Factory Information
Subcontractor Name
Factory Name
Supplier Name
Conducted for
What type of product does factory make?
Conducted on
Prepared by
List of colleagues visiting with you
Factory/Supplier representatives present
Questions for Office
How many workers in the factory?
- 1-500
- 501-1000
- 1001-1500
- 1501-2000
- 2001-2500
- 2501-3000
- 3001-3500
- 3501-4000
- 4001-4500
- 4501-5000
How many women?
- 1-500
- 501-1000
- 1001-1500
- 1501-2000
- 2001-2500
- 2501-3000
- 3001-3500
- 3501-4000
- 4001-4500
- 4501-5000
What is factory's capacity per month?
What are the peak months for the factory?
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December
What other brands do they work with?
What is the factory's turnover?
Have they had an ethical audit before?
What type? What date?
How are the workers paid?
- Piece rate
- Salary
- Weekly
- Monthly
What is the wage of the worker paid the least in the factory?
As far as the factory is are aware, does this wage comply with country law?
What is the average wage in the factory?
What hours is the factory open?
Do they work overtime?
how much and how often?
Does the factory have an overtime policy? If so, request it to be emailed.
Is overtime voluntary?
How do they enforce overtime?
Do all employees have a contract?
Does the factory hold on to workers ID cards?
Do they ask for ID from prospective employees?
What proof do they have of each workers age?
Have they ever employed young people before? How do they work with them? (This is people between the age of child, about 16 in most countries and18)
Questions for Factory
Take a photo of the entrance of the building, getting the factory sign in if possible.
Is the building owned by the factory/supplier?
How many floors in the whole building?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
How many floors is the factory on?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
Does the building look structurally safe? Please photograph anything that looks unsafe.
Is the building well maintained? Please photograph best or worst practice.
Is it well lit? please photograph any areas not well lit.
Is it well ventilated?
Can you see any fire extinguishers?
Does it look like a sufficient number?
Why do they not have any?
Are there clearly marked fire exits on each floor? Please photograph best and worst practice.
Are all fire exits unlocked and clear? Please photograph.
Are the general areas clean and safe? Are the walkways clear, is it easy to walk around the factory? Please photograph.
What was the date of their last fire drill?
Do the machines look well maintained? Please photograph best/worst practise
Are there needle or eye guards on every machine? Please photograph best/worst practise
Are all workers using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where needed? Please photograph best/worst practise
Do workers do any particularly hazardous work?
What kind of work?
What kind of precautionary measures does the factory take to ensure the safety of the workers doing hazardous work?
Does the factory have trained first aiders?
Is there a first aid box on every floor?
Are they unlocked?
Are they well stocked?
Is the contents all in date?
Why not?
Are the toilets separated between men and women?
Are the toilets clean, in good working order and private cubicles? Please photograph best/worst practise
Are workers allowed to visit the toilet when they need too?
Is there clean drinking water available for every worker? Please photograph best/worst practise
Are workers allowed to get water when they need too?
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