
  • Facility

  • Workstation location

  • Name of worker using workstation

  • Worker designation

  • Worker's manager name

  • Conducted by

  • Conducted on

Photograph the setting

  • If warranted, take a workstation photo

1. Employee work pattern

  • Estimate the percentage of time working at the computer

  • Does the worker have a variety of tasks that allow movement from a static position?<br>If no, the worker has an increased risk of injury.

  • If yes, does the worker have some control over the order in which the tasks are done?<br>If no, the worker has an increased risk of injury.

  • Has the assessor explained the importance of taking short pauses and rest breaks?

  • How to take a micro pause.

    A micro pause is a small break taken frequently during periods of continuous computer use.
    A micro pause should be taken every 5-10 minutes for between 5-15 seconds.
    By taking a micro pause you will reduce eye strain and release muscular tension.
    During a micro pause you should:
    - release your mouse and close your eyes or look away from the screen
    - rest your arms on the chair or drop them at your sides
    - lean back, breath deeply, and allow your shoulders to 'droop'

  • Reference:
    Accessed 20/1/2014.

    no label
  • See also the Workplace Standards Tasmania pause exercises poster.
    Go to
    or press the link button below and scroll down until you find the poster.


2. Chair

  • no label
  • Can the worker get close to the workstation without impediment? (Check that the desktop is thin, chair arms allow a close position to the desk and there is clear leg room.)

  • Are the seat height and tilt adjusted so that the worker's thighs are parallel to the floor with feet resting on the floor or on a footrest?<br>See set up image above.

  • Is the backrest angle and height adjusted to fit the small of the black and keep the user upright while working?

  • Can the chair be correctly adjusted from a seated position?

  • Does the chair have a stable, 5 point base with castors (friction castors for hard floor surfaces), padding and covers in good condition?

  • Is the size of the seat and backrest suitable for the user's stature?

  • If the worker's work area is a counter, is the chair of an appropriate height?

3. Footrest

  • Is a footrest required to enable the worker to sit at their desk without pressure on the back of their thighs? To be effective a footrest should be in good condition and have an adjustable tilt.<br>See workstation set up image.

4. Desk or Workstation

  • Is the desk suitable for the work being performed?

  • Is the height reasonable for the stature of the worker? (Average 720mm.)

  • Is there adequate room under the desk to allow safe leg movement for tasks?

5. Computer

  • no label
  • Is the monitor placed directly in front of and at a comfortable distance form the worker (approximately an arms length) and free from glare and reflections?

  • Is the top of the monitor adjusted so it is at or just below eye level? (Adjustable monitor stands are available.)<br>Note: any higher than this causes the head to tilt back and the chin to be thrust forward which can cause neck problems.

  • If a laptop computer is used, has it been set up for desktop use? Is a laptop stand or separate monitor provided, and is a separate keyboard and mouse used?

  • Is the keyboard close to the front of the desk edge, directly in front of the worker?

  • Are the keyboard feet maintained in the lowered position (unless the worker is a touch typist)?

  • If a wrist rest is used, is it only used for resting between keying?

  • Is the mouse suitable for the worker?

  • Are the alternative mouse functions used effectively (scroll button, moving between left and right usage using keyboard commands)?

  • Is the mouse used with a combined hand wrist movement with hand and arm parallel to, but not touching the desk?

  • no label
  • Is the mouse kept close to the keyboard and on the same level?

6. Documents

  • Is a suitable document holder available, if required, for computer source documents?

  • Is it placed in front of or close to the centre of the worker?

  • Is a slope board available if required for bulky source documents or high levels of research and / or reading?

7. Telephone

  • Is the phone placed on the opposite side of the desk to the dominant hand and close to the worker? (So user can write with dominant hand.)

  • Is a headset available if worker has frequent, lengthy or documented phone conversations?

  • Does the worker understand the damaging effects of cradling the handset or using poor posture while on the phone?

8. Layout / Storage / Housekeeping

  • