
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel


  • Development Application No.

  • Development Proposal

  • Lot

  • DP

  • Address

  • Project Manager

  • Start Date

  • Superintendent


  • Date of DA approval

  • Select date

  • Are there any S96 amendments?

  • Current Part


  • Construction Certificate Plans Approved and Current?

  • Insert PDF Plans here


  • 1. Site Establishment

  • Pre-Construction Meeting

  • Inspection/Test results to be submitted prior to approval to proceed to next activity

  • Nominated Site Supervisor for the Project

  • List of all subcontractors supplied to the Principal for approval?

  • Date inspected

  • 2. Commencement of Earthworks

  • Inspection/Test results to be submitted prior to approval to proceed to next activity

  • Soil and Water Management Measures installed and to satisfaction?

  • Select date


  • 3. Placing of Fill on Roads and/or Lots

  • Inspection/Test results to be submitted prior to approval to proceed to next activity

  • Stripped areas inspected & to satisfaction?

  • Date inspected


  • 4. Road Subgrade

  • Subgrade replacement - Granular material or Lime Stabilisation?

  • Road Subgrade Inspection
  • Road & Chainage details

  • Compaction Density Geotechnical test result submitted?<br>100% standard 95% modified

  • Proof roll - no sign of deflections?<br>Single axle loaded water truck or similar (min 8 tonne loaded over the rear axle)

  • Satisfactory?

  • Material that has become degraded, segregated or otherwise reduced in quality by reworking shall be rejected. Clayey and soft areas to rejected. Rejected material shall be removed, disposed of and replaced with fresh material approved by Council. Subgrade replacement - Granular material max 50mm aggregate

  • Date inspected

  • 5. Road Subbase

  • DGS 20 - 20mm nominal sized densely graded subbase
    DGS 40 - 40mm nominal sized densely graded subbase

  • Road Subbase Inspection
  • Road & Chainage details

  • Was road subgrade satisfactory/approved at this location?

  • Has a road drainage infrastructure been installed at this location?

  • Have subbase material source and type details been submitted/approved by Council?

  • Compaction Density Geotechnical test result submitted?<br>100% standard 95% modified

  • Proof roll - no sign of deflections?<br>Single axle loaded water truck or similar (min 8 tonne loaded over the rear axle)

  • Service conduit plan submitted?

  • Satisfactory?

  • Material that has become degraded, segregated or otherwise reduced in quality by reworking shall be rejected. Rejected material shall be removed, disposed of and replaced with fresh material approved by Council.

  • Date inspected

  • 6. Kerb & Gutter

  • Concrete to be minimum 20 MPA

  • Kerb & Gutter Inspection
  • Road & Chainage Details

  • Has the Subbase been approved at this location?

  • Does Subbase extend 150mm behind kerb?

  • Are kerb adapters in place and not located at contraction or expansion joints?

  • Is there adequate fall to inlet pits?<br>min 0.5% grade

  • Are contraction joints located every 3m and expansion joints at intervals not exceeding 15m?

  • Are services conduit locations adequately stamped and marked on the kerb?

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date inspected

  • 7. Base

  • DGB 20 - 20mm nominal sized densely graded base

  • Base Inspection
  • Road & Chainage Details

  • Has the Subbase been approved?

  • Have base material source and type details been submitted/approved by Council?

  • Proof roll - no sign of deflections?<br>Single axle loaded water truck or similar (min 8 tonne loaded over the rear axle)

  • Compaction Density Geotechnical Test result submitted?<br>98% Modified

  • Satisfactory?

  • Material that has become degraded, segregated or otherwise reduced in quality by reworking shall be rejected. Rejected material shall be removed, disposed of and replaced with fresh material approved by Council.

  • Date inspected

  • 8. Seal - Wearing Surface

  • Hotmix 2x 20mm layers - 2nd layer after 80% of houses built or 12 months whichever comes first
    or 1x 40mm layer. Check approved consent.

  • Final layer Inspection
  • Road & Chainage Details

  • Has the base at this location been approved?

  • CCTV footage of road drainage pipeline satisfactory?

  • Benkelman Beam Test submitted?<br>No deflection > 1mm

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date inspected


  • 9. Subsoil Drainage

  • Bedding - 7mm or 10mm single sized aggregate filter material 300mm of depth
    Note: in wet areas single coarse 10mm aggregate used to drain easily

  • Subsoil line Inspection
  • Subsoil Drainage Line Details

  • Subsoil drainage plan submitted satisfactory?

  • Subsoil drainage located on high side of all roads?

  • Excavation in accordance with plan?

  • Bedding and subsoil drainage pipe in trench satisfactory?

  • Is the pipe enclosed in a seamless tubular geotextile filter fabric?

  • Flush points provided?<br>At max intervals of 80m

  • Backfill trench to subgrade level?

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date inspected

  • 10. Stormwater Pipelines

  • Bedding - 7mm Quarry blend, 100mm thick, compaction 70
    Note: in wet areas single coarse 10mm aggregate used to drain easily

  • Pipeline Inspection
  • Drainage Line Details

  • Are pipelines of a satisfactory concrete cure date?<br>Pipe 450mm and less date of manufacture > 14 days<br>Pipe greater 450mm and less date of manufacture > 7 days

  • Pipeline trench widths comply?

  • Location of pipeline consistent with approved plans?

  • Adequate trench wall clearance from pipe to wall?<br>minimum 150mm

  • No poor joints, damage, unsealed lifting holes?

  • Grades consistent with approved plans?

  • Compaction Density test results for bedding, haunch, side and overlay zones satisfactory?<br>Compacted to a density index minimum 70%.

  • Backfill to finished Subgrade level?

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date inspected

  • 10. Kerb & Gutter Drainage Inlet Pits

  • Precast pits - no honeycomb present & manufacture approved by Council

  • K&G inlet pit Inspection
  • K&G Drainage Pit location details

  • Location of pits consistent with approved plans?

  • No poor joints, damage, unsealed lifting holes?

  • Are floors rendered and self flushing?

  • Are subsurface drains present?<br>100mm diameter pipeline enclosed in seamless geotextile filter fabric extending 3m from the discharge end of pipes

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date inspected


  • 14. Inter-allotment system

  • Inter-allotment Inspection
  • Inter-allotment system location details

  • Pits & pipes location in accordance with approved plans?

  • Are all pits rendered and self flushing?

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date inspected

  • 14. Place Concrete for Pits, Headwalls or Culvert Base Slabs

  • Drainage Structure Inspection
  • Drainage Structure Details

  • Reinforcing in accordance with approved plans?

  • Manufactures certification for precast products submitted & approved?

  • Satisfactory?

  • Date inspected


  • 15. Other Services Inspection

  • Miscellaneous Inspection
  • Inspection notes

  • Add media

  • Satisfactory?

  • Enter corrective action to be taken

  • Date inspected


  • 16. Final Construction Inspections

  • Construction complies with approved plans?

  • Shape and Grade in accordance with approved plans?

  • CCTV of all stormwater pipelines satisfactory?

  • Are all roads and kerb & gutter in satisfactory condition?

  • All areas levelled and stabilised?

  • All drainage infrastructure in satisfactory condition?

  • Council Infrastructure left in satisfactory condition?

  • Inter-allotment system checked to see if pipeline between each pit has not been crushed or moved?

  • Satisfactory?

  • Please issue construction compliance certificate.

  • Date inspection


  • Defect Liability
  • 17. Defects Liability periods

  • Details to be added

  • Type of defect liability

  • Period

  • End date

  • Have you set an outlook reminder to follow up 6 weeks prior to end of period

  • Add signature


  • Date completed

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.