Title Page

  • Capital Deliver Package of Work

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Who?


  • Senior Manager Responsible for Railway Safe System of Work Planning (RSSP Manager) Appointed? (RIPS & Deputy RIPS)

  • F2001A process completed to nominate and appoint SSOW Responsible Manager – photo/copy of appointment

  • Give Further Details

  • Name of SSOW Responsible Manager

  • Appointed SSOW Responsible Manager has requested the track access via the possession planning department using the standard application form & process.

  • Give Further Details

  • For use of Site Wardens in separated SSOWs, has an F2001B form been completed, submitted and processed with authorisation by RSSP Manager/ deputy RSSP Manager(s)

  • Give Further Details

  • If F2001B has been used for Site Warden arrangements, has 7 days notice been provided and has NR Programme Manager been asked for comments/objections/challenges. Evidence of email needed.

  • Give Further Details

  • For use of Open Line access only (no working) to track using lookout/ equipment warning has F2001B process been used and has RSSP Manager acceptance and authorisation been given? Was 28 days notice provided?

  • Give Further Details

  • For open line working activities using lookout operated/ equipment warning systems, has F2001B process been used and has the NR Regional Director provided formal acceptance & approval? Was 28 days notice provided?

  • Give Further Details

  • For Line Blockages - Has Line Blockage authority process been followed by the SSOW RM, and has authorisation been given by RSSP/Deputy RSSP?

  • Give Further Details

  • In DC Areas - Has Live Conductor Rail authority process been followed by the SSOW RM, and has authorisation been given by RSSP/Deputy RSSP?

  • Give Further Details

  • Do access points have clear labelling

  • Give Further Details

  • Where ALO work is underway, has an ALO Responsible Manager, ALO Planner, ALO Site Controller and ALO assurance checker been appointed – and have they been trained by us?

  • Give further details

  • Is the ALO plan in date and accurate for the plant, location and activity?

  • Give Further Details

Planning and Resourcing

  • Name of Possession Planner

  • Does Possession Planner hold a valid SSOW Planner competence – photo & expiry date expiry date

  • Give Further Details

  • Name of SSOW Planner

  • Does SSOW Planner hold a valid SSOW Planner competence – photo & expiry date expiry date

  • Give Further Details

  • For Line blockages, has the hierarchy of line blockage protection been adhered to (i.e. LB only, Token, Signal disconnection, EPR, T-COD, Dets)?

  • Give Further Details

  • Does the SSOW limits cover the work location and access / egress points?

  • Give Further Details

  • Has the SSOW Planner undertaken an independent check of the suitability of the limits?

  • Give Further Details

  • Has the SSOW Pack included annotated diagrams for the limits and access points? (including for CPs and strapmen?)

  • Give Further Details

  • What COSS classifaction level should be used as a minimum?

  • Has the COSS/PC/CP/MC achieved the COSS level of classification required? (gold, silver, bronze etc)

  • Give Further Details

  • Has the COSS/PC/POS/MC/CP/Strapman (at COSS level) been allocated to the job at least 5 days in advance?

  • Give Further Details

  • Has the Site Warden changed inside 48 hours of the start time?

  • Give Further Details

  • Where COSS/PC/CP/Strapman/MC/POS have changed inside 5 days (for levels 1, 2 &3) has the F2001C process been used correctly with suitable ‘exceptional circumstances’ justified?

  • Give Further Details

  • Has the COSS/PC/CP/Strapman/POS worked at the site within the last 6 months and has sufficient local knowledge? (3months for any open line access/open line working)

  • Give Further Details

  • If not sufficient local knowledge, has a site visit been carried out on days (applies to those allocated to day and night shifts)?

  • Give Further Details

  • Was the SSOW Pack verified at least 12 hours prior to the start of the shift (for COSS, SWL1, PC, Machine Controller, POS Rep)

  • Give Further Details

  • Has a challenging conversation been completed between the RM & COSS/MC/PC/CP/POS and has this been recorded? If not, why?

  • Give Further Details

  • Have CPs and strapmen been provided with a SSOW pack for their specific duty?

  • Give Further Details

  • Do Machine Controllers have valid competence certificate, an LLT, Proving unit, dets, flags, Track circuit operating clips, dect comms/duplex communications in place with spare kit?

  • Give Further Details

  • Has an RRV check list been completed for the job – if RRVs are being used?

  • Give Further Details


  • Please schedule out any Improvement opportunities or areas of concern

  • Signed by individual completing audit/checks

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.