


  • DATE :

  • Site Location :
  • Inspected By :

  • Client :

  • Project Manager :

1. Project Documentation

  • All personnel inducted

  • Daily Prestart Meetings held each morning and minuted

  • Safety and Construction notices/signs prominently displayed

  • Emergency procedure displayed and evacuation point signed

  • SWMS in place and signed

  • Foremen's diaries up to date and suitable detailed

2. Housekeeping

  • Housekeeping adequate

  • Regular disposal of waste and rubbish

  • Adequate access around site

  • Adequate lighting

  • Timber de-nailed

  • Oil and greases removed

  • Ablution facilities adequate and clean

  • Drinking water available

  • Recycle bins in place

3. First Aid

  • First Aid kits on site

  • First Aid supplies adequate

  • Emergency contact numbers displayed

4. Fire Prevention

  • Fire extinguishers in place and tags current

  • Good housekeeping

  • NO SMOKING signs posted and enforced

5. Electrical

  • Electrical dangers posted ie. Overhead wires

  • RCD units in use

  • Electrical leads and tools tested and tagged

  • Electrical leads elevated off the ground to remove tripping and damage risk

6. Hand Tools

  • Proper tool being used for each job - no improvisation

  • Neat storage, safe carrying methods

  • Inspection and maintenance

  • Damaged tools repaired and replaced promptly

7. Ladders

  • Ladders inspected and in good use

  • Only Industrial ladders in use on site

  • Properly secured, top and bottom

  • Side rails fixed ladders extend above top landing

  • Step ladders fully open in use

  • Metal ladders not used around electrical hazards

  • Proper maintenance and storage

  • Ladders extended past landings by 1m

  • Top 3 rungs not in use

8. Scaffolding

  • Erection under proper supervision & scafftag in place

  • All structural members adequate for use

  • All connections adequate

  • Safe tie-in structure

  • Ladders and working areas free of debris, grease

  • Proper footings provided

  • Passers-by protected from falling objects

  • Supports plumb, adequate cross bracing provided

  • Guard rails and toe boards in place and secure

9. Cranes & Rigging

  • SWMS in place for working with cranes

  • Rigging gear in good condition and stored properly

  • All items in rigging register

  • Harnesses tested band tagged

  • Suitable support/ground conditions under cranes

  • Outriggers fully extended on hydraulic cranes

  • Power lines inactivated, removed or at safe distance

  • Proper loading for capacity at lifting radius

  • Correct load chart in crane

  • All equipment properly lubricated and maintained, daily prestart inspections complete

  • Crane operators have correct certification

  • Dogmen have correct certification

  • Communication adequate between Dogmen and operator

  • Check manual override system not in use

10. Heavy Equipment

  • Predelivery inspection completed and items in Plant Register

  • Lights, brakes, warning signals operative

  • Wheels chocked when necessary

  • Operator has required certificates

  • Haul roads well maintained and laid out properly

  • Protection when equipment is not in use

  • Seat belts fitted and used

  • Fire extinguishers fitted and checked

  • Access in good state of repair

  • Regular inspection and maintenance

  • Lubrication and repair of moving parts

  • No cracked or broken windows

  • Hazard lights fitted and used

11. Motor Vehicles

  • Regular inspection and maintenance

  • Qualified operators - correct license

  • Brakes, lights, warning devices operative

  • Personnel carries in a safe manner

  • Hazard lights fitted and used

12. Marine Equipment

  • SWMS in place for work around water

  • Waterways rules and regulations observed

  • Registration, stability details, v sheet, flare kit in place

  • Life jackets - adequate type, qty available and in use

  • Life preservers/buoys - rescue plan in place

  • Fire protection on board

  • Spill kit on board

  • Floating pipelines, walkways and handrails

  • Handrails aboard vessels

  • Decks clear, free of oil and grease

  • Lights

  • Safe access on and off vessel

  • Suitable safe storage of materials onboard

13. Equipment Maintenance

  • Planned maintenance and inspection program

  • Adequate equipment records

  • Proper oils, fuels, lubricants used

14. Containers & Stores

  • Fires hazards

  • Dispensing of fuels and lubricants

  • Good housekeeping

  • Lighting

  • Material containers are correctly labelled

  • Fire extinguishers in place

15. Barricades

  • Penetrations suitably protects or barricaded

  • Roadways and walkways effectively protected

  • Adequate lighting provided

  • Traffic controlled

16. Handling & Storage of Materials

  • Neat storage area, clear access

  • Materials neatly stacked

  • Stacks on firm footing, not too high

  • Correct manual handing procedures

  • Materials protected from what and moisture

  • Fire extinguishers

  • Traffic routing and control

17. Excavating & Shoring

  • Shoring or battering where depth exceeds 1.5 meters

  • Materials not too close to edge of excavation

  • Spoil material well back from edge

  • Plant and equipment well back on edge

  • Water controlled

  • Equipment at safe distance from edge

  • Ladders or stairs provide for access

  • Equipment ramps adequate, slope not to great

18. Demolition

  • Correct procedures in place

19. Pile Driving

  • Proper storage procedures

  • Plant Inspections completed & items on Plant Register

  • Correct unloading and storage

  • Chains, slings etc. in operating condition

  • Pile driving rigs properly supported

  • Ladders on frames

  • Proper bracing and ties in current

  • Spill kits in place

  • Hoses in good condition

  • Hoses with safety chains connected

20. Hazardous Materials

  • All containers clearly identified

  • Proper storage practices observed

  • MSDS available for all hazardous materials

  • Hazardous substance risk assessments (SF012) completed

  • Fire hazards checked and suitable fire extinguishers in place

  • Suitable PPE available as per MSDS requirements

  • Fuel delivery and storage adequate

  • Trolleys for moving gas cylinders

  • All cylinders secured upright and stored correctly

21. Welding & Cutting

  • Qualified operators

  • Screens and shields

  • Goggles, gloves , clothing

  • Equipment inn good operating condition

  • Power cables protected and in good repair

  • Fire extinguishers neardby

  • Cart for moving cylinders

  • All cylinders secures upright

  • Hot works permit in place

22. Work at Heights

  • SWMS in place for work at heights activities

  • Harness worn correctly

  • Fall arrest system suitable for height of fall

  • Anchor points suitable

  • Suitable rescue plan in place in case of fall

23. Concrete Construction

  • Forms properly installed and braced as per drawings

  • Adequate shoring, plumbed and cross braced

  • Shoeing remains in place until strength in attained

  • Proper curing period and procedures

  • Mixing and transporting equipment supported and traffic planned and routed

  • Nails and striped form material removed from area

  • Suitable handrailing and fall protection in place

  • Suitable concrete washout facility on place and used

  • REO and z-bar capped

24. Traffic

  • TMP in place as required

  • Signage, barriers, traffic controllers in place as per TMP

  • Suitable pedestrians and vehicle access around work area

  • Equipment not blocking right of way

  • Dust control

  • Adequate lighting

25. Entry into Confined Space

  • Statutory regulations observed

  • Confined space entry permit in place

26. Compressors and Compressed Air Tools

  • Equipment adequately silenced

  • Equipment adequately maintained

  • Safety chains and clips fitted on hoses

27. Environmental

  • EMP on site and in use

  • Silt fences in place and maintained

  • Dust and noise acceptable

  • Spill kits in place and well stocked

  • Concrete wash out sump in place and signed

  • Fire ant controls in place (if required)

  • All other EMP controls in place


  • Action Required

  • Responsibility

  • When

  • Completed

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.