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Conducted on
Prepared by
Inbound SOP
All the consignment are being received as per schedule/Plan shared by commercial team?<br><br>Check the Daily plan shared by the Commerical
Email/Ding intimation is being generated for exceptional cases, which are approved by Head of FF/Manager?<br><br>Check the recent Email
Consignment shall be received only if the we have received sorted MB and Expiry, otherwise it should be rejected?<br><br>Verify Physically
Consignment shall be received only if the vendor has the Purchase order?<br><br>Verify Physically
Receiver physically checks inbound order and reconcile with item/box carton level receiving?<br><br>Verify Physically
Purchase order needs to be stamped( Partial/complete) after stock receiving?<br><br>Verify Physically
Backlog Gsheet (Receiving Data Base )are being updated on daily basis (for received items)?<br><br>Check the Backlog G-Sheet
Email Receiving is being escalated for FD/RTW?<br><br>Check recent Email
Anything beyond the cut-off is being rejected and the rejection form is being filled?<br> If rejected items to be send back to vendor, rejection form is being filled and items are kept at rejection zone<br><br>Verify Physically
If mistakenly lost packages are received, they are sorted at Red Zone and labelled as Lost Packages?<br><br>Verify Physically
POD Sheets are regularly maintained and damaged parcel is marked on that sheet for proof?<br><br>Check the POD Sheet
FD received from 3PL is being marked delivered in LNP on daily basis?<br><br>Check in System
The Seller inbounding process is being executed on FIFO bases?<br><br>Verify Physically
All the department staff are using their own WMS ID for processing?<br><br>Verify Physically
All the consignment appearing in backlog must have PO/IO placed on it?<br><br>Verify Physically
Purchase Order assigning process is being followed by receiver?<br><br>Verify Physically
All the item shall be inbounded as per PO (Correct SKU/ Quantity)?<br><br>Verify Physically
All defective items are being moved to defective area, if not replaced by vendor within 24 hours?<br><br>Verify Physically
Are we placing items in actual containers as mentioned on WMS During Inbounding (Consignment and FD’s). Virtual Locations should be same as systematic ones in All Departments in fulfilment?<br><br>Verify Physically
Correct Dimensions and Weight are being entered into the New Product Maintenance Tab?<br><br>Verify Physically
Inbounded items are being checked on the basis of expiry date and their dimensions recorded?<br><br>Verify Physically
Defected or Unidentified Items of IO are being placed at Red Zone area?<br><br>Verify Physically
Xspace ticket has been timely raised as per SLA defined for defective item, content issue and resolved in 48 hours?<br><br>Check in System<br>Check the random Xspace case and verify time under SLA or Not
All the RTW packages inbounded in 24 hours, moved into putaway area?<br><br>Check in System<br>WMS: Receiving > Inbound Order Management > Order Status: Created, Inbound type: Return to warehouse<br><br>Check Physically<br>Physically Check the Backlog of RTW Packages and make sure within SLA
Are the Packages or MU received placed in the Backlog Area as per FIFO as per Work Instructions: Labeling and Tagging?<br><br><br>Check Physically<br>-Proper Tagging on Trolleys and kept in Ascending Order<br>-Consist Font Style, Size and Color is use for Tagging
Return packages DR are not closed must be placed in Troubleshoot Area, if No Item placed in Troubleshoot Area, check in WMS all the DRs are closed or not?<br><br><br>Check Physically<br>-Return Packages Stacked Properly and placed inside the Troubleshoot Area/labelled
Verify if FD/RTW POs are arriving within the 2-day SLA?<br><br>Check in System<br>WMS: Receiving > Inbound Order Management > Order Status: Created, Inbound type: Return to warehouse<br><br>Check Physically<br>To Check the PO Creation Date must be under 48 Hours
Are the Packages received from the 3PL and DEX segregated from each other?<br><br>Check Physically<br>-3PL and DEX kept in the designated Area with proper stacking<br>-Physically check inter-mixing of 3PL and DEX packages on the basis of Sample
Are the backlog created from FD DEX/3PL Packages placed as per the Package Handling Guidelines and FIFO (Date must be tagged)<br>Ref: Package Handling Guidelines by PCD Team ?<br><br>Check Physically<br>-Are the Packages placed in FD/DEX Backlog Area are on Pallet<br>-Are the Packages Stacked uniformly<br>-No throwing of Packages<br>-Fragile Packages kept separate and the Orientation of the Arrow is Correct<br>-Proper Tagging on Trolleys and kept in Ascending Order<br>-Consist Font Style, Size and Color is use for Tagging
No PO open (Arrival to Inbound) Consignment SLA not Breached 48 Hours?<br><br>Check in System<br>WMS: Receiving > Order Status: Arrived at WH, Inbound Type: Purchase Inbound<br><br>Check Physically<br>Is the Consignment arrived at warehouse present in the premises of WH
Are the PO at created stage marked cancelled on ASCP if not received at warehouse for more than 10 days. (Exemption: Approval from HOD incase of NC)?<br><br>Check in System<br>WMS: Receiving > Order Status: Created, Inbound Type: Purchase Inbound<br><br>Check Physically<br>PO/IO triggered but the Consignemnt not delivered at the Warehouse
Are the pending Adjustments completed at the inbounding under SLA (10 Days)?<br><br>Check in System<br>WMS: Inventory > Pending Adjustment > Status: Confirmed, Source type: Putaway > Last date "Created"
Package Handling
Boxes/carton/package/Item is not kept on floor?<br><br>Verify Physically
Boxes are stacked in such a way that they don’t fall off due to imbalance with proper weight distribution?<br><br>Verify Physically
Fragile packages must be kept according to the correct orientation?<br><br>Verify Physically
No throwing of any sort of package into trolley/carton from distance?<br><br>Verify Physically
Inventory Management
Are all protocols for using the bin being followed as defined in the policy?<br><br>Verify Physically
Are all the pallets standardized as per the protocols defined in the policy?<br><br>Verify Physically
Are the handling protocols being followed as per the policy?<br><br>Verify Physically