Site conducted
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Have all persons received a safety induction <br>
Risk assessments and method statements
Are risk assessments and method statements in place, suitable for task, communicated to the operatives involved?<br>Are the operatives working in accordance with the safe systems of work?
Tool box talks
Are weekly tool box talks being undertaken? <br>Are the talks relevant to the works? <br>Is here opportunity for employee feedback?
Training and competence
Are all operatives trained to carry out the work in which they are undertaking? <br>Are copies of skill cards being retained? <br>
Supervision of workforce
Is there adequate supervision of employees at the workface? <br>Do supervisors have appropriate qualifications.<br>
First aid
Is there an accident book available? <br>Is there an adequate first aid box in place? <br>Is the fist aid equipment available?<br>
Personal protective equipment
Is PPE being issued in accordance with the risk assessment? <br>Are employees wearing the correct PPE for the task? <br>Is PPE being issued and signed for by the operatives? <br>Is PPE only being issued as a last resort?
Plant & registers
Are plant registers being completed? <br>Is plant being inspected at the required frequency? <br>Is the plant being inspected by a competent person?<br>Have any significant finding <br>Have all significant findings been communicated to management?
Electrical Equipmemt
Have all electrical tools been inspected and tested? Are electrical tools in good order?
Working at Height & Scaffolding
Is working at height being undertaken safely? <br>Is the scaffolding in good order? <br>Is scaffolding inspected by competent person at the required intervals?<br>
Mobile towers and Podium steps / Low level access equipment
Are mobile towers and podiums built to manufacturers instructions?<br>Is the access equipment in good order? <br>Is the access equipment inspected and tagged? <br>
Self propelled plant e.g FLT.
Is the plant in good condition? <br>Is it driven safely? <br>Are audible and visual warnings being used?<br>Are seatbelts being worn?<br>Are operators trained?<br><br>
Lifting equipment (MEWPS, Hoists, Gin Wheels etc)
Is the lifting equipment in good condition? <br>Are users trained? Are reports of examinations and tests in place?
Highly flammable liquids e.g. LPG
Stored in well ventilated place? <br>Stored in secure cage? <br>Warning signage displayed? <br>Empty cylinders removed from site? <br>Fire Extingiushers located nearby? <br>
Fire Precautions
Are hot works being controlled by permits? <br>Are the controls being adhered to? <br>Suitable fire Extingiushers in place for the activity?
Housekeeping & Materials Storage
Are working areas free from debris and general waste?<br>Is there control over trailing leads? <br>Is waste cleared regularly throughout the day? <br>Are materials stored safely?
Are excavations adequately fenced off to prevent falls? <br>Are excavations provided with suitable shoring or bartered back. Are excavations provided with suitable access. Are excavations inspected by competent person and recorded?
Is dust being extracted at source? <br>Are operatives donning face masks? <br>Are operatives fit tested to their masks?
Manual Handling
Is manual handling avoided where possible<br>Where manual handling is taking place is it being done using safe kinetic lifting. <br>
Are high noise levels being controlled at source? <br>Are noisy works being assessed? <br>Are noise zones being used? <br>Are operatives wearing hearing protection?
Vibration /HAVS
Are operative exposed to high vibration?<br>Vibration assessments in place?
Any Other Comments?
Any other comments or issues.
Observations for the Principal Contractor
Are there any areas or issues which could have a serious impact to site workers where the Principal Contractor has overall control?
Site Managers signature:
Signature of person carrying out inspection.