Document No.
State Wide Inspection
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Health and Safety committee tools and consultation
How many hours were spent on OHS improvement within a month?<br>Refer to rosters, timesheets for evidence on OHS improvement. How many hours for manager and how many for HSO<br>
OHS committee meetings must be run at least quarterly. Minutes must be displayed on the OHS noticeboard. View agendas and minutes from HSO and department meetings.<br> <br>
Are monthly inspections being completed and documented on checklists? Sight a number of consecutive months.<br>
Local staff induction & training
Do employees receive ongoing training to conduct their jobs safely? Is there an OHS/training calendar available and is the training in line with the risk profile of the work place?<br>
Is training records available on the last training session conducted? Has training been recorded on a YMCA training records template?<br>
Emergency Response
Exit doors, stairs and pathways clear of obstruction both inside and outside of doors Visual spot inspection<br>
Emergency exit doors clearly marked & visible; signage present and illuminated Exit lights at emergency exit points & illuminated (Spot Check)<br>
When was the emergency management plan last updated and staff trained in its use? It is recommended that the EMP is updated annually as well as training annually.<br>
Are the warden back packs in place and stocked? check if the warden packs are in place and checks have been done on the stock<br>
Has emergency management training been provided in the last 12 months? Training records for emergency management training. If staff could not attend, how is it followed up?<br>
First aid/Incident reports
First aid kits checked: are kits checked and the checklists have been completed<br>
First Aid and Incident reporting: Are first aid and incident forms being completed correctly and are they up to date?<br>
Are logged incident reports up to date? Ensure all investigations are completed within 21 days on incident<br>
Is there completed JSA/Authority to work forms? Are JSA’s completed for works completed? Are hazards identified relevant to the task and control measures appropriate?<br>
Have relevant licences and certificates of currency been collected? All contractors must provide a certificate of currency/insurance. Contractors must provide licences appropriate to works being completed.<br>
Has a high risk permit system been implemented for high risk work? Are they completed when appropriate? Confined space, hot work and working at heights permits implemented and staff trained<br>
Identify the last 2 contractors that has signed in. Has all necessary paperwork been collected? Contractor induction, JSA, high risk permits, licences and certificates of currency<br>
Chemical management (spot check): are chemicals stored in line with the MSDS?<br><br>
Chemical Management (Spot Check): Walk ways and paths to fire equipment clear<br>
Chemical Management (Spot Check): Chemicals must have labelled designated storage areas<br>
Chemical Management (Spot Check): Sufficient lighting in chemical storage area<br>
Chemical Management (Spot Check): Open bags stored in labelled containers/bunds<br>
Chemical Management (Spot Check): MSDS’s available up to date<br>
Chemical Management (Spot Check): Colour coded mixing equipment<br>
Is there a spill kit located in the area? Is it regularly checked? Spill kit needs to be suitable to the chemicals and quantity<br>
Chemical storage area general house keeping? Ensure the general house keeping in the chemical storage area is good and there is no slip, trip or fall hazards<br>
Is PPE maintained and regularly checked? PPE must be checked regularly and documented<br> <br>
Have staff received PPE training Ensure staff have received training in fit, test, cleaning and maintenance of PPE<br>
Manual handling
Are all risk assessments and safe work procedures up to date and regularly reviewed? Spot check Reviewed as required or at least every 12 months<br>
Has manual handling training been provided in the last 12 months? who trained and how was it recorded<br>Are manual handling safe work procedures available to staff? Safe work procedures must be accessible for staff <br>
Assess manual handling techniques: spot check on tasks and provide guidance on manual handling techniques.<br>
Working at height
Previous heights work: Review of documentation from the past 3 months heights work <br>
heights equipment: hazard inspection on ladders, scaffold etc..<br> <br>
upcoming heights work: is any heights work planned for the coming months, if so communicate this to DC and TS
General OHS
Housekeeping: inspect housekeeping throughout the site to ensure slip, trip and fall hazards are eliminated<br>
Safety alerts: have recent safety alerts been actioned? Provide guidance where required<br>
Electrical safety: spot check leads for hazards and if the test and tag is in date<br>
OHS notice board: check if notice board is up to date<br>
General Hazards Identified
Camps specific
daily log books: spot checks to see if being used<br>
equipment hazard spot check: bikes, harnesses, PFD, etc…<br>
monthly maintenance logs: spot check <br>
First Aid: First aid available and stocked in kitchen?<br>
Fridge Log: Check fridge logs frequency/complete<br>
Electrical Leads: Check leads Test and Tag and general ware <br>
EMP : Is there and up to date emergency evacuation map?<br>
Chemicals: MSDS available up to date? (spot check)<br>