
  • Conducted on

  • Site

  • Prepared by

  • Accompanied By

01 General Responsibilities

1.1 Site Access

  • 1.1.2 Is the site protected all round by fencing, walls or concrete blocks?

  • Does the perimeter prevent unauthorized access to all areas of the site?

  • Does the perimeter protect all items of equipment and materials from theft or external damage?

  • Is the fencing/hoarding suitable and free from damage?

  • Does the fencing prevent unauthorized access to all areas of the site?

  • Does the fencing protect all items of equipment and materials from theft or external damage?

  • When was the hoarding/fencing last checked for structural strength?

  • Notify site team that hoarding posts should be inspected every 6 months or after severe weather for signs of rotting or play at the base, movement on any of the cross rails or loosening of the panels.

  • 1.1.3 Are there mandatory PPE signs displayed at all site entrances?

  • 1.1.4 Are there separate site entrances for vehicles and pedestrians?

  • 1.1.5 Is the site entrance area clear from obstructions and generally tidy?

  • 1.1.6 Is the site office signposted or clearly accessible from the entrance?

  • 1.1.7 Are there clearly marked pedestrian and vehicle routes around the site office and welfare areas?

  • Are the routes protected by suitable barriers?

  • Are the crossing points marked with goal posts or crossing gates?

  • Are the routes clear from obstructions or hazards?

  • Are the routes across firm ground, without mud or puddles?

  • Have vehicles been prevented from entering the pedestrian routes?

1.2 Site Office and Welfare Units

  • 1.2.1 Is a site notice board clearly displayed?

  • Is the HSWA poster displayed and up to date?

  • Are up to date insurance certificates displayed?

  • Is the emergency contact list displayed and up to date?

  • Are the first aid details up to date and displayed?

  • Is the site layout plan up to date and displayed in the site office and welfare areas?

  • Are the site fire points displayed on the plan and upto date?

  • Is the emergency muster point displayed on the plan and upto date?

  • Are key site areas marked on the plan and upto date?

  • 1.2.2 Is the site register completed and being maintained?

  • 1.2.3 Are the welfare facilities adequate size for the number of personnel on site?

  • 1.2.4 Is there a drying room available or a changing area?

  • 1.2.5 Are the kitchen facilities clean and tidy?

  • 1.2.6 Are all the appliances such as kettle, fridge, microwave etc in good working order?

  • 1.2.7 Are there sufficient tables and chairs in the welfare facilities or outside?

1.3. Documents and Records

  • 1.3.1 Are induction briefs being conducted and recorded?

  • 1.3.2 Are all work processes covered by a set of procedures?

  • 1.3.3 Are the procedures supported by a risk assessment?

  • Are they upto date (reviewed within the last 12 months, after an incident or accident or following a significant change to the process)?

  • Have they been signed by all operatives carrying out the task?

  • Do they cover the scope of the works being undertaken at this site?

  • 1.3.4 Are Permits to Work being used on site for higher risk activities?

  • Are any PTW's currently open?

  • Inspect work being undertaken as part of the PTW.

  • Are live permits clearly displayed in the site office?

  • Have expired permits been closed correctly?

  • Were all areas requiring a PTW covered by the correct paperwork during the inspection?

  • 1.3.5 Are plant inspections being undertaken before use and recorded in the site folders?

  • 1.3.6 Are toolbox talks being undertaken and recorded?

  • 1.3.7 Are COVID 19 procedures being followed on site?

1.4. Site Housekeeping

  • 1.4.1 Is there safe access and egress to the site from the site office and welfare areas?

  • 1.4.2 Are the pedestrian and vehicle routes clearly marked and easy to follow?

  • 1.4.3 Are materials being stored on pallets?

  • Are pallets intact and free from damage?

  • Inform site team that broken pallets are not to be lifted or moved. The materials should be used in position or transferred onto another pallet before lifting or craning.

  • Are broken pallets being removed from site and disposed of correctly?

  • 1.4.4 Are materials being stored in bulk/dumpy bags?

  • Are bulk bags/dumpy bags intact with no splits or tears?

  • Do the lifting points on bulk bags/dumpy bags appear intact and free from damage?

  • Are damaged bags being disposed of correctly?

  • 1.4.5 Are sheet materials stored flat on the ground on bearers or secured against falling over?

