
  • Restaurant Location

  • MODs

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  • Document No.

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  • The following checklist should be used when conducting restaurant visits as follows:

  • All items should be executed during a two day visit.

  • If conducting a visit period of time less than 2 days complete all tasks in the Team Engagement section and select at minimum 2 tasks from every other section. Your selections should be based on the performance results of the restaurant and/or follow up needs from previous visit.

Team Engagement

  • Round Up Board clean and current.

  • Can 3 team members repeat the same message from the Pre-Shift meeting?

  • 1) What are the top priorities in your job? 2) What are you routinely rewarded for? 3) what's broken and needs to be fixed? 4) What advice do you have for me?

  • Is the manager log being fill out properly. Review the last 7 days of communication.

  • 30 minute one-on-ones with managers

  • Manager
  • Name:

  • What are your 2 top priorities? What are you working on for your development? When was last 1-1 with your MP.

  • 10 minute 1-on-1 with at least three potential PFW's, S/CP, CT's

  • Team member
  • Name:

  • What projects are you working on? How are you developing your leadership skills?

  • Ask a random sampling of team members the following: -What do you do on the shift to live Loyalty R.U.L.E2.S!? -What do you do on the shift to ensure our guests are receiving A Guaranteed Cut Above Experience?

  • 10 minute walk-thru with MP/KM to evaluate equipment.

  • Ask the managers the following: -What do you do on the shift to live Loyalty R.U.L.E2.S!? -What do you do on the shift to ensure our guests are receiving A Guaranteed Cut Above Experience? -What do you do to instill Loyalty R.U.L.E2.S! behaviors in your team members?

Facilities Excellence

  • Building, landscaping, back dock/dumpster area and all lighting perfect?

  • Evaluate Smallwares levels at peak volume: are there tools to do the job?

  • 10 minute walk-thru with KM/MP for equipment evaluation.

OPS Excellence FOH

  • SA's friendly and attentive. Welcome West being used? Any false waits? Throughput goals posted and known? Host stand area immaculate.

  • S.T.O.D. in place? Do the servers/bartenders know the actions and outcomes? Can the servers/bartenders describe actions they take to deliver on the actions and outcomes?

  • All uniforms perfect - managers and team members?

  • Is the back bar fully stocked? Service bar and all wells set up? TQ standards in place? Introductions being performed by bar team? 3 minute drinks at service bar?

  • FOH checklist completed twice a day for the week?

  • Observe 3 table visits per manager: Recovery/ODs/Refires handled in a way that builds guest loyalty? Manager follow up needed and executed? Managers know at least 50% of the guests in the dining room by name and something about them - Numerator/Denominator? Managers using business cards and Loyalty Cards to connect with the guests.

Ops Excellence - HOH

  • Linechecks: Test 3 temperature, Taste 3 items minimum. Are standards met?

  • Critical Walkthrough checklist is up to date including last 2weeks?

  • Perform/review C.A.R.E. validation checklist.

  • Expo in the window? LFS being used properly both hot and cold side? Team members and managers checking/validating steak temps? Proper refire standards in place? Ticket times and pace of meal up to standards?

  • Review most recent TQ audit for follow up. (ensure critical issues a addressed). Check top 3: Clean dish ware, chemicals properly stored, cooler temps.

  • Critical systems utilized correctly?: Par-pull, HAACP, recipes, harvest, daily AvsT, sustainability.

  • All financial logs are filled out properly. Follow up on financial audit if needed.

  • Are checklists used daily and posters in place?

Systems Excellence

  • Are we staffed correctly? Aces in places? Correct level of staff on hand for projections? Sift leadership report begin used? At par in all AORs (review staffing grid)? At par on S/CPs?

  • Security and Safety: Back door and office locked, floors dry, cutting gloves 100%?

  • Utility Program: Floors and carpet clean including 8" up the wall, restrooms cleaned and stocked?

  • GSS Analysis: Review trends and evaluate action plans?

  • LMS/Forecasting: 20 minute review with MP: Accuracy of forecasting forecasting trends & the "28"

  • TAS used properly? Hiring process begin completed in the system? Staffing & Training Manager reviewing applicants regularly and adhering to the processes in the system?

  • Financial Systems & Audits: Verify all financial logs in the office and and systems are in place?

  • Review current marketing and community activities.

Training Excellence

  • Review files for 5 most recent new hires and ensure all paperwork and testing was completed.

  • Ask at least 3 recent new hires the following:<br>Who conducted your orientation.<br>Did you receive training materials (Team Member Guide, PPFG, training cards)?<br>Where you trained by a CT?<br>Was your training schedule fully outlined ahead of time?<br>Did a manager follow up on your training daily?<br>On a scale of 1-5 how would you rate your training experience.<br>If you were me what would you do to improve our training program?

  • Training Rosters: CT pars met or exceeded? CT's NRO eligible/have completed NROs?


Director Visit Recap

  • Notes:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.