
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Name & Position of Person Seen

  • Total Number of Employees

Health & Safety Policy Management

  • Has the Health & Safety Policy been signed?

  • Select from range

  • Has the Statement of Intent been displayed?

  • Select from range

  • Have all employees signed for acknowledgment of the Health and Safety Booklets?

  • Select from range

  • Have there been any changes in the management structure since the last audit?

  • Select from range

  • Have there been any significant changes in the work scope since the last audit?

  • Select from range

  • Is the Employers Liability certificate valid and displayed?

  • Select from range

  • Is the latest H& S Law Poster displayed with correct HSE Address?

  • Select from range

Workplace Inspection

  • Are workplace inspections being carried out and recorded?

  • Select from range

  • If work is undertaken off site are site H&S audits undertaken?

  • Select from range

Accident Reporting

  • Is the Accident Book available to all employees?

  • Select from range

  • No of Accidents recorded since previous visit?

  • Select from range

  • No of RIDDOR accidents since previous visit?

  • Select from range

  • Are accident records reviewed by senior management?

  • Select from range

  • Are accidents ever investigated to determine underlying cause and to help prevent re occurrence?

  • Select from range

  • Are any accident trends noted?

  • Select from range

  • Has the Company received any enforcement action since the previous visit?

  • Select from range

  • Any EL claims arising since previous visit?

  • Select from range

First Aid

  • Are the recommended number of trained first aid<br>Personnel appointed?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Are notices displayed identifying the First Aid arrangements?

  • Select from range

  • Are First Aid Boxes regularly inspected?

  • Select from range

Fire Safety

  • Has a Fire Risk Assessment been carried out?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Are Fire Plans available for the Premise?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Is Fire Fighting equipment available and inspected?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Are fire procedures displayed in appropriate<br>Locations?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Have Fire Wardens been appointed?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Are escape routes and assembly points adequately signed?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Are Fire Drills carried out and recorded?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Are alarms inspected and recorded?

  • Select from range

  • Has Emergency Lighting been inspected / tested and recorded?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Have employees been trained in the use of Fire Fighting Equipment?<br>

  • Select from range

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Are records off PPE issue available?<br>

  • Select from range

  • Are employees consulted on the provisions of PPE?

  • Select from range

  • Where none disposable respiratory protection is used have employees been trained in the procedure for filter replacement, maintenance and storage?

  • Select from range

  • Are suitable facilities available for the storage of PPE when not in use?

  • Select from range

Training Records

  • Are employee inductions being carried out and recorded?

  • Select from range

  • Are training courses being conducted and records kept, including in-house training?

  • Select from range

  • Is a structured training programme in place?

  • Select from range

  • Is on the job training carried out and recorded?

  • Select from range

Risk Assessment

  • Are Risk Assessments being carried out for tasks, activities and equipment?

  • Select from range

  • Have COSHH Assessments been carried out for substances used by the company?

  • Select from range

  • Is Noise a hazard, and if so, has a suitable Noise Assessment been undertaken?

  • Select from range

  • Have Display Screen Equipment (DSE) / Visual Display Unit (VDU) Assessments been carried out for "Users" of such equipment and work stations?

  • Select from range

  • Are employees exposed to Vibration during the scope of their works, and if so, has a suitable assessment been undertaken?

  • Select from range

  • Are there any Expectant Mothers within the company, and if so, has a Pregnant Workers Risk Assessment been undertaken and regularly reviewed with the employee(s)?

  • Select from range

  • Are there any Young Workers within the company, and if so, has a Young Workers Risk Assessment been undertaken with suitable control measures implemented?

  • Select from range

  • Are employees aware of the RAs & their contents, and have signatures been obtained for understanding?

  • Select from range

  • Have RAs been reviewed and updated as required since last audit?

  • Select from range

Manual Handling

  • Have Manual Handling assessments been completed?

  • Select from range

  • Has Manual Handling training been carried out and recorded for all employees?

  • Select from range

Asbestos Management

  • Are employees likely to undertake works that will knowingly disturb Asbestos Containing Materials?