  • 1.4.6 Are weather sensitive materials or equipment protected from the elements?

  • 1.4.7 Are all items and equipment stored safely?

  • 1.4.8 Are wrapping materials, packing, banding being removed to prevent trip hazards?

02 Accident & Incident Reporting

  • 2.1 Have any accidents or incidents which have occurred on site since the last Quarterly Audit been reported to the HSM or EM?

  • 2.1.1 Has a site investigation been completed?

  • 2.1.2 Is the report available online?

  • 2.1.3 Have any actions raised in the investigation been completed?

  • 2.2 Are the Project Leader, Site Manager and the Installation Leader aware of the RIDDOR process and the types of incidents which require reporting to the HSE or where to get information on the RIDDOR process?

03 Health & Welfare

  • 3.1 Has the HSM been notified of any reports of work related skin conditions, made since the last Quarterly Audit?

  • 3.1.1 What skin conditions have been reported?

  • 3.1.2 Is the individual receiving any medical treatment

  • 3.1.3 Has this person received an individual risk assessment?

  • 3.1.4 Has this person been issued with any additional PPE?

  • 3.1.5 Has this individual been undertaking health surveillance?

  • 3.2 Has the HSM been notified of any reports of blood borne diseases, made since the last Quarterly Audit?

  • 3.2.1 What diseases have been reported?

  • 3.2.2 Are they related to a specific area or activity on site?

  • 3.2.3 Have relevant warning signs been displayed highlighting the hazard in the area?

  • 3.2.4 Has the hazard been included in the site induction briefs?

  • 3.3 Has the HSM been notified of any concerns over the mental health or mental wellbeing of any individuals on site, made since the last Quarterly Audit?

  • 3.3.1 Is a mental health first aider available should the individual request some additional support?

  • 3.3.2 Is the Site Manager aware of how to sign post an individual to relevant support organizations?

  • 3.4 Has the HSM been notified of any reports of individuals on site being suspected or confirmed as under the influence of drugs or alcohol, made since the last Quarterly Audit?

  • 3.4.1 Has the incident been reported to the Operations Director and to HR?

  • 3.4.2 Was it an isolated incident?

04 First Aid & Emergency Procedures

  • 4.1 Is a first aid kit present?

  • 4.1.1 Does the kit contain Plasters, Dressings, Bandages, Scissors, Disposable Gloves, a Face Shield, Cleansing Wipes, Adhesive Tape, Foil Blankets and Eyewash Pods?

  • 4.1.2 Are all items in date?

  • 4.1.3 Have all consumable medications been removed?

  • 4.2 Is there a fully qualified First Aider present on site at all times?

  • 4.3 Has a full fire risk assessment been carried out?

  • 4.4 Are emergency actions included in the induction brief and displayed in key areas?

05 Personal Protective Equipment

  • 5.1 Are all personnel wearing hard hats, boots and hi-viz?

  • 5.2 Is eye protection being worn where required?

  • 5.3 Is hearing protection being worn where required?

  • 5.4 Is RPE being worn where required?

  • 5.5 Are harnesses being worn for any work at height where required?

  • 5.6 Are gloves being worn?

06 Dust & Fumes

  • 6.1 Is dust suppression in place?

  • 6.1.1 Is the correct system in use?

  • 6.1.2 Is it being operated correctly?

  • 6.2 Is dust being suppressed or removed so that it does not become a hazard to operatives and site personnel?

  • 6.3 Is dust being suppressed or removed so that it does not become a nuisance to neighbours or the general public?

07 Noise & Vibration

  • 7.1 Are noisy plant or processes being managed correctly?

  • 7.1.1 Are operatives using the correct PPE?

  • 7.1.2 Have noisy items of equipment been positioned away from work areas where possible?

  • 7.1.3 Have alternative options to reduce operatives' exposure to noise been considered by the site team?

  • 7.1.4 Has the impact of noise upon neighbours or members of the public been considered by the site team?

  • 7.1.5 Have any noise control procedures been put in place by the site team?

  • Are the procedures effective at reducing or controlling noise?

  • Are the procedures being followed by operatives on site?

  • 7.2 Are tools which create a HAVS risk being used on site?

  • 7.2.1 Has a HAVS risk assessment been carried out?

  • 7.2.2 Have control measures been put in place?

  • 7.2.3 Are the control measures effective at reducing the HAVS risk?

