
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel



  • Construction Manager

  • Project Manager

  • Contract Administrator

  • Site Manager

  • Site Supervisor

  • Labourer

Inspection Report Issued To

  • Recipient's Names

Actions Raised

  • Add no. - New Actions

  • Add no. - Carried Over Actions

  • Add no. - Comments

Site Team Leader

Date Issued

Date Received

Print Name & Sign

Detailed Audit Findings (by Function) & Actions/Comments as a result of this inspection

Action Priority. 1 - Immediate. 2 - Within 24hrs. 3 - within 7 Days


  • CARRY OVER ACTIONS - from Audit No. Total OHS. Site



Site Start Up Checklist

  • Internal Lighting Conditions

  • External Lighting Conditions

  • Site Neat & Tidy?

Ground Conditions

  • Muddy Conditions Controls in Place? (internal/external to site)

  • Stability of Ground around pits/trenches/scaffolds etc.

  • Pedestrian Access

  • Vehicle Access

Material Disposal

  • Designated Materials Storage Areas

  • Skip/Waste Bins in place

  • Waste Material Adequately Controlled? (saw dust, building debris etc)

  • Removal of Paint/glue/fiberglass insulation etc

  • Washout Facilities in Place?<br>Concrete Truck Washout Area<br>Paint Washout Area

Air Quality

  • Air Quatity

  • Dust Control Required (internal & external to construction zones)

  • Ventilation Required? (vapor/fumes/dust etc)

  • Is There a Smoking Management Plan in Place (refer Site Safety Rules)

  • No Smoking in Enclosed Areas (site buildings/sheds & confined spaces)

  • Is There An Allocated Smoking Area/Butts Disposable Container

Site Security

  • Site Perimeter Fencing Required?

  • Hoarding Required?

  • Security/Guard Dogs Required?

  • Security Alarm

  • External Flood Lighting

Safety & Security Fencing

  • Has the Workcover Site Specific Risk Assessment (SSRA) & Checklist been completed & kept in site files

Site Access

  • Vehicle Access Gates

  • Pedestrian Access Gates

  • Onsite Parking

  • Offsite Parking

  • Access ways Neat/Tidy &Free of Equipment/Debris

  • Are Passageways & Emergency Accessways Clear

Site Sheds/Amenities

  • Site Office

  • 1st Aid Shed

  • Lunch Shed

  • Change Shed

  • Toilets

  • Subcontractor Sheds

Site Services

  • Water

  • Power

  • Sewer

Site Shed Signage

  • Risk Control Hierarchy Sign

  • OHS Policy/Consultation

  • Environmental Policy

  • Risk Management Policy

  • Quality Policy

  • Drug & Alcohol. Policy.

  • Housekeeping Policy

  • OHS Consultation Plan (Vic only)

  • Workcover Watching Over You Sign

  • Emergency Contacts

  • Emergency Procedures

  • Site Rules

  • OHS Procedures Flowchart

  • Traffic Management Plan

  • Emergency Management Plan

  • Site Office

  • Lunch Shed

  • Change Room

  • Toilet

  • 1st Aid

  • Nearest Hospital Directions/Map

  • Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Location

  • Fire Extinguisherst

  • Fire Blanket

  • Spill Kit

  • Emergency Siren

  • Code Of Conduct Statement

  • No Smoking

  • Top 5 Hazards

  • Shared Zone - Operational Site Hazards

  • Union Right of Entry

  • Safety Alerts

Site Perimeter Signage

  • Mandatory PPE

  • Visitors to Sign in at Site Office

  • All Worker's Must Be Site Inducted

  • All Electrical Equipment Must Be Tested & Tagged

  • Emergency Contacts

  • Delivery Instructions

  • Danger Construction Do Not Enter

  • Keep Gates Closed

  • Speed Limit

  • Danger Moving Vehicles

  • Forklifts in Use

  • Trucks Crossing

  • Pedestrians/Children Crossing

  • Workmen Overhead

  • Deep Excavation

  • Confined Spaces

  • Explosive Tools In Use

  • Nailing Tools In Use

  • Shared Zone OHS/PPE Requirements on Leaving TCPL Compound

Sign In Register

  • Client Sign In Register

  • TCPL Attendance Register

PPE Compliance

  • Mandatory TCPL PPE Requirements

  • Special Requirements

  • Reflective Vest Requirement

Noise Control

  • Elimination of Source

  • Substitution of Source (quieter equipment)

