Document No.
Audit Title
Conducted on
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1. Walkways and work areas (internal)
1a) Is the flooring level and free from trip hazards?
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1b) Are the floors and walkways clear of obstructions
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1c) Are holes in the floor surface repaired or otherwise made safe through the use of barriers or safety signs?
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1d) Are there any spillages and is there a system in place to ensure that all spill ages are reported and cleared up immediately?
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1e) Are the floors cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis?
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1f) Are changes of direction or elevation readily identifiable?
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2. External areas
2a) Are external walkways and traffic routes free from holes, obstructions, tripping and slipping hazards?
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2b) Are the edges of steps clearly visible (highlighted with white or yellow paint where necessary)?
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2c) Are arrangements in place for clearing ice and snow on the company premises?
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2d) Are there arrangements for clearing accumulation of leaves?
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Visits per year
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 12
Action code
Manager/supervisor concerns
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Linda Kerry