
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Adit team

  • Site team

01.01 Policy & Objectives

  • · Does the plant managers promote a personnal safety vision with challenging objectives for the site?

  • Information

  • Good practice

02.02 Site Health & Safety Management System

  • · A H&S Manual (Division, BU or Site) is readily available and includes all essential policy and rules relating to the H&S of the processes on site.

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • · Site H&S Management Organisation & Responsibilities have been defined for all Key functions outlining what is expected of them in terms of their contribution to the management of H&S at the site.

  • Information

  • Good practice

02.04 Visible Felt Leadership (VFL)

02.04.01 Deployment

  • · Has the Site Management Team been trained to practice VFL interactions effectively?

  • Information

  • Good practice

03.01 Employee Involvement

  • · Are employees active in enhancing the health & safety of their working environment?

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • · Are employees freely engaging each other on safety issues (including unsafe behaviour)?

  • Information

  • Good practice

04.05 Mobile Equipment

  • · Is there effective segregation of vehicles and pedestrians on the site?

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • · Do pedestrians wear High Visibility Clothing when working in operational areas whatever their status; employee, contractor, visitor, truck drivers?

  • Information

  • Good practice

04.09 Lifting & Rigging

  • · Is there suitable equipment available to ensure equipment can be lifted safely?

  • Information

  • Good practice

04.11 Occupational Health

04.11.04 Manual Handling (Ergonomics)

  • · Does the local policy recognise the hazards posed by manual handling, musculoskeletal disorders, and from use of vibratory tools?

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • · Is there evidence that supervision is applied to ensure that specific systems of work and good manual handling techniques are being followed?

  • Information

  • Good practice

04.11.05 Health, others

  • - Heat exposure

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • - Lighting

  • Information

  • Good practice

04.12 Stock Pile Management

  • · Are procedures defined and communicated that limit and strictly control access to surge piles and stockpiles?

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • · Are procedures defined and communicated that prevent access to surge piles?

  • Information

  • Good practice

04.18 Logistsics transport

  • Contractors / companies: <br>- have contractors been selected on HS performance as well, <br>- is the contract including HS, <br>- do the same rules apply for subcontractors (and are they agreed with ETEX, <br>- is the use of spot-hauliers avoided

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • Drivers:<br>- Do drivers have a license, are they medically checked <br>- Are they separately trained for the ETEX requirements<br>- Respect rules of the road, do not take A&D, respect driving hours<br>- Use required PPE on site of ETEX

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • Vehicles:<br>- Have standard safety equipment and all all other standard equipmet fitted <br>- Do not enter the site in unsafe condition (breaks, tires, steering wheel..)<br>- have been maintained , serviced and inspected acc to builders manual<br>- have done a prestart check before leaving<br>- Lights on all day and night

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • Journey management : <br>- preferred roads are used with safe rest areas<br>- inventory of actual bottle necks and black spots before leaving<br>- No passengers for which no safe seat are present are permitted

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • Loading/unloading:<br>- Clear instructions when arriving at site(s)<br>- Truck is loaded safely, respecting max load/distribution<br>- Unloading is done safely, esp. preventing tip-over of trucks<br>- During (un)loading truck drivers are in a safe area<br>

  • Information

  • Good practice

04.20 storage / racks

  • - storage racks are in good state, max load is indicated and safety instructions are posted.

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • - racks are inspected frequently internal (visually) and external.

  • Information

  • Good practice

07.01 HR Processes

07.01.03 Induction

  • · Is there a documented induction process established for any person visiting the site, regardless of status? (employee, contractor, visitor)

  • Information

  • Good practice

08.01 Communication

  • · Learning’s from audits / inspections and from internal / external incidents or injuries investigated are posted on noticeboards and discussed on site during regular meetings.

  • Information

  • Good practice

  • · Regular Exposure to SER or Fatality lessons through toolbox talks or briefings are organized on site, using Etex group publications or benchmarking data.

  • Information

  • Good practice

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.