  • Engineering Control (eg. Mufflers)

  • Administrative Controls ( job rotation)

  • Appropriate PPE in Place ( ear muffs/plugs)

Fall Protection

  • Handrails Required

  • Protective Barriers/Mesh Required

  • Boarding Over Holes/Pits

  • Planking/Boarding Over Gaps/Holes in Walkways

  • Tripping Hazards

  • Signage to Fall Protection Required

  • Harness Required

  • Correct Use Of Ladders

  • Deep Excavations Control Measures

Scaffold Compliance

  • Installed by Licensed Scaffolder

  • Scaffold Duty Adequate For Use

  • Compliance Tags & Certificates Provided

  • Scaffolder Users Pre Start Toolbox Talk Conducted

  • Scaffold Inspection Checklist Used Regularly

  • Adequate Signage in Place For Closed Platforms

  • Exclusion Zones Required

  • Daily Scaffold safety Checklists Being Completed

Mobile Scaffold Compliance

  • Installed by a Licensed Scaffolder

  • Scaffold Duty Adequate for Use

  • Compliance Tags & Certificates Provided

  • Scaffold Users Pre Start Toolbox Talk Conducted

  • Scaffold Inspection Checklist used Regularly

  • Adequate Signage in Place For Closed Platforms

  • Exclusion Zones Required

  • Daily Scaffold Safety Checklists Being Completed

Site Safety Checklists

  • Daily Site Safety Checklists

  • Weekly Site Safety Checklists

Daily Site Diary

  • Electronic Diary

  • Copied, Signed & Filed


  • Inductions Register

  • Induction Forms

  • Visitor Induction Forms

  • Delivery Induction Forms

  • PED/Working With Children /Police Check Register

  • Prohibitive Employment Declaration (PED) Forms

  • Working With Children Check Forms

  • Are OHS Consultation Toolbox Talks Conducted At Induction Time?

Toolbox Talks

  • OHS Consultation Toolbox Talks

  • General OHS Safety Toolbox Talks

  • High Risk Activity Toolbox Talks

  • Site Manager Toolbox Talk on the Issue of Labour Hire & Having An Adequate SWMS in Place

Risk Management

  • Risk Assessment Register

  • Total Construction Site Specific Risk Assessment

  • Work Activity Specific Risk Assessments

  • Hazard Register

  • Hazard Spotter Form


  • SWMS Register

  • SWMS Forms (SWMS's)

  • SWMS Acceptance Checklist

  • SWMS Non Acceptance Form

1st Aid

  • 1st Aid Kit

  • 1st Aid Kit Location/Service History/Register

  • 1st Aid Kit Last Restocked

  • 1st Aid Certificate

  • Stretcher Required?

  • Ambulance/Emergency Vehicle Access

Emergency Requirements & Equipment

  • Emergency Evacuation Assembly Area

  • Emergency Siren

  • <br> Emergency Siren How To Use Sign<br> <br> <br> <br>

  • Fire Extinguishers

  • Fire Extinguishers Location Map/Service Record/Register

  • Fire Blanket

  • Spill Kit

Confined Spaces

  • Confined Spaces Permit To Work In Place

  • Confined Space Signage In Place

  • Confined Space Recovery Equipment Required

  • Air Monitoring Equipment Required


  • Has Asbestos Been Identified On Site

  • Is There An Asbestos Register In Place

  • Identified Asbestos Removed As Per Regulations

Non Conformances

  • NCR Register

  • NCR Forms

  • Business Improvement Request (BIR) Required


  • Injury Register

  • Injury Reports

  • Accident Investigation Reports

Underground Services Identification

  • Existing As Built Drawings (service drawings)

  • Underground Services Location Drawings

  • Dial Before You Dig Drawings

Electrical Compliance

  • Total Construction Electrical Register

  • RCD Test Results Documented in Electrical Register

  • Total Construction Electrical Tagging

  • TCPL Electrical Compliance

  • Contractor Electrical Compliance

  • Onsite Generators RCD protected

TCPL Temporary Distribution Boards

  • Final Sub Circuit & CB Identification/Labels

  • Sub-Mains Feed Origin Identification & Location Map showing Location of Isolating CB Feeding the temporary DB's in Case of Emergency

  • Are Temporary DB's identified to Distinguish Them From Other DB's

  • Is The Temporary D B in a Suitable Location (does the DB ave 1m clearance in front for access)

