  • Has the MIC completed all of their LAS modules and uploaded evidence?

Opening (Area Coach or RGM)

Before Opening the Restaurant

  • Did MIC Complete cash management process, verify safe and set up tills?

  • Did MIC Conduct AM inventory count and investigate large variances?

  • Did MIC Print prep guide and calculate prep needs for the opening shift?

After Opening the Restaurant (Before Peak, 11AM)

  • Complete this section before proceeding to the next section

TRED Completed to standard?

  • Date is correct?

  • Are Targets Set: Sales, SWS, VOC, Shift Goals?

  • Rush and Equipment ready for peak?

  • Is deployment filled in following guidelines?

  • Did MIC Complete DFSC?

Does MIC Assess zone touchpoints?

  • Front Counter

  • Drive-Thru

  • On the Line

  • Frying and Prep

  • Were any of the above questions answered "No"?

  • Discuss opportunities with MIC before peak

  • Notes

  • MIC Acknowledgement

Talk into position, Talk out of position

  • Did MIC TIPTOP team members?

  • Did MIC set targets for TM when talking into position?

  • Did MIC check in with TMs checking progress on targets?

  • Did MIC include safety in TIPTOP?

  • Did MIC provide recognition/coaching when talking out of position?

Food Safety Check

  • Team Members are not observed working with symptoms of illness or infection?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are proper hand washing procedure followed? (Consider At Standard if it is coached)

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are COLD temperature controlled for safety foods held under 5 degrees?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are HOT temperature controlled for safety foods held above 57 degrees?

  • Are TIME controlled for safety foods using ONLY time for safety documented and held within four hour time?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Is food cooked to above 74 degrees and recorded on cook chart?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are Spoiled foods or ingredients NOT IN USE and for sale?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are cross contamination or conditions that could lead to cross contamination not present?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are sinks and buckets held at proper sanitizer concentration and are test strips available?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Is Prep guide is used and initialled by MIC?

Safety and Security

  • Are backdoor procedures followed?

  • Is safe always locked when not in use, no cash is left unattended outside of safe?

  • Has everyone on shift completed this periods SSB

Administration and Demonstration

  • Can MIC pull up certification report and show all employees on shift have the required certifications complete (14 and 90 days)?

  • Can MIC explain the importance of the DFSC?

  • Can MIC explain 3 different ways an employee can trigger overtime?

  • Can MIC demonstrate thermometre calibration?

  • Can MIC locate and explain the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)?

  • Can MIC explain where to go or what to do in the case of an evacuation or bomb threat?

  • Can MIC physically access the allergen information or pull it up and print it from TacoNet?

  • Can MIC explain the purpose and benefits of the prep guide?

  • Does MIC knows how many hours does an employee works before they are entitled to a rest pause (10 minute break)?

  • Does MIC knows how many hours does an employee works before they are entitled to a meal break (30 minute break)?

  • Can MIC locate the employee enterprise agreement?

  • Can MIC log a MEX job?

  • MEX an item as a demonstration, if it is not needed, delete it

  • Can MIC can log a helpdesk job?

  • Helpdesk an item as a demonstration, if it is not needed, delete it

  • Does MIC know who ASL is and how/when they need to contact them?

  • Does MIC have a DoneSafe account and can demonstrate how to record an incident?

  • DoneSafe an incident as a demonstration, and contact ASL to have it removed

  • Does MIC have a DoneSafe account and can demonstrate how to record a hazard?

  • DoneSafe a hazard as a demonstration, and contact ASL to have it removed


  • Has the LAS Trainee sucessfully opened the store without significant errors?

  • Did the MIC changeover tills?

  • Did the MIC investigate any cash variances?

  • Did the MIC assign and change tills properly without causing delays?

  • Did the MIC deposit drops properly?

  • Did the MIC complete the safe count with the closing MIC?

  • Did the MIC complete all thawing to standard?

  • Did the MIC complete all the orders before leaving?

  • Did the MIC review and update TRED board for PM shift?

  • Did the MIC complete the changeover count and investigate large variances?

  • Did the MIC ensure all dishes were cleared and sink was set up for PM shift?


  • Is the LAS Trainee closing the store today?

  • If you were the MIC, would you consider the changeover satisfactory? Would you let the opening MIC leave their shift?

