Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Good arrangements to deal with visitors/arrivals? (booking in procedures)
Induction Training - Adequate and Organised? (Site records being kept - inspector to check against site records)
Workers briefed & aware of risks from neighbouring areas?
Administration & Statutory inspections
Risk assessments, method statements, COSHH, noise assessments held on site?
H&S Plan, site rules, notices & H&S law poster on site?
Ares statutory register, permits to work, site diaries - available and used appropriately?
Are 'YoungsPersons' employed on this project and if so, are they properly supervised?
Have there been any recorded accidents or near misses? If yes, then enter brief details below.
Is there suitable and sufficient toilets, washrooms,eating area, food warmers etc available for site operatives?
Is there a sufficient number of first aiders available on site?
Are there sufficient first aid boxes, eye wash stations available on site. if so are they clearly displayed and regularly checked?
Are the names of the nominated first aiders clearly displayed?
Is there suitable and sufficient storage for hazardous and flammable substances?
Are LPG containers (full and empty) stored in the correct location?
Are materials and equipment store areas clean & tidy, with stored materials stable and with suitable pedestrian routes?
Are all operatives in possession of the required forms of PPE (Safety helmets, boots, hi-viz clothing)
Wet weather clothing, footwear available for use?
Are appropriate inspections and checks being carried out and recorded for Safety Harnesses?
is there sufficient replacement for PPE available on site?
Were all site operatives wearing the appropriate PPE and was it being worn in the correct manner/
Plant Equipment and Training
Are copies of operator licenses/ training certificates for FLTs, MEWPs etc. held in the site office?
Has a site specific Transport Risk Assessment been completed?
Have safe pedestrian segregation routes been identified?
Are all tool and machinery guards for woodworking m/c, stile saws etc. correctly fitted?
Have all portable appliances been PAT tested?
Are there any signs of damage to cables?
Is there suitable hoardings to protect members of the public
Are suitable and sufficient safety and directional signs displayed appropriately?
Is there suitable controls over the pedestrian/vehicle access and traffic management.
Has a site specific fire risk assessment been completed?
Are all emergency evacuation routes and doors clear and safe to use?
Are work areas kept in a clean and tidy condition?
Work Activities
Is work at height effectively planned by Risk Assessment?
Are all forms of access to working at height kept clean and in a workable condition?
Are all operatives working in a safe manner?
Are all FLT movements under the control of a trained banks man?
Are all external works sufficiently segregated to protect store staff and customers?
Have all trip hazards, trailing & overhead cables been safely managed?
Are all operatives aware of any potential asbestos hazards?
Have suitable and sufficient COSHH assessments been completed with records held on site?
Have manual handling risks been assessed & reduced?
Is there sufficient general, task and emergency lighting in all areas?
Is the site manager aware of any enforcement notices or local agreements covering noise, or other environmental issues?
Have there been any complaints from store management or neighbours?
Is there a suitable Site Waste Management Plan?
Are waste management transfer notes documented?
Are there suitable skips to sort waste streams?
Is there adequate safe access to load skips