Audit Title
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Conducted on
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Supplier details
Contact details
Quality assurance manager:
Contact details:
Factory manager:
Contact details:
Logistics/warehouse manager
Contact details:
Accreditation details:
Products audited:
Audit questions
Is their QA system third party audited?
What is the certification number:
Is there a documented quality manual?
Are politics and work instructions documented?
Are work instructions communicated?
Are work instructions implemented?
Are work instructions controlled?
Are policies and work instructions accessible to all employees?
Are reference standards controlled?
Are data collection sheets for QA and "final" product controlled?
Are there safe guards in the data collection system to present tampering?
Is there a non-conformance policy?
Is there a NCR register? (Non conformance report)
Is the NCR system automated or mechanised?
Is the NCR system reviewed by management?
Is there a total recall policy?
Are regular internal audits conducted?
Sight and review CAR's (Corrective action reports)?
Does supplier conduct QA audits on transport providers?
Show proof of transport audits?
Do you have job descriptions for each employee?
Do you match the qualifications of the employee to the job?
How does management evaluate an employee's competence?
Are training records for each employee on record?
Is production maintenance and test equipment calibrated?
Is line production testing conducted?
Provide flow charts from order entry to dispatch (process mapping)?
Is there an order confirmation notice sent to the customer?
Is there a contract review process?
Is there a product compliance check?
Is there a delivery update process for variation from original order placement date and due date?
General comments:
Photos of process/factory/product:
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