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Fire Safety Management

  • Has the fire risk assessment been carried out?

  • Is the fire risk assessment record available?

  • Have the identified means to reduce or remove the significant hazards been carried out?

  • Have the means to control the risk and protection of people in the event of a fire been carried out?

  • Have staff been suitably trained for these measures?

  • Is there suitable monitoring of fire safety measures in place?

  • Can it be demonstrated that monitoring is regularly carried out?

  • Is the risk assessment properly reviewed, particularly if the premises or its use significantly changed?

  • Any other comments

Fire Prevention - General

  • Is there an effective system for ensuring that the quantities and storage of all types of flammable materials are reasonable and properly controlled

  • Are all areas clean and tidy with no inappropriate storage and all combustible waste properly placed in designated containers?

  • Is all waste regularly collected and placed in a safe place ready for collection?

  • Are smoking area properly marked and used?

  • Are all employees in high risk areas properly informed of the particular risks and the means to control these risks?

  • Prior to leaving the premises, are all areas inspected for potential fire and innecessary equipment turned off?

  • Are there suitable means to control the risk of arson?

  • Have all staff received basic fire prevention instruction?

  • Do staff understand the need to report any potential fire hazards?

  • Do staff understand the role of self-closing and other fire resisting doors?

  • Are all fire resisting and smoke stop doors closed at night?

  • If any permit to work systems are in place are they operated correctly at all times?

Fire Prevention - Electrical Safety

  • Is the entire electrical installation in order?

  • Have all electrical systems been tested in accordance with 1989 Regulations

  • Has all remedial work been carried out or the item withdrawn?

  • Are records regarding regular testing of installation and portable equipment up to date?

  • Is he use of flexible cable and extension leads kept to a minimum and in short lengths?

  • Are the electrical sockets free of evidence of overloading?

  • Is electrical equipment kept away from combustable material?

  • Are staff aware that only trained personnelare authorised to make alterations to electrical systems?

Fire Prevention - Heating & Cooking Appliances

  • Are all heating appliances securely fixed in position with adequate clear space?

  • Is the entire heating installation in good order?

  • Are all cooking appliances securely fixed in position and used for their intended purpose?

  • Are arrangements for liquids or gaseous fuel supplies easily accessible with well marked shut off valves?

  • Are appropriately qualified and registered conmtractors usedto carry out installations and maintenance of fuel supply eqiupment?

  • Are staff aware that only trained personnelare authorised to make alterations to fuel fired equipment and supply systems?

Fire Prevention - Buildings, Plant & Machinery

  • Are all fire or smoke barriers in good condition with any openings for ducting properly

  • Are fire dampers tested regularly for correct operation and results recorded?

  • Are there procedures in place to control work on new buildings and/or alterations, repairs and decoration such that no ifre zards are introduced?

  • Are regular checks undertaken and recorded of the condition of all fire safety measures?

Fire Prevention - Means of escape

  • Are their enough fire exits present to evacuate safely?

  • Do all fire exits lead to a place of safety?

  • Are all fire exits readily available?

  • Are all fire exits and intermediate doors operable without the use of a key?

  • Are all corridors, gangways and stairways forming parts of the escape routes free from obstruction?

  • Are floors and stairways surfaces in good condition and free from trippng and slipping hazards?

  • Are fire-resisting and smoke-stop doors in good condition?

  • Do all doors on escape routes open in the direction of travel?

  • Are all escape routes provided with adequate lighting at all times of the day?

  • Are all escape routes clearly signed, with internal doors not forming part of a route clearly labelled as such?

  • Is adequate emergency lighting provided and is fully servicable?

  • Have appropriate provisions been made for safety of person with special needs?

Fire Prevention - Actions in the Event of Fire

  • Is there a fire action and emergency evacuation procedure in place?

  • Are all employees aware of these procudures and their own duties?

  • Are suitable "Fire Action" notices displayed around the premises?

  • Have appropriate staff been appointed to take control in the event of a fire?

  • Are there sifficient fire wardens available for all working hours?

  • Have appropriate measures been made dealing with those who are not normally on the premises?

  • Are the fire evacuation assembly areas in safe locations?

  • Are alternative evactuation areas available in the event that the nominated one is not?

  • Are emergency evacuation procedures tested and drilled at least once per year?

Fire Prevention - Fire Detection & Alarm Systems

  • Can a fire alarm be raised without placing anyone in danger?

  • Is the fire alarm system in full working order?

  • Are there sufficient fire alarm call points located near every exit from each floor and building?

  • Are all alarm points unobstructed and visible?

  • Are the audible signals from fire alarms audible and tested weekly?

Fire Prevention - Portable Fire-fighting equipment

  • Is there adequate provision of extinguishers which are suitable for the risks where they are positioned?

  • Are all extinguishers and blankets located, poitioned securely for immediate use?

  • Are the location of extinguishers and blankets clearly visible?

Fire Prevention - Notices & Fire safety signs

  • Are sufficient safety notices and signs used throughout the premises

  • Are all safety signs undamged and clearly visible?

  • Do all Panic bar fire exits have a "Push to open" sign?

Fire Prevention - Fire Service Facilities & Liason

  • Is there adequate access to the site and buildings to enable fire brigade to get close enough for rescue purposes?

  • Are all fire hydrants in the vicinity clearly indicated?

  • Is the fire brigade familiar with the premises & any particular hazards related to the premises?

Fire Prevention - Testing, maintenance & Records

  • Are fire detection & alarm tests carried out and recorded?

  • Are emergency lighting systems tested, maintained and recorded?

  • Are the extinguishers tested, maintained and recorded?

  • Are all automatic closing doors tested, maintained and recorded?

  • Are their suitable records of the regular fire safety maintenance tests?

  • Are there suitable records of the fire evacuation drills?

  • Enter signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.