Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Site Review

Site offices

  • Are site managers available

  • Is site Secure / Is the work fenced off from the public?

  • Are Site records accessible

  • Are the site information boards up to date

  • First aid kit and first aid staff named

  • Accident Book

  • Emergency alarm

  • Site welfare

Traffic/Pedestrian Control

  • Are pedestrians separated from traffic routes

  • Goods inward compound

  • Loads slung and secured correctly

  • Access angles /dangerous slopes


  • Is there enough support for the excavation, or has it been<br>sloped or battered back to a safe angle?

  • Is a safe method used for putting in the support, without<br>people working in an unsupported trench?

  • Is there safe access into the excavation, eg a sufficiently<br>long, secured ladder?

  • Are there barriers or other protection to stop people and<br>vehicles falling in?

  • Are properly secured stop blocks provided to prevent tipping<br>vehicles falling in?

  • Could the excavation affect the stability of neighbouring<br>structures or services?

  • Are materials, spoil and plant stored away from the edge of<br>the excavation to reduce the chance of a collapse?

  • Is the excavation regularly inspected by a competent person?


  • Are suitable fire extinguishers provided?

  • Is the quantity of flammable materials, liquids and gases<br>kept to a minimum?

  • Are they properly stored?

  • Are flammable gas cylinders returned to a ventilated store at<br>the end of the shift?

  • When gas cylinders are not in use, are the valves fully<br>closed?

  • Are gas cylinders, associated hoses and equipment properly<br>maintained and in good condition?

  • Is flammable and combustible waste removed regularly and<br>stored in suitable bins or skips?

  • Are smoking and other ignition sources banned in areas<br>where gases or flammable liquids are stored or used?

Tools and machinery

  • Are the right tools or machinery being used for the job?

  • Are all dangerous parts guarded, eg gears, chain drives,<br>projecting engine shafts?

  • Are guards secured and in good repair?

  • Are tools and machinery maintained in good repair and are<br>all safety devices operating correctly?

  • Are all operators trained and competent?

Hazardous substances (COSHH) CIS26 / NDG304 /

  • Have workers had information and training so they know<br>what the risks are from the hazardous substances used and<br>produced on site, and what they need to do to avoid those<br>risks?

  • Have you got procedures to prevent contact with wet<br>cement (as this can cause dermatitis and cement burns)?

  • Have you arranged health surveillance for people using<br>certain hazardous substances (eg lead, silica, cement,<br>sensitisers such as two-­pack adhesives or coatings)?

Noise INDG362

  • Have you identified and assessed workers’ exposure to<br>noise?

  • Have workers had information and training so they know<br>what the risks are from noise on site, and what they need to<br>do to avoid those risks?

  • Can the noise be reduced by using different working<br>methods or selecting quieter plant, eg by fitting breakers<br>and other plant or machinery with silencers?

  • Are people not involved in the work kept away from the<br>source of the noise?

  • Is suitable hearing protection provided and worn in noisy<br>areas?

  • Have hearing protection zones been marked?

  • Have you arranged health surveillance for people exposed to<br>high levels of noise?

Hand­-arm vibration INDG175/ INDG296

  • Have you limited the time that each worker uses high-vibration tools such as concrete breakers, angle<br>grinders or hammer drills as far as possible?

  • Have workers had information and training so they know<br>what the risks are from hand­arm vibration (HAV) on site,<br>and what they need to do to avoid those risks?

  • Have vibrating tools been properly maintained including<br>keeping bits and drills sharp?

  • Have you arranged health surveillance for people exposed to<br>high levels of hand­-arm vibration, especially when exposed<br>for long periods?

Electricity and other services

  • Are all connections to the system properly made and are<br>suitable plugs used?

  • Are you using low voltage for tools and equipment, eg<br>battery ­operated tools or low ­voltage systems?

  • Are cables and leads protected from damage?

  • Are tools and equipment checked by users, visually<br>examined on site and regularly inspected and tested by a<br>competent person?

  • Have hidden electricity cables and other services been<br>located (eg with a locator and plans) and marked, and have<br>you taken precautions for safe working?

  • Where there are overhead lines, has the electricity supply<br>been turned off, or have other precautions been taken, such<br>as providing ‘goal posts’ or taped markers?

  • Have all necessary services been provided on site before<br>work begins and have you also identified existing services<br>present on site (eg electric cables or gas mains) and taken<br>effective steps, if necessary, to prevent danger from them?

Site observations

  • general tidiness

  • dust extraction /suppression

  • PPE

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.