Title Page
Site Name
Site Address
Brief Description of Work
Conducted on
Prepared by
Site Specific Requirements
Does WorkSafe need to be notified of any onsite activities?
If yes, have you provided a copy of the notification (or receipt from WorkSafe)<br>with this agreement?
Task Analysis
If Switch is off then show
A job safety analysis is required for high risk work, for example: notifiable work, permit-to-work systems, work that requires a certificate of competence, as defined by regulation or when a risk assessment is undertaken resulting in critical or high level of risk for the job. For any new or complex activity, when it’s required by contract
Is task analysis required for the activities covered by this agreement?
If yes, have you provided a copy (or copies) with this agreement?
Hazard Management
Have you provided a hazard register for activities on this site?
If no, has a hazard board been installed the site?
Hazardous Products and Substances
Will any hazardous products or substances be brought onto the site to perform<br>any agreed activities?
If yes, will products be recorded in a hazardous products and substances register?
If yes, will the relevant safety data sheets be available onsite?
Communication Methods
List weekly communication methods
- Pre-Start Meetings
- Toolbox Talks
- Weekly Meetings
Inspection Methods
List Inspection types
Training & Competency Details
If Switch is off then show
Every worker under our control on site will hold a current site safety card
Every worker under our control on site will be given a job-specific safety induction
Workers under our control on site will be appropriately qualified, competent, or fully supervised
We will provide evidence of competency (on-site training and competency register) for any workers participating in the listed activities below
List activities that require training here
List the activity?
Unit standard?
Or description of training taken and experience in order to undertake the task unsupervised?
Environmental Details
Is there an environmental plan required for this site?
Is a resource consent required for any of the activities you will undertake<br>on this site?
If yes, is a copy of the consent attached to this SSSP?
Will dust or fumes or smoke be generated that could affect members of the<br>public or others in the vicinity?
If yes – Explain how this will be controlled?
Will noise be generated that could affect members of the public or others in<br>the vicinity?
If yes – Explain how this will be controlled?
Will your activity potentially cause dirty water or wash-down runoff, silt or other<br>contaminants to be released?
If yes – Explain how this will be controlled?
Will vehicles or plant be refuelled on site?
If yes, what is the location of the designated refueling zone?
And, how will fire, explosions, spills and waste be controlled?
Emergency Response Measures
List emergency response measures here
By Who (contracator)
Contractor Declaration
We have read the site specific safety plan information provided in this site specific work plan and agree to comply will all measures listed whilst working on the site for the duration of our contract
Company Name?
Responsible Person?
Hazardous Substances Register
Name of substance?
Safety data sheet on site?
Related harm
- Explosive
- Flammable
- Corrosive
- Toxic
- Oxidising
- Harmful
- Irritant
- Biohazard
- Radioactive
List control measures here
Training and Competency Register
Personnel Details
Key role or task?
Years of experience?
Emergency Details
Please note all contractors will be required to conduct their own roll calls if an on site emergency occurs
Please ensure that all workers sign in and out of site on a daily basis -
Assembly point location?
Responsible person?
Contact telephone number?
Emergency response signal (siren/bell etc)?
First aider name?
Contact telephone number?
Location of first aid kit?