  • 8.2.1 Has a HAVS risk assessment been carried out?

  • 8.2.2 Have control measures been put in place?

  • 8.2.3 Are the control measures effective at reducing the HAVS risk?

09 Hazardous Substances

  • 9.1 Are hazardous substances being managed correctly on site?

  • 9.1.1 Are COSHH data sheets available for each item?

  • 9.1.2 Are the items stored in a suitable location iaw the COSHH data sheet?

  • 9.1.3 Have the items been risk assessed so that the lower risk items have been selected for use?

  • 9.1.4 Are operatives aware of the safety precautions and instructions for safe use?

  • 9.1.5 Are the materials being used correctly?

  • 9.1.6 Has the minimum quantity required been removed from storage?

10 Manual Handling

  • 10.1 Are the correct manual handling techniques, for items over 10kg being used on site?

  • 10.1.1 Have materials been positioned to reduce manual handling where necessary?

  • 10.1.2 Have alternative methods been considered which would remove the need for manual handling?

  • 10.1.3 Are manual handling routes free from obstructions and trip hazards?

11 Safety Signs

  • 11.1 Have additional mandatory signs been erected in the correct areas?

  • 11.2 Have additional prohibition signs been erected in the correct areas?

  • 11.3 Have additional hazard warning signs been erected in the correct areas?

  • 11.4 Have additional safe condition signs been erected in the correct areas?

12 Fire Prevention & Control

  • 12.1 Are there sufficient fire points around site?

  • 12.1.1 Does each fire point have a fire stand or fire trolley?

  • 12.1.2 Does each fire point consist of 2 fire extinguishers?

  • 12.1.3 Does each fire point have a horn, bell or alarm call point?

  • 12.1.4 Does each fire point have a fire action notice?

  • 12.2 Does the site have suitable internal or external fire exit routes?

  • 12.2.1 Are the fire exit routes clearly marked and easy to follow?

  • 12.2.2 Are they free from obstructions?

  • 12.2.3 Are they protected by emergency lighting or glow in the dark signage?

  • 12.2.4 Do the fire escape routes pass by a bell, horn or alarm call point?

  • 12.3 Are flammable materials being placed in bins or skips for removal and disposal?

  • 12.4 Are bins being emptied regularly to prevent the build up of flammable materials?

  • 12.5 Are skips stored sufficiently far enough from the buildings/machines to reduce the risk of a fire?

13 Electrical Safety

  • 13.1 Are fixed electrical supplies correctly installed on site?

  • 13.1.1 Are 110v supplies correctly installed on site?

  • 13.1.2 Are 240v supplies only available in site offices and welfare cabins?

  • 13.1.3 Are 400v supplies correctly installed on site?

  • Are the correct warning signs displayed for 400v systems?

  • 13.1.4 Are distribution boxes in good physical condition?

  • 13.1.5 Are the correct electrical hazard warning signs displayed on distribution boxes and key equipment?

  • 13.1.6 Are cable routes above head height in pedestrian areas?

  • 13.1.7 Are cable ramps and warning signs used on vehicle routes?

  • 13.1.8 Are cables in a good condition and free from damage?

  • 13.1.9 Are cables run without stretching, pulling tight or excessive bends/twists?

  • 13.1.10 Are cable routes clear of doors, windows or other cutting/chopping hazards?

  • 13.1.11 Is lighting provided on main access routes and in key work locations?

  • 13.1.12 Is lighting provided at pedestrian crossings, vehicle loading and unloading areas, around the welfare area, and illuminating other key hazards around site?

  • 13.1.13 Has lighting been positioned in a way to prevent it becoming a nuisance to neighbours or the general public?

14 Work Equipment & Hand Held Tools

  • 14.1 Are power tools being used correctly on site?

  • 14.1.1 Are the correct tools being used for the task?

  • 14.1.2 Are tools in a good condition and free from damage?

  • 14.1.3 Is the correct RPE/PPE being worn for each tool?

  • 14.2 Are hand tools being used correctly on site?

  • 14.2.1 Are the correct tools being used for the task?

  • 14.2.2 Are tools in a good condition and free from damage?

  • 14.2.3 Is the correct RPE/PPE being worn for each tool?

  • 14.3 Is processing equipment present on site?

  • 14.3.1 Is the equipment installed in a suitable position?

