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Client / Site
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Where are you located?
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What is the job or task that you are reviewing?
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Please state any opening comments about the job or task.
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Please list all completed paperwork.
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Please list all uncompleted paperwork.
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Is everyone on the job using the proper PPE?
Is Lockout, Tagout, Tryout being implemented correctly?
Are there employees working in a combined space?
If yes, please check off each that apply-
- Respiratory Protection
- Protective Clothing
- Fire Extinguisher
- Non-Entry Rescue Eqpt
- Lock/Tag/Try
- Ventilation
- Follow-Up Testing
- Other Controls
Are all tools and equipment compliant?
Is there hot work being performed?
If yes, please check off each that apply-
- Lock/Tag/Try
- Ventilation
- Area Secure
- Lighting
- Hotwork Permit
- Fire Extinguishers
- Respirators
- Protective Clothing
- Fire Watch
Is all housekeeping compliant in the area where work is being performed?
Is all guarding compliant in the area where work is being performed?
List any other observations-
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Positive observations-
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Closing comments-
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