
  • Audit Title

  • Audit No

  • Surveyor

  • Project Manager

  • Is this person now authorised ? Inline with RG8 state Audit no

  • Number of non compliances

  • Date of Audit

  • Client

  • Site Address

  • Job number

  • Building type and brief description

  • Type of survey being undertaken

Project Manager - Contract Review and planning

  • Has the job been set up on tracker correctly ?

  • Are all documents used on the project the latest controlled documents ? Please note them

  • Has a pre survey planning document (RAMS) been completed ?

  • Has the survey been planned sufficiently and are the details / scope in the pre survey planning document (RAMS) accurate ?

  • Where stated as provided by the client in the pre survey planning document have all documents been issued to the surveyor ? Ie building plans, former surveys, annotated refurb drawings etc

  • Has the project manager signed the pre survey planning document (RAMS) and does it contain the name of the client approaving the scope ?

  • Has any identified hazards on site been suitably assessed in the risk assessment and have appropriate control measures been put in place ?

  • In the opinion of the auditor had the level of consultation been correct with the client ?

  • Is the surveyor suitably trained to undertake the works ?

Surveyor - Health and Safety

  • Has a risk assessment been completed ,signed , reviewed and updated where required ?

  • Is the RPE being used in good condition , complete, clean and suitably identified as the surveyors mask ? Is the surveyor clean shaven and can demonstrate a good face fit ?

  • Has the surveyor filled in his monthly exposure sheet and equipment records / ladder checks and are they up to date ?

  • Is all required PPE on site ie Hard hats ,Boots, Gloves, HI Viz jacket, goggles ear defenders and disposable overalls and booties if required ?

  • Does the surveyor have copies of all relevant training records available and are they in date ? P402 ,CSCS ,face fits and WAH etc

Surveyor - Site Equipment

  • Suitable kit box and sample container to segregate tools and samples ?

  • Step ladders - Are they referenced , in good condition and has it been checked by someone competent in the past 6 months ?

  • Any other access equipment checked and documented as safe to use ? Ie MEWPS or Scaffolding

  • Digital camera or camera on tablet ?

  • Tablet available or data sheets being used ?

  • Suitable torch and spare batteries available ?

  • Pens , pencils , ruler , and correction fluid available ( fluid for diagrams only ) ?

  • Resealable sample bags - various sizes available ?

  • Core borers / core samplers available ?

  • Pliers ( Flat nosed and non serrated ideally ) ?

  • Tape and sealant for repairing sample points ?

  • Hammer ?

  • Hand held sprayer with water ?

  • Knife with spare blades ?

  • Screw drivers both pos and flat head ?

  • Chisels ?

  • Magnet ?

  • Polythene sheet and / or Asbestos waste bags of approached type ?

  • Wet wipes ?

  • Sample point stickers and labels ?

  • Asbestos warning stickers ?

  • Is a tool belt available ?

  • Warning signs ?

  • Any additional required equipment I.e lanterns and crawl boards or H Type vacc where required ?

  • Hsg 264 and other relevant guidance documents ?

  • Refurb / Demo - Sledge hammer / lump hammer ?

  • Refurb / Demo - H Type vacuum and is it in service date ?

  • Refurb / Demo - Crowbar ?

  • Refurb / Demo - Plasterboard saw ?

Surveyor - Surveying methodology

  • Logical planning of survey ( walk round , site plans and info review )?

  • Has the surveyor understood the scope and reviewed / amended it where required ?

  • Was sampling conducted correctly ? To be read in conjunction with types of materials sampled also

  • Was the size of samples taken and frequency adequate for the materials being sampled ?

  • Have any samples that have been cross referenced been done so correctly and without compromising the integrity of the survey ?

  • Correct labelling of sample bags ? Include check of previous samples

  • Have all suspect materials been identified , Surveyor to have strong evidence a material isn't likely to contain asbestos to not sample or reference it ?

  • Digital photographs of all sample points taken and of suitable clear quality ?

  • Has a front photo been taken and has the building description been detailed correctly ?

  • Tracker - Has the survey been conducted on a room by room basis and all have individual room numbers ?

  • Envacs - Has the survey been conducted on a room by room basis and are all item points referenced correctly in order ?

  • Has the survey been conducted in logical systematic manor ie top to bottom , walls and then floors , prodding and knocking of materials routinely carried out ?

  • Has the surveyor accessed all relevant areas for the survey type or scope ? Breaking in frequency or accessing all areas for a management survey

  • Have any genuine non accessed areas been recorded correctly and the reason justified in the notes . Quizz whether the PM or client has been contacted to arrange access ?

  • Has site been left in a good tidy state where required and fit for reoccupation ?

  • Have the building plans been marked up correctly with sample points , room numbers , material extents and relevant site description info ?

  • Have material assessments been scored correctly ?

  • Are the recommendations made by the surveyor suitable / correct ?

  • Rest of data inputted correctly ?

  • Is any applicable priority scoring correct ? What details are in place to ensure done accurately

Surveyor - Types of materials sampled and their sampling methodology

  • Boards

  • Composites

  • Spray coatings

  • Thermal insulation

  • Textile ,rope and yarns

  • Papers, cardboard and gaskets

  • Decorative Coatings

  • Other


  • Please summarise the audit findings and give any required recommendations

Project Manager

  • Score

  • Audit Result - Satisfactory or Non Satisfactory


  • Score

  • Audit Result - Satisfactory or Non Satisfactory

  • Surveyor Name and Signature

  • Auditor Name and Signature

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