  • 14.3.2 Is the equipment laid out in a way that promotes ease of access and ease of use?

  • 14.3.3 Is the equipment in good overall condition?

  • 14.3.4 Is cleaning and maintenance being carried out correctly?

  • 14.3.5 Are there sufficient stores and spares held to undertake routine maintenance and repairs?

  • 14.3.6 Are guard rails, steps, working platforms and access equipment set up and being used correctly?

15 Mobile Work Equipment

  • 15.1 Is mobile work equipment being used correctly on site?

  • 15.1.1 What types of mobile work equipment are in use on site?

  • 15.1.2 Is the equipment in a good condition with no visible faults?

  • 15.1.3 Is the equipment being operated in a safe manner iaw site rules?

  • 15.1.4 Are all operatives qualified to operate the equipment?

  • 15.1.5 Are operatives wearing the correct PPE, using seat belts, ROPS or FOPS as required?

  • 15.1.6 Is the correct equipment being used for the task?

  • 15.1.7 Are personnel clear of the operating areas of mobile equipment?

  • 15.1.8 Are parked items of mobile work equipment left in a safe location?

  • 15.1.1 What types of mobile work equipment are in use on site?

  • 15.1.2 Is the equipment in a good condition with no visible faults?

  • 15.1.3 Is the equipment being operated in a safe manner iaw site rules?

  • 15.1.4 Are all operatives qualified to operate the equipment?

  • 15.1.5 Are operatives wearing the correct PPE, using seat belts, ROPS or FOPS as required?

  • 15.1.6 Is the correct equipment being used for the task?

  • 15.1.7 Are personnel clear of the operating areas of mobile equipment?

  • 15.1.8 Are parked items of mobile work equipment left in a safe location?

16 Lifting Operations & Equipment

  • 16.1 Are lifting operations being conducted safely on site?

  • 16.1.1 Has a lift plan been completed and issued by the lift supervisor?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until a Lift Plan has been completed and briefed to all operatives.

  • 16.1.2 Have all operatives read and signed the lift plan?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until a Lift Plan has been completed and briefed to all operatives.

  • 16.1.3 Is the crane suitable for the type of lift?

  • Stop craning activities immediately while an assessment of the crane and lift plan is undertaken.

  • 16.1.4 Is the crane in date for inspection?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until the inspection date has been confirmed.

  • 16.1.5 Are the lifting slings, strops, chains or equipment in date for test?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until the lifting equipment has been tested and confirmed as safe to use?

  • 16.1.6 Are the ground conditions suitable for the type of crane and lift plan?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until the ground conditions have been assessed.

  • 16.1.7 Are the weather conditions suitable for the lift taking place?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until a full assessment of the weather has been made.

  • 16.1.1 Has a lift plan been completed and issued by the lift supervisor?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until a Lift Plan has been completed and briefed to all operatives.

  • 16.1.2 Have all operatives read and signed the lift plan?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until a Lift Plan has been completed and briefed to all operatives.

  • 16.1.3 Is the crane suitable for the type of lift?

  • Stop craning activities immediately while an assessment of the crane and lift plan is undertaken.

  • 16.1.4 Is the crane in date for inspection?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until the inspection date has been confirmed.

  • 16.1.5 Are the lifting slings, strops, chains or equipment in date for test?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until the lifting equipment has been tested and confirmed as safe to use?

  • 16.1.6 Are the ground conditions suitable for the type of crane and lift plan?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until the ground conditions have been assessed.

  • 16.1.7 Are the weather conditions suitable for the lift taking place?

  • Stop craning activities immediately until a full assessment of the weather has been made.

17 Working at Height

  • 17.1 Are ladders being used correctly on site?

  • 17.1.1 Is the correct type of ladder in use?

  • 17.1.2 Is it on stable ground?

  • 17.1.3 Is it in good condition with no visible signs of damage?

  • 17.1.1 Is the correct type of ladder in use?

  • 17.1.2 Is it on stable ground?

  • 17.1.3 Is it in good condition with no visible signs of damage?

  • 17.2 Are work platforms being used correctly on site?

  • 17.2.1 Is the correct type of platform being used?

  • 17.2.3 Is it on stable ground?

  • 17.2.4 Are the platform and handrails fitted at the correct height for the task?

  • 17.2.5 Is it being accessed correctly?