  • Switchboard Cover Open Retaining Hinge

  • Locking Device to Switchboard Cover

  • Lockable Covers to All RCD's

  • Main Isolating Switch Within Temporary DB

  • Cutouts for Leads to Temporary DB's

  • Support Bracket for Leads Support

  • Is the Board Secured to the Wall or Ground

  • Is Temporary Wiring Labelled as Construction Wiring

  • Construction Wiring Must Not Be Attached to Temporary Fencing

Signage On Temporary DB's

  • Keep Closed (run leads through bottom)

  • Danger Live Parts Behind Panels (with electric shock symbol)

  • In the Event of an RCD or Circuit Breaker Operating, the Cause of the Fault Should be Assessed by a licensed Electrician Before Reset

  • Table 2 - Inspection & Testing Intervals (code of practice - electrical practices for construction)

Plant & Equipment

  • Plant Register

  • TCPL Plant Checklist

  • Plant Details

  • Plant Operator Licenses

  • Plant Daily Checklist

  • Plant Maintenance Records

  • Plant Chains/Slings/Pipe etc Records

  • Are All Guards/Screens on Equipment(eg. Grinders, drop saws, welding screens etc)

  • Welding/Cutting Equipment Secure & Isolated (eg. Oxy/acetylene bottles on trolleys/chained & not in passageways

Surrounding Conditions For Plant & Equipment

  • Ground Conditions

  • Access

  • Overhead Factors ( trees, electricity lines)

Safety Data Sheets (SDS's)

  • SDS Register

  • SDS Copies

  • Dangerous Goods on Site

  • Hazardous Goods on Site

  • SDS's Current (less than 5 years old)

Work Permits

  • Works Permit Register

  • TCPL Permits to Work Forms

  • Client Permit to Work Forms

Traffic Control (AS1742.3)

  • Has The RTA (NSW) Traffic Control at Worksite Safety Inspection Checklist been Completed Prior to Work Commencing

  • Is The RTA (NSW) Weekly Checklist - Traffic Control at Long Term Site Being Completed

  • Is The RTA (NSW) Daily Checklist -Traffic Control at Short Term work Site Being Completed

  • Approval From Authorities Required

  • Traffic Control Plan Required

  • Licensed Traffic Controllers Required

  • Fatigue Management Control ( are controllers having adequate breaks eg. 15 mins rest every 2 hours)

Formwork (must comply to (AS3610)

  • Has a Workcover Risk Assessment /Checklist been Completed (Workcover NSW Formwork Code of Practice pages 30-32)

  • Is it Designed/Built/Maintained so as to Support Loads That Are to be Placed on the Deck

  • Is it Structurally Adequate

  • Is it Being Constructed/Laid Safely

  • Are Formworkers Competent (Ticketed)

  • Access to Formwork Required

  • Handrails/Kickboards/Safety Nets/Exclusion Zones Required

  • Deck Conditions -Slippery/Wet

  • Inspection & Certification by Qualified Engineer Required (required for decks greater than 16m2 & designed to hold more than 25m3 or 6 tons of wet concrete

  • Are Materials Stacked/Stored on Deck Correctly (no overloading of materials)

  • Is the Access Under the Deck Closed During Concrete Pours (close off or exclusion zones)

  • Any Electrical Hazards Exist

  • Is Formwork Being Dismantled Safely

Site Management Plans

  • TCPL Certificate of Currency in Site Folder No. 2

  • Traffic Management Plan

  • Emergency Evacuation Plan

  • Site Safety Management Plan

  • Environment Management Plan

  • Site Management Plan

Environment Controls

  • Situation Controls

Quality Management

  • Quality Management Plan

  • Pragram

  • Site Drawing Register

  • ITP's Currently in Place

  • Measurement Calibration Certificates

  • Defects List in Place

Site Conditions

  • Workplace Conditions (eg. Lighting, pedestrians)

  • Exposure to Environmental Conditions (eg. Hot, cold, sun, rain, visibility)

Conclusions & General Recommendations

  • 1. Work to be immediately implemented to rectify the above defects to make the site safe

  • 2.Site manage to ensure the above items are rectified ASAP

  • 3.Follow up inspection to ensure the above observations have been appropriately dealt with

Corrective Actions

  • Enter any corrective actions that need to be undertaken

Sign Off

  • On Site Representative Signature

  • Author's Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.