
  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

Start Up

Start Up

  • Rack key turned to "ON"

Wireless Mics

  • Are you using wireless mics?

  • Batteries are checked and replaced of needed

  • Signal is verified to console

  • Mics distributed to proper performers

Wired Mics

  • Are you using wired vocal mics?

  • Stands and/or podium are in proper place

  • Stand height and boom (if applicable) are correctly adjusted

  • Cable is plugged in

  • Cable is neatly hung on stands

  • Are you receiving signal at the console?

  • Please check the cable, snake input, and mic. Make sure the gain is also sufficiently turned up

Choir Mics

  • Are you using the choir mics?

  • Choir mics correctly dropped

  • Are you receiving signal at the console?

  • Make sure they are plugged in at the back of the console. Verify if phantom power is being supplied.

Instrumental Mics

  • Are you using instrumental mics?

  • Stands in correct position

  • Mics plugged in

  • Mic pointed at instrument or amplifier correctly

  • Are you receiving signal at the console?

  • Please check the cable, snake input, and mic. Make sure the gain is also sufficiently turned up

  • Are you using DI boxes?

  • DI is plugged in

  • Are you receiving signal at the console?

  • Please check the cable, snake input, and DI. Make sure the gain is also sufficiently turned up. Check that the DI is plugged into the correct output on the instrument or source.


  • Are you playing sound effects or music back from a CD, PC, or other playback device?

  • Are you receiving signal at the console?

  • Check cable, CD, and settings. If using a PC or portable MP3 player, please verify the device volume is up


  • Playback some music or sounds

  • Are the mains working?

  • Make sure playback channel is unmuted. Make sure channel fader is up. Make sure main fader is up. Check main outs on console. If none of this works contact the TD immediately.

  • Are you using monitors or auxiliary speakers for sfx playback?

  • Speakers correctly placed

  • Cable plugged in

  • Are these speakers working?

  • Please make sure correct aux is turned up on the channel. Make sure the global aux send is also trine up. Check aux outs on back of console. Make sure amp is on if we are using in house monitor mixes. Check the cable to the speaker.

Mic check

  • Are you using wireless mics?

  • Have performers line up on the stage lip in mic order. Ask each one to speak in turn. Set gain, eq if needed, and preliminary levels. Verify the mic is in the correct position. Anticipate breathe noise and poor placement.

  • Are all mics working?

  • What problems and corrective action occurred?

  • Report
  • Mic#

  • Actor

  • Character

  • Problem

  • Corrective Action

  • Are you using wired vocal mics?

  • Have someone consistently check mic to get preliminary gain and levels

  • Do you have live musicians with mics or DI boxes?

  • Have musicians or orchestra play individually then together to get gain and Levels.

  • Monitors set as needed


  • Start pre show music at correct time, be prepared for pre show announcements and break a leg!

  • Please list any other problems with the audio system or sound check below.

  • Operator signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.