Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Secondary container labeling
Did you find any unlabeled secondary containers?
Fire extinguishers
Were the fire extinguishers logged correctly?
If no, where?
Electrical panels
Were all of the electrical panels clear question
If no, where?
Material safety data sheet
MSDS samples
Were all chemicals accounted for in the material safety data sheet book?
If no, which samples were missing?
Is the MSDS book in a black binder?
Is there any other black binder located at the front desk?
Emergency procedure book
Is the emergency procedure book up to date?
Is the emergency procedure book in a red binder?
Is there any other red binders at the front desk ?
Emergency lighting
Light sample locations
Were all of the emergency lights functioning properly?
First aid kits
Were the first aid kits stocked correctly?
Guest registers
Where the guest registers filled out correctly with all the information required?
Chemical storage
Where chemicals stored properly in the facility?
Storage rooms
Where the storage rooms clean and organized?
Equipment grounding and guarding
Sample equipment
Additional note or findings