  • Did the LAS Trainee hold opening manager accountable to changeover and keep them back until work is completed?

  • Give the MIC up to 1 hour to finish DFSC and take over to correct any discrepancies before continuing with the rest of this page

  • Has MIC completed DFSC?

  • Complete a Food Safety self CORE

  • What result did the MIC recieve for the FS audit?

  • Complete a Operations CORE (If you order food, order a box and save it for later in the certification)

  • What result did the MIC recieve for the OPS Audit?

  • Review results with MIC

Closing the Restaurant (Area Coach or PCL)

  • Is the TRED board set up correctly following deployment guidelines?

Assess Zone Touchpoints

  • Would you consider Front Counter set up for success?

  • Would you consider Drive-Thru set up for success?

  • Would you consider The Line set up for success?

  • Would you consider Fry and Prep set up for success?

Speed With Service

  • Every Hour throughout peak, check DT hourly average?

  • At 6PM check speed from 5:00-6:00 what is the result?

  • At 7PM check speed from 6:00-7:00 what is the result?

  • At 8PM check speed from 7:00-8:00 what is the result?

  • Are TMs pushing for VOC responses?

  • Is MIC following up and coaching?

  • Is MIC addressing bottlenecks if there are any?

Product Management

  • Did the MIC run out of product?

  • What did they run out of?

  • Is the team comunicating with the Fry TM to prevent runouts?

  • Is MIC actively coaching the team on communicating?

  • Is MIC providing feedback on portioning?

  • Is MIC enforcing OYZ to maintain a clean store?

Placing an order

  • Place a box meal online (Or Dine In with a number) and see if quality standards are met

  • Did you recieve what you ordered?

  • Did the order come in a box?

  • Was the burrito wrapped correctly with a smile, and meet weight standards?

  • Was the taco full, craveable and meet weight standards?

  • Were extras provided in the box?

Food Safety Check

  • Team Members are not observed working with symptoms of illness or infection

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are proper hand washing procedure followed? (Consider At Standard if it is coached)

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are COLD temperature controlled for safety foods held under 5 degrees?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are HOT temperature controlled for safety foods held above 57 degrees?

  • Are TIME controlled for safety foods using ONLY time for safety documented and held within four hour time?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Is food that must be cooked to above 74 degrees and recorded on cook chart?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are Spoiled foods or ingredients are NOT IN USE and for sale

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are cross contamination or conditions that could lead to cross contamination not present?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Are proper sanitizer sink and buckets concentration and test strips available?

  • Inform the trainee that there was a significant food safety breach, at this time they cannot proceed with their certification and the certifier will need to step in and take over for the remainder of the shift. They will have their certification re-booked for another date.

  • Is prep guide is used and initialled by MIC?

Closing The Restaurant

  • Did the MIC compromise food safety throughout closing the restaurant?

  • Did the MIC compromise the customer experience throughout closing the restaurant?

  • Did the MIC deligate out closing tasks/checklists to closing team?

  • Did the MIC check and actions any emails from the day (including closing complaints)?

  • Did the MIC check if any additional thawing was needed?

  • Did the MIC complete the workflow for the day?

  • Did the MIC complete a final food safety walk, discarding any OOD product and recording it into MMX?

  • Did the MIC verify carryover was completed to standard?

  • Did the MIC verify that Fry was closed to standard?

  • Did the MIC verify that Dining room was closed to standard?

  • Did the MIC complete a closing security walk when locking the front door, checking restrooms and patio (if applicable)?

After Close

  • Did the MIC verify that washup and BOH close was completed to standard?

  • Did the MIC verify that Line was closed to standard?

  • Did the MIC complete the closing count and investigate large variances?

  • Did the MIC complete cash management process, verify safe and reconcile tills?

  • Did the MIC communicate any issues to the opening manager (if applicable)?

  • Did the MIC conduct a final security walk, turn off lights and equipment and set alarm before leaving the store?

Final Decision

Opening Certification

  • LAS Trainee passed Cerification

  • Certifier

  • Comments from shift

Closing Certification

  • LAS Trainee passed Certification

  • Certifier

  • Comments from shift

  • Comments have been discussed with the trainee and they are ready to be certified

  • LAS Trainee

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.