Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Touch points
Chicken counts performed 4x/day.
Daily Inventory completed.
Warm greeting following Atticus script.
Ambient temperature is appropriate.
Checklists are posted and fully completed in restaurant and in redbook.
Checked all customer tickets upon arrival to ensure quote times being met?
Fryer Filter Procedures being adhered to.
DM engaged customers at every opportunity to build goodwill / ensure exceptional service?
Discussed weekly dashboard with manager and developed tactics to improve weak areas?
Reviewed Redbook
Redbook appropriately populated?
Store following proper food handling and safety protocol consistently?
Manager and crew uniforms neat and comply with Wingstop standards
Describe script execution and customer interaction coaching that took place during visit
Other issues warranting escalation to Brand President or Corporate Team
People and Scheduling
Wingnet completion at 80% or better.
Received update from manager regarding any employee related issues?
Reviewed schedule w/ manager
GM Schedule for upcoming week includes 2 closes (w/ one weekend night), a minimum of 10 hour shifts and both Saturdays and Sundays (during football season)
Maximum of two team members during 10 AM - 11 AM and 11 PM+ shifts for prep and closing on schedule for upcoming week? If not, why?
Prep, fryer cleaning, and filtering schedule clearly communicated to team and posted within store (schedule includes names of team members responsible and time/date to be completed)
Build-To prep schedule clearly posted and appropriately populated by team
Updated all Newton job postings for the store
Updated all Newton applicants as 'Inactive' or contacted to schedule interviews, progress candidate workflow and onboard
Reviewed weekly employee applications (if applicable) through WRI website w/ GM to identify potential candidates
Exterior windows and doors are free from streaks and build up.
Parking lot free of issues (potholes, painting, etc.)?
Is the sidewalk/exterior entryway swept and free of trash and debris?
Is all exterior lighting functional and appropriately illuminated?
All signage visible and in good condition?
Building clean of gum, stains, cigarette butts, etc.
Dumpster area - Lids/doors shut, clean and odor free?
Waiting Area / Entry
Ambiance - Appropriate temperature, smell and music volume?
Front Counter - Clean, free of trash and well organized?
Menus stocked?
Floors, walls and baseboards clean?
Lighting free of bugs and functioning?
Drink Fridge - Properly stocked and functioning?
Chicken tubs stored separate from other small wares in designated area.
All product labeled fully and within shelf life. Including bags from any open boxes.
Chicken boxes disposed of properly in trash bag.
No examples of cross-contamination.
Proper saucing, seasoning and bagging procedures observed with proper lids 1/8 and 1/4 inch only.
Fryers clean and functioning?
Coolers and Freezers - Clean and Functioning with a thermometer.
Ice Machine - Clean and functioning?
Fry station - Clean and organized?
IT Equipment working?
Cleaning and Paper supplies overstocked?
Cleaning or paper supplies under-stocked?
First Aid Kit Available and fully stocked with Blue band aids and burn cream.
Dashboard and other materials posted and well-organized on the communication board
Drink Station
Drink station free of trash?
Fountain dispenser functioning?
Ice dispenser functioning?
Lids, straws and utensils stocked appropriately and well-organized?
Dining Area
team is walking guest touch points every 15 minutes. Front Counter, Beverage Station, Dining Room, and Restrooms.
Windows and doors clean with no smudges.
If unused, appropriate number of chairs at each table, pushed in neatly?
No trash/trays out on tables?
Floors and walls clean / free of trash or stains?
Restroom clean and properly stocked?
Lighting functioning?
Legal and Regulatory
Labor law posters (GA & Federal) posted and dated June 2018?
Employees must wash hands posters posted?
Safety Data Sheet (Yellow Folders - Hazardous Materials, etc.) posted?
Photos of issues
Drink Area
Is the employee communication board set with the following: Store Dashboard, Current Schedule, Current Contest, Deployment Chart, and Comp Policy
Picture of the communication board