
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

Exterior of Building

  • Is the exterior of the location appealing?

  • Are all the lights working outside? (sign/exterior lights)

  • Are the windows clean?

  • Are the windows free of excessive signs?

  • Are there any other issues outside that need to be addressed? Please explain.

Front of House

  • Are all the lightbulbs in working order?

  • Are the lights at the appropriate settings?

  • Does the paint in the dining-room need to be touched up?

  • Is there sports being shown on the tv?

  • Is the music at an appropriate level, with appropriate programming?

  • Is the merchandise cooler fully stocked with soda?

  • Are there salads available in the merchandise cooler?

  • Is there cheesecake available in the merchandise cooler?

  • Are the tables are clean?

  • Are the chairs arranged neatly?

  • Are the floors in the dining room clean and free of debris?

  • Are the condiments fully stocked? (parm and pepper)

  • Is the front counter arranged neatly?

  • Are the cookies fresh and properly stocked?

  • Are the special boards being changed from day to night specials in a timely manor?

  • Are there menus available on the front counter?

  • Is the POP display current?

  • Are there comment cards available on the front counter?

  • Are the condiments arranged neatly?

  • Are the walls clean in the dining area?

  • Are their gift cards on display and available for purchase?

  • Are the ledges wiped down and free of dust?

  • Are the bathrooms clean and tidy?

  • Are the supplies fully stocked in the bathroom? (paper towels, toilet paper, toilets seat cover)

  • Is the bathroom free of graffiti?

  • Are the garbage cans free from overflowing?

  • Is the bus tub free of dirty dishes?

Production Areas and Kitchen

  • Is the drivers station organized?

  • Is the heating disc unit being used?

  • Are the walls free from chipped paint and damage?

  • Is the stainless polished and clean?

  • Is the kitchen prep table clean and wiped down often?

  • Are towels kept in a towel bucket or near a sink and not on the counters?

  • Is the kitchen prep table fully stocked on top?

  • Is the PT fully stocked on bottom?

  • Are items in the bottom of the PT propperly labeled and dated?

  • Are orders assembled in the proper order?

  • Is the scale being used?

  • Are orders staged properly to go into the oven?

  • Are the walls in the kitchen clean?

  • Is the ceiling in the kitchen clean?

  • Has the day prep work been completed?

  • Is the walk-in organized?

  • Is the product in the walk-in rotated properly?

  • Are the products in the walk-in dated properly?

  • Has the food been accurately ordered? Is there too much or too little?

  • Is there product on the floor of the walk-in?

  • Are the floors swept and mopped in the walk-in?

  • Is the dry storage organized?

  • Is there product left on the floor in the dry storage area?

  • Are the walls in the dry storage area clean?

  • Is there enough goods to last until the next delivery?

  • Are the triple sinks being used propperly?

  • Are the dishes Being dealt with?

  • Are the dishes stored neatly?

  • Are the waste bins in the kitchen kept clean?

  • Is there excessive waste on the floor in the prep areas?

  • Are the hand wash stations fully stocked with soap and paper towels?

  • Are employees washing hands frequently?

  • Is the store free of signs from pest?

Management and operatioons

  • Is the manager in the proper uniform? (hat (or a hairnet) shirt, apron)

  • Is the manager active in every aspect of the daily operations? (cooking, cleaning, prepping, taking orders)

  • Does the manager know what their current sales and labor are at for the day/week?

  • Is the manager pleasant with staff and have a good demeanor?

  • Are the employees in the proper uniform? (logo gear)

  • Are employees dressed appropriately? Is their clothing in good condition? No holes, proper hygiene, clothing clean.

  • Are employees taking the proper breaks during their shift?

  • Are the cooks wearing hats or hairnets?

  • Are the deliveries being sent out in a timely manor?

  • Are drivers taking the appropriate amount of deliveries? One or two at the most?

  • Are the drivers using the car signs?

  • Are the open/close checklist being used propperly?

  • Are the phones being answered before the 5th ring?

  • Are the phones being answered with the proper script?

  • Are the employees attempting to up sell to the customer?

  • Are customers greeted propperly?

  • Does the staff have a friendly demeanor with the customers?

  • Are employees thanking customers when the customers are leaving?

  • Have the cash drawers been properly reconciled?

  • Is the change bank acurate?

  • Have all the orders been closed out propperly?

  • Have cleaning task been assigned and delegated out?

  • Are the temp logs done daily?

  • Is there adequate communication in the Redbook?

  • Is the manager's office area clean and organized?


  • Is the POS kept free of dangerous fluids on or around it?

  • Are the cat5 cables organized and kept off the ground?

  • Are the vents for the CPU vacuumed and kept free of dust?

  • Is the general appearance of the POS satisfactory?

  • Are the ovens kept in a satisfactory appearence?

  • Are the vents on the back of the oven cleaned out and free of dust?

  • Is behind the oven clean?

  • Is the inside of the oven clean, and are the belts clean?

  • Is the hood cleaned?

  • Are the hood vents cleaned out regularly?

  • Is the dough sheeter in an acceptable appearence?

  • Is the chain lubed and properly maintained?

  • Are the rollers cleaned regularly?

  • Are the coolers clean?

  • Aren the cooler vents kept clear of dust?

  • Are the gaskets clean and in good condition?

  • Do all of the coolers have functional thermometers?

  • Are the coolers at proper temps?

  • Are the Pepsi coolers clean?

  • Is the Pepsi fountain clean and draining properly?

  • Are the floor drains clean?


  • Are mats on the floor in good condition?

  • Is there a detectable presence of water on the floor?

  • Are knives being handled and used properly?

  • Are the employees lifting things properly?

  • Are the employees following the burn prevention guidelines?

  • Are the employees using the equipment properly and safely?

  • Are fire extinguishers present and serviced?

  • Has the hood been properly serviced?

  • Are the electrical circuits used properly and not overloaded?

  • Is the first aide kit present and properly stocked?

  • Are the emergency lights in place and functioning?

  • Is the drivers car in proper working condition?

  • Are the means of egress free from obstruction?

Miscellaneous Questions

  • Is there anything else that needs to be improved?

  • Is there anything else that needs to be improved?

  • Is there anything else that needs to be improved?

Wrap up

  • Store manager

  • Audit inspector

  • There are 4 auto fails: scale not in use, manager out of uniform, driver no car sign, and un-stocked hand washing stations.

  • Comments and notes:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.