  • 17.2.1 Is the correct type of tower being used?

  • 17.2.2 Is the tower covered by a valid MAT permit?

  • 17.2.3 Is it on stable ground?

  • 17.2.4 Are the platform and handrails fitted at the correct height for the task?

  • 17.2.5 Is it being accessed correctly?

  • 17.3 Are MEWPs being used correctly on site?

  • 17.3.1 Is the correct type of MEWP being used?

  • 17.3.2 Is it on stable ground?

  • 17.3.3 Is it in date for inspection?

  • 17.3.4 Is it being accessed correctly?

  • 17.3.5 Are harnesses being worn and secured correctly inside the basket (boom lifts only)?

  • Are harnesses in date for inspection?

  • Are harnesses secured correctly to an anchor point within the basket?

  • 17.4.1 Is the correct type of MEWP being used?

  • 17.4.2 Is it on stable ground?

  • 17.4.3 Is it in date for inspection?

  • 17.4.4 Is it being accessed correctly?

  • 17.4.5 Are harnesses being worn and secured correctly inside the basket (boom lifts only)?

  • Are harnesses in date for inspection?

  • Are harnesses secured correctly to an anchor point within the basket?

  • 17.4 Is fall arrest being used correctly on site?

  • 17.4.1 Is the correct type being used?

  • 17.4.2 Is it in date for inspection?

  • 17.4.3 Is a recovery plan in place to retrieve personnel from the fall arrest system?

  • 17.4.4 Are the site team aware of the key times for emergency treatment following a person being suspended in a harness?

  • 17.5.1 Is the correct type being used?

  • 17.5.2 Is it in date for inspection?

  • 17.5.3 Is a recovery plan in place to retrieve personnel from the fall arrest system?

  • 17.5.4 Are the site team aware of the key times for emergency treatment following a person being suspended in a harness?

  • 17.5 Is fall prevention installed correctly on site?

  • 17.5.1 Are all walkways, fixed ladders and working platforms in good structural condition?

  • 17.5.2 Do the walkways, fixed ladders and working platforms provide sufficient access to all work areas?

  • 17.5.3 Are guardrails, mid rails and toe boards fitted correctly?

  • 17.5.4 Are gates fitted correctly, functioning properly and do they provide adequate protection for an employee working at height?

  • 17.6.1 Is fall prevention in place around stairwells and open landings?

  • 17.6.2 Is fall prevention in place around unsecured edges of all upper floors?

  • 17.6.3 Is fall prevention in place around all floor openings?

  • 17.6.4 Is fall prevention in place around all skylights or roof openings?

  • 17.6.5 Is fall prevention in place across all door and window openings?

19 Overhead Services

  • 19.1 Are overhead services present on site or near the site boundaries being managed correctly?

  • 19.1.1 Are the services marked with warning signs, goal posts or hazard bunting?

  • 19.1.2 Are the service locations covered in the site induction brief?

  • 19.1.3 Are operators or banskmen aware of the location of over head services?

  • 19.1.4 Are stores and materials kept away from service locations to remove craning/lifting requirement near supplies?

  • 19.1.1 Are the services marked with warning signs, goal posts or hazard bunting?

  • 19.1.2 Are the service locations covered in the site induction brief?

  • 19.1.3 Are operators or banskmen aware of the location of over head services?

  • 19.1.4 Are stores and materials kept away from service locations to remove craning/lifting requirement near supplies?

21 Environmental Awareness & Waste Control

  • 21.1 Are waste materials being segregated correctly?

  • 21.2 Is waste storage effective?

  • 21.3 Are hazardous liquids or fuels stored correctly on site?

  • 21.3.1 Are the storage provisions suitable?

  • 21.3.2 Are spill kits and foam fire extinguishers available near by?

  • 21.3.3 Are the storage areas protected by appropriate bunds or containment?

  • 21.3.4 Are the storage areas positioned to reduce fire risks to the building, plant, equipment or personnel on site?

  • 21.3.1 Are the storage provisions suitable?

  • 21.3.2 Are spill kits and foam fire extinguishers available near by?

  • 21.3.3 Are the storage areas protected by appropriate bunds or containment?

  • 21.3.4 Are the storage areas positioned to reduce fire risks to the building, plant, equipment or personnel on site?

  • 21.4 Are COSHH regulated substances stored in appropriate containers?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.