  • Select from range

  • Where employees may potentially disturb / discover Asbestos or ACM’s are they trained in Asbestos Awareness or None Licensed Asbestos work? Training should be UKATA approved.

  • Select from range

  • Where employees have been trained in Asbestos awareness or none licensed work have they had refresher training within the last 12 months?

  • Select from range

  • Has an Asbestos survey been conducted and actioned?

  • Select from range

  • Based upon the results of any Asbestos Survey has a suitable Asbestos Management Plan been created and implemented?

  • Select from range

Electrical Equipment

  • Has PAT testing been carried out in the last 12 Months?

  • Select from range

  • Has the fixed mains been inspected in the past 5 years?

  • Select from range

  • Where electrical tooling is used on site is the tooling selected of the lowest possible voltage?

  • Select from range

  • Are 240V site tools protected by a RCD device?

  • Select from range

Gas Appliances

  • Have all Gas Appliances been inspected and recorded by a Gas Safe registered engineer in the last 12 Months?

  • Select from range

Machinery & Equipment

  • Are statutory inspections in place for all Machinery and Lifting Appliances?

  • Select from range

  • Are routine equipment checks carried out and recorded?

  • Select from range

  • Is a planned maintenance scheme in operation?

  • Select from range

  • Are employees trained in the safe use of all machinery and equipment?

  • Select from range

  • Is information available for the safe use of machinery?

  • Select from range

Occupational Health

  • Are annual occupational health assessments undertaken on night workers?

  • Select from range

  • Are annual occupational health questionnaires being issued to employees and reviewed?

  • Select from range

  • Are working hours “opt out forms” being completed?

  • Select from range

  • Is any other health surveillance being conducted i.e. HAVS, skin checks, audiometer?

  • Select from range

  • Where employees are required to wear respiratory protection have they been face fit tested?

  • Select from range

Managing Contractors / Sub-Contractors

  • Has a formal process of approving contractors / sub contractors been adopted?

  • Select from range

  • Are copies of sub-contractors risk and method statements obtained and reviewed to ensure they are suitable and sufficient before being allowed to work on site?

  • Select from range

  • Is the list of approved contractors current?

  • Select from range

  • Is onsite H & S performance of contractors audited?

  • Select from range

Environmental Issues

  • Are waste transfer notes available and records maintained for a minimum of two years?

  • Select from range

  • Does the company have a waste carrier’s license? Is it current?

  • Select from range

  • Is the company a hazardous waste producer, if so are Consignment notes kept for a minimum of three years

  • Select from range

  • Where potentially hazardous chemicals are stored / used is a spills kit available?

  • Select from range

Welfare Facilities

  • Are adequate welfare facilities provided and maintained for both sexes?

  • Select from range

  • Are facilities provided to enable workers to obtain Hot Drinks and Food away from their main place of work?

  • Select from range

  • Where employees work on site are suitable welfare arrangements in place in accordance with the CDM Regs 2007?

  • Select from range

Employee Communication

  • Is a Health and Safety Notice Board in use?

  • Select from range

  • Is information displayed relevant?

  • Select from range

  • Does the company have a formal Health and Safety committee or other means for employees to raise H/S issues?

  • Select from range


  • Is a copy of the latest Health and Safety Law Poster displayed for all employees to view?

  • Select from range

  • Is site signage sufficient and the correct type to comply with the Safety Signs Regs?

  • Select from range

Machinery & Equipment

  • Does the company have a formal Health and Safety committee or other means for employees to raise H/S issues?

  • Select from range

Work at Height

  • Are works at height properly planned subject to Risk Assessment?

  • Select from range

  • Are employees trained to the appropriate level when working at height? E.g. Works at Height Course, IPAF, PASMA etc.

  • Select from range

  • Does the company use access equipment which requires operatives to wear Safety Harnesses & Lanyards? If so, are employees appropriately trained in their use & inspection?

  • Select from range

Other Issues

  • Has a Legionella risk assessment been conducted?

  • Select from range

  • Smoking in the Workplace - Are the requirements of the Smoke-Free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006 being maintained?

  • Select from range

  • Are any Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems (LEV’s) inspected by a competent person a minimum of once every 14 months?

  • Select from range

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.