
  • Store Name

  • Store Number

  • Conducted on

  • Conducted by

  • Person Running Shift

1. Stock Record Accuracy (NO for whole store triggers a RED for this stream)

  • 1. Stock record checks conducted the whole store demonstrated a GROSS adjustment less than 1% of the overall stockholding value.<br><br>Analyse I4B / POSR / PNIMR / RGX175's / RGX 190 to select stock record checks by risk across the store. Carry out these checks to locate stock. Enter results into spreadsheet to calculate stock record adjustment value.

  • 1.1 Stock record checks conducted on Non Food demonstrated a GROSS adjustment less than 1% of the overall stockholding value on Non Food.<br><br>Analyse I4B / POSR / PNIMR / RGX175's / RGX 190 to select stock record checks by risk across the store. Carry out these checks to locate stock. Enter results into spreadsheet to calculate stock record adjustment value.

  • 1.2 Stock record checks conducted on Ambient demonstrated a GROSS adjustment less than 1 % of the overall stockholding value on Ambient.<br><br>Analyse I4B / POSR / PNIMR / RGX175's / RGX 190 to select stock record checks by risk across the store. Carry out these checks to locate stock. Enter results into spreadsheet to calculate stock record adjustment value.<br>

  • 1.3 Stock record checks conducted on Fresh Foods demonstrated a GROSS adjustment less than 1 % of the overall stockholding value in Fresh Foods.<br><br>Analyse I4B / POSR / PNIMR / RGX175's / RGX 190 to select stock record checks by risk across the store. Carry out these checks to locate stock. Enter results into spreadsheet to calculate stock record adjustment value.<br>

  • 1.4 Stock record checks conducted on the Garage demonstrated a GROSS adjustment less than 1% of the overall stockholding value. <br><br>Analyse I4B / POSR / PNIMR / RGX175's / RGX 190 to select stock record checks by risk across the store. Carry out these checks to locate stock. Enter results into spreadsheet to calculate stock record adjustment value.<br>

2. Non-SBO Accuracy (2+ NOs triggers RED for this stream)

  • 2.1 Stocktake reports from the last Non-SBO Stocktake are filed in the Stocktake Control Folder. All count routines have been followed and values have been assigned for all Not on File lines scanned.<br><br>Review filed Stocktake reports to ensure Non-SBO count processes have been followed. Check to ensure that:<br>- Values have been broken down by mod<br>- All Not on Files are valued<br>- Counts have been completed at the correct time, and on a line by line rather than price point basis.

  • 2.2 The initial Non-SBO values submitted to HSC at the last Stocktake were accurate. The gross adjustment carried out by HSC was not greater than 3% of the total Non-SBO valuation.<br><br>Review the comments section of the filed Stocktake spreadsheet to identify any adjustments carried out by HSC. Calculate the GROSS value of any adjustment made as a percentage of the stores Non-SBO valuation.

  • 2.3 Final values captured at the last Non-SBO Stocktake are accurate with no SBO stock counted in error. All values in the Stocktake Control Folder match those submitted on the Stocktake spreadsheet. Any GROSS variance identified is not greater than 3% of the total Non-SBO valuation.<br><br>Review the filed Stocktake reports against the spreadsheet submitted at the last Non-SBO Stocktake. Identify any values entered incorrectly or SBO stock counted in error. Calculate the gross value of any errors identified as a percentage of the total Non-SBO valuation.

3. Shrinkage Review (3+ NOs trigger a RED for this stream)

  • 3.1 All Non Food departments' shrinkage reports (losses and gains) have been filed by the store on a daily basis for a period of 4 weeks. Reports should be requested by departments (TOP 20).<br><br>Review stores filed shrinkage reports to check that 4 weeks history is available, with no missing dates, for both gains and losses. Check run dates to ensure reports are requested daily and not backdated.

  • 3.2 Daily Non Food shrink reports contain written evidence of review and investigation around both losses and gains.<br><br>Review the filed shrinkage reports to check that all losses and gains (down to the agreed value) have written evidence of a re-count and investigation.

  • 3.3 Store investigation shown on Non Food shrinkage reports reflects the actual cause of shrinkage and the re-count has been downloaded. Stock record checks do not show significant amendments as a result of historical miscounts.<br><br>Use product profile, shrinkage history and a review of commentary on filed shrinkage reports to validate store investigation and current stock record value. Review stock record amendments to check for adjustments caused by historical miscounts.

  • 3.4 All Ambient departments' shrinkage reports (losses and gains) have been filed by the store on a daily basis for a period of 4 weeks. Reports should be requested by departments (TOP 20).<br><br>Review stores filed shrinkage reports to check that 4 weeks history is available, with no missing dates, for both gains and losses. Check run dates to ensure reports are requested daily and not backdated.

  • 3.5 Daily Ambient shrink reports contain written evidence of review and investigation around both losses and gains.<br><br>Review the filed shrinkage reports to check that all losses and gains (down to the agreed value) have written evidence of a re-count and investigation.

  • 3.6 Store investigation shown on Ambient shrinkage reports reflects the actual cause of shrinkage and the re-count has been downloaded. Stock record checks do not show significant amendments as a result of historical miscounts.<br><br>Use product profile, shrinkage history and a review of commentary on filed shrinkage reports to validate store investigation and current stock record value. Review stock record amendments to check for adjustments caused by historical miscounts.

  • 3.7 All Fresh departments' shrinkage reports (losses and gains) have been filed by the store on a daily basis for a period of 4 weeks. Reports should be requested by departments (TOP 20).<br><br>Review stores filed shrinkage reports to check that 4 weeks history is available, with no missing dates, for both gains and losses. Check run dates to ensure reports are requested daily and not backdated.

  • 3.8 Daily Fresh shrink reports contain written evidence of review and investigation around both losses and gains.<br><br>Review the filed shrinkage reports to check that all losses and gains (down to the agreed value) have written evidence of a re-count and investigation.

  • 3.9 Store investigation shown on Fresh shrinkage reports reflects the actual cause of shrinkage and the re-count has been downloaded. Stock record checks do not show significant amendments as a result of historical miscounts.<br><br>Use product profile, shrinkage history and a review of commentary on filed shrinkage reports to validate store investigation and current stock record value. Review stock record amendments to check for adjustments caused by historical miscounts.

4. Count / Gap-Scan Routines (2+ NOs trigger a RED for this stream)

  • 4.1 100% of Non Food Planned Counts have been completed by the store in line with the schedule over a 6 week period. Counts completed are accurate with no evidence of "screen counting".<br><br>Use the count information on the Weekly Shrinkage Report and the Planned Count Schedule to check that 100% of Non Food counts have been completed for a 6 week period. Review of stock records demonstrated no evidence of "screen counts" being completed.

  • 4.2 100% of Ambient Planned Counts have been completed by the store in line with the schedule over a 6 week period. Counts completed are accurate with no evidence of "screen counting".<br><br>Use the count information on the Weekly Shrinkage Report and the Planned Count Schedule to check that 100% of Ambient counts have been completed for a 6 week period. Review of stock records demonstrated no evidence of "screen counts" being completed.

  • 4.3 100% of Fresh Food Planned Counts have been completed by the store in line with the schedule over a 6 week period. Counts completed are accurate with no evidence of "screen counting".<br><br>Use the count information on the Weekly Shrinkage Report and the Planned Count Schedule to check that 100% of Fresh Food counts have been completed for a 6 week period. Review of stock records demonstrated no evidence of "screen counts" being completed.

  • 4.4 All Non Food gaps have been scanned once a day by the store over a 4 week period.<br><br>Review SBO Gap Scan Detail (Option 5,3,4) over a 4 week period on all Non Food departments to ensure that a gap scan has taken place and that the totals scanned are realistic.

  • 4.5 All Ambient gaps have been scanned once a day by the store over a 4 week period.<br><br>Review SBO Gap Scan Detail (Option 5,3,4) over a 4 week period on all Ambient departments to ensure that a gap scan has taken place and that the totals scanned are realistic.

  • 4.6 All Fresh Food gaps have been scanned once a day by the store over a 4 week period.<br><br>Review SBO Gap Scan Detail (Option 5,3,4) over a 4 week period on all Fresh Food departments to ensure that a gap scan has taken place and that the totals scanned are realistic.

5. Warehouse Management (3+ NOs trigger a RED for this stream)

  • 5.1 All stock in the Non Food warehouse is accessible / grouped together for easy decking, counting, gap scanning procedures and all products are labelled appropriately.<br><br>Review Non Food back areas to check that all cages are marshalled to allow gap scan routines, ensuring all stock is grouped together under clearly defined labelling to facilitate product identification and not dual located around the warehouse.

  • 5.2 There are specific and clearly identifiable areas in the Non Food warehouse for Not on Files and EPWs. Electrical damages / returns are stored separately from saleable stock. If a waste area is in use in the back room it is clearly marked and properly managed.<br><br>Review of Non Food back areas show that there are specific locations to store Not on Files and EPWs to prevent any impact on count accuracy. If a waste area is in use it is properly identified and managed.

  • 5.3 All stock in the Ambient warehouse is accessible / grouped together for easy decking, counting, gap scanning procedures and all products are labelled appropriately.<br><br>Review Ambient back areas to check that all cages are marshalled to allow gap scan routines, ensuring all stock is grouped together under clearly defined labelling to facilitate product identification and not dual located around the warehouse.

  • 5.4 There are specific and clearly identifiable areas in the Ambient warehouse for Not on Files and EPWs. If a waste area is in use in the back room it is clearly marked and properly managed.<br><br>Review of Ambient back areas show that there are specific locations to store Not on Files and EPWs to prevent any impact on count accuracy. If a waste area is in use it is properly identified and managed.

  • 5.5 There are specific and clearly identifiable areas in the Fresh Foods back areas for Not on Files and EPWs. If a waste area is in use in the back room it is clearly marked and properly managed.<br><br>Review of Non Food back areas show that there are specific locations to store Not on Files and EPWs to prevent any impact on count accuracy. If a waste area is in use it is properly identified and managed.

6. Delivery Routines (3+ NOs trigger a RED for this stream)

  • 6.1 The DSS Weekly Summary Reports (Ins / Outs) are printed and filed weekly in the goods charging folder for a minimum of 12 weeks.<br><br>Review the Goods Charging Folder to ensure reports are filed for 12 weeks with no missing weeks. Review the reports run dates to ensure reports are requested weekly.

  • 6.2 DSS Weekly Summary Reports (Ins / Outs) show evidence of management review using the DSS Checklist <br><br>Review of the filed DSS Checklist shows evidence of management review with next steps in place for all red RAGs.

  • 6.3 All Tesco Receipt Notes are entered on the DSS Ins. Any missing TRN's are next stepped for review. <br><br>Review the DSS Weekly Monitoring Report and check all TRN's are accounted for. Check that next steps are recorded for any missing TRN's.

  • 6.4 All direct deliveries are receipted and entered correctly on a regular basis using appropriate TRNs or EDNs. <br><br>Review the DSS Weekly Summary Reports to ensure that all direct deliveries are entered regularly with the correct details. Ensure that the store has achieved 50% Electronic Delivery Note KPI completion over a 4 week period.

  • 6.5 All entries in the RP728 Claims Book have been entered onto the DSS Weekly Summary Reports (Ins) and correspond with the correct TRN. <br><br>Check the RP728 Claims book against DSS Weekly Summary Reports (Ins) to ensure that all claim numbers are entered against the appropriate TRN.

  • 6.6 Deliveries are not being lated for longer than the time allowed for the appropriate delivery. <br><br>Review the Direct Supplier Delivery screen (1,6,2) to ensure no Direct Supplier Deliveries are being flagged late longer than 3 days.

  • 6.7 Deliveries are not being left to "auto confirm" on a regular basis allowing uncontrolled update of stock records. <br><br>Review the confirmation times on the DSS Weekly Summary Reports (Ins) to ensure deliveries are applied to stock records when they arrive and not at diary entry time e.g. Palmer & Harvey,

  • 6.8 All direct supplier deliveries have been amended correctly on the DSS Weekly Summary Reports.<br><br>Review the DSS Weekly Summary Reports (Ins) to ensure that no direct supplier deliveries (TRN and EDN deliveries) have been left as unconfirmed. Review stock record adjustments for any errors caused by inaccurate delivery confirmation.

7. Return & Transfer Routines (3+ NOs trigger a RED for this stream)

  • 7.4 All returns have been entered in the RP388 Returns to Suppliers book correctly and have been entered on to the DSS Outs<br><br>Check the RP388 Returns to Suppliers book and the RP510 Milk Returns book to ensure that all entries are completed correctly and correspond to an entry on the DSS Weekly Summary Reports (Outs).

  • 7.5 Transfers are being auctioned on a consistent basis to prevent stock record corruption.<br><br>Review the DSS (Outs) to ensure that Staff Restaurant Transfers are being actioned daily and confirmed with the reference 123456, and Pharmacy transfers are being actioned regularly. Review PFS DSS (Ins) to ensure that picking list totals are being managed.

  • 7.6 Withdraw and Hold / Product Write Off functions have only been used for EPW products following a Workplan communication. All other transfer functions have been used correctly to ensure that there is no impact to Stores shrinkage or stock record accuracy.<br><br>Review Withdraw and Hold report, SBO transfer screens and DSS to find what transfers have been actioned. Query any exceptions. Any unauthorised lines on Withdraw and Hold which can't be found instore should be included in the stock record adjustments.

  • 7.7 any transfers out to depot have been authorised and confirmed with a valid Z-note number issued by the DC.<br><br>Review DSS Weekly Summary Reports (Out) for any transfers to depot to ensure that they are confirmed with a valid Z-note number. Ask store to provide evidence of a Z-note for any that are unconfirmed.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.