Title Page
Prepared by
Management Summary
Site type
Pre-settlement risks
Actions required
Post-settlement risks
Actions required
Overall risks
Significant capital investment (>$20k)
Regulatory Approvals
Does the site operate under an regulatory approval i.e. EPA Licence, permit, authorisation?
Provide details of approval
Is a copy of the regulatory approval available onsite?
Is the operation in conformity with all licence conditions?
If not, specify areas of non-conformance.
Is the site required to prepare and maintain a Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP)?
Is a hardcopy of the Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) available onsite?
What date was the Pollution Incident Response Management Plan (PIRMP) last tested?
Is there a Council Planning development approval?
Provide details of planning approval
Is the operation in conformity with permit conditions?
If not, specify areas of non-conformance.
Has the site been subject to regulatory enforcement action over the past 12 mths
Describe nature of action and outcome
Environmental Aspects
Is there an Environmental Management Plan for the site
Are procedures in the EMP being adhered to?
Are records on environmental monitoring available?
When the EMP last reviewed?
How many complaints has the site received in the past 12 mths
Describe the nature of the complaint(s)
Does the site maintain a complaints register?
Is there any onsite power generation?
Please select
- Solar
- Wind
- Fuel powered generator
- Other
What size solar system (in kW)
Is there any bulk fuel storage onsite
Is the bulk storage bunded and spill kits available?
Describe noise generating areas onsite?
Are there any risks of offsite noise impacts?
Are noise management procedures in place?
Are actions being implemented as per the noise management procedure?
Describe odour generating areas onsite?
Are there any risk of offsite odour impacts?
Are odour management procedures in place?
Are actions being implemented as per the odour management procedure?
Describe dust generating areas onsite?
Are there any risk of offsite dust impacts?
Are dust management procedures in place?
Are actions being implemented as per the dust management procedure?
Describe current water inputs to site operations.
- Mains water
- Stormwater
- Recycled water
- Surface water
Describe recycling treatment system
Is water use metered?
What water inputs are metered?
- Mains water
- Stormwater
- Recycled water
- Surface water
What is the total daily, weekly, monthly or annual water use
Does the site understand their water demand?
Estimated water demand
Other comments
Describe how stormwater is managed onsite.
Is stormwater collection infrastructure good working condition?
Is there any risk of effluent entering stormwater collection?
Other comments
Describe how chemicals are stored onsite
Describe types of chemicals stored onsite
Are chemicals stored compatible for storage together
Are spill kits available and adequately stocked?
Is there any evidence of spills or contamination to ground
Other comments
Describe the waste generation points at the site?
Describe the frequency of pen cleaning activities
Describe method for cleaning (i.e. dry scraping, hose down etc.)
Describe how manure is managed onsite?
- Unmanaged stockpile
- Windrowed and turned
Describe manure turning regime
Is there a dedicated manure waste storage / stockpiling area?
Is this located on a bunded impermeable pad with leachate collection?
Is the stockpile covered?
Other comments
Describe the effluent treatment system
- Basic screening
- Biological treatment (Pond system)
- Tertiary treatment
- Discharge to trade waste
- Effluent irrigation to land
- Re-use in process
Is a trade waste agreement in place
Is the site utilising effluent irrigation for cropping?
Describe cropping regime
Describe the condition of the ponds i.e. floating sludge, freeboard, condition of batters (erosion/scouring) etc.
Describe visual observations of the condition and operation of effluent treatment equipment and infrastructure.
Is there any critical equipment that is not operating or requiring replacement?
Describe equipment and function
How long has the equipment been offline?
Other comments
Specify what sampling regimes are in place
- Wastewater
- Groundwater
- Soil
- Surface water
- Fodder
- Dust
- Noise
- Other
Describe samples collected and frequency
Describe samples collected and frequency
Describe samples collected and frequency
Describe samples collected and frequency
Describe samples collected and frequency
Describe sampling method and frequency
Describe sampling method and frequency
Are records maintained for sampling results
Were gaps were observed?
Has the site prepared a water balance
Has the site assessed nutrient balance (applicable where effluent is applied to land)?
Were staff aware of environmental obligations?
Describe level of knowledge
Describe level of knowledge
Has environmental awareness training been delivered in the past 12 mths?