
  • Implementation Phase

  • Facility

  • Work Area/Location

  • Department

  • Lean 5S Department Lead(s)

  • Plant Lean 5S Lead

  • Prepared by


  • 1.       No irrelevant reference materials, documents, drawings, etc.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 2.       No excess pieces of equipment (including damaged/unused equipment), documents,or same equipment stored in multiple areas. All Tools or parts off the floor.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 3.       Storage area is defined to store unneeded items and out-dated documents.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 4.       Standards for eliminating unnecessary items exist and are being followed.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 5. Clear of safety hazards

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?


  • 6. Locations of tools and equipment are clear and well organized.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 7. Locations of materials and products are clearly labeled and well organized.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 8. Labels exist to indicate locations, containers, boxes, shelves and stored items.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 9. Dividing lines are clearly identified and clean with aisles and work areas clearly segregated.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 10. Safety equipment and supplies are clear and in good condition.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?


  • 11. Floors, walls, ceilings and pipework are in good condition and free from dirt and dust.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 12. Racks, cabinets and shelves are kept clean.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 13. Machines, equipment and tools are kept clean.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 14. Stored items, materials and products are kept clean including labels and other visual markers.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 15. Lighting is enough and all lighting is free from dust.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 16. Good movement of air exists through the room (to limit the spread of viruses).

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 17. Pest control exists and effective.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 18. Cleaning tools and materials are easily accessible.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 19. Cleaning assignments are defined and are being followed.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?


  • 20.       Visual controls and display boards are used and regularly updated.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 21.       Procedures for maintaining the first three S's are being displayed.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 22.       5S checklists, schedules and routines are defined and being used.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 23.       Everyone knows his responsibilities, when and how.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 24.       Regular audits are taking place using checklists and measures.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?


  • 25.    Establishment of RACI for Department responsible for Location/Warehouse and retrain annually.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 26.    Establishment of schedule to reassess sustainment and whom would perform (2 per year)

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?

  • 27.   Establish a Rewards and recognition is part of the 5S system.

  • If "NO" what is the timeline and steps to implement?


  • Upload "Before" pictures

  • Upload "After" pictures

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.