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Are the packages received by FM Partner at the batch level?<br><br>Check Physically<br>Observe the batches from FM Partner
Is the initial QC done at FF (carton condition noted and physical receiving is given to FM partner) incase of Damage Carton email is escalated?<br><br>Check Physically<br>Observe the QC processing station & check the receiving copy
Are the received cartons weighed on weight machine?<br><br>Check in System<br>Check on AE receiving google sheet<br><br>Check Physically<br>Check if boxes are placed on weight machine and weights are recorded on google sheet
Is the POD shared on carton level with the 3PL?<br><br>Check in System<br>Check email for receiving acknowledgement<br><br>Check Physically<br>Check physical documents
a)During Scanning of Tracking # of Packages, incase of Damage Flyer or Box Email is escalated?<br>b) All the tracking # compared with the Sheet shared on emaill by AE Team?<br><br>Check in System<br>Check recent email escalated to AE WH team<br><br>Check Physically<br>Check the receiving procedure"
Is inbounding completed within 2 hours if the package arrived at FF?<br><br>Check in System<br>Check the inbounding time in system
Are the packages handedover to 3PL/DEX within same day<br><br>Check in System<br>Check previous handover<br>
In case of discrepancy, is the email escalated to the cainiao OCC(scan images of POD and damage items) within 48 hours?<br><br>Check in System<br>Check recent email escalated by AE troubleshoot team<br><br>Check Physically<br>Observe the process
Is The operator verifiy the 3PL partners in the Google Sheet by scanning the tracking number and compare it on the LNP, before reshipping and Printing of AWB?<br><br>Check Physically<br>Observe the AE station
Incase of DEX, Is the operator compare the Google Sheet and LNP after scanning the tracking number, selects the correct NODE as recommended in the LOP before reshipping and printing of the AWB?<br><br>Check Physically<br>Observe the AE station"
Does the user clear the screen before scanning a package on the CB reship screen<br><br>Check Physically<br>Check in real time by observing AE station when reshipping is happening
Is the AWB pasted on the opposite site of the package where AE AWB is pasted<br><br>Check Physically<br>Check in real time by observing AE station when reshipping is happening
Is QC done (package level) of FD packages in the warehouse?<br><br>Check Physically<br>By observation
Are RTM packages handed over to the ECL within the 21 days SLA after FD?<br><br>Check in System<br>RMS Domestic Package > Ali Express > Status: Backlog<br>
Are the FD packages inbounded in RMS ?<br><br>Check in System<br>check the Inbounded status in RMS<br><br>Check Physically<br>Physically check the Scrap Marked Packages
Is the RMS Operator Mark the Statuses of Packages as RTM/SCRAP ((This would appear by default in RMS)?<br>Check in System<br>Check the updated RMS Status<br><br>Check Physically<br>Physically check the Scrap Marked Packages
Are the packages marked as scrap in RMS handed over to the Admin Team?<br><br><br><br>Check in System<br>Check the recent email escalated with Admin Team<br>
Has the admin team shared proof of destruction (pictures/videos)?<br><br>Check in System<br>Check the recent email escalated with Admin Team<br><br>Check Physically<br>Physically observe destruction process
Is the operator using his/her own LOP/LNP ID?
Inventory Management
Are all protocols for using the bin being followed as defined in the policy?
Are all the pallets standardized as per the protocols defined in the policy?
Are all the pallets standardized as per the protocols defined in the policy?
Are the invetory capacity levels maintained? (as defined in the policy)
Are the handling protocols being followed as per the policy?
Are the handling protocols being followed as per the policy?
Package Handling
Boxes/carton/package/Item is not kept on floor
Boxes are stacked in such a way that they don’t fall off due to imbalance with proper weight distribution
Fragile packages must be kept according to the correct orientation.
No throwing of any sort of package into trolley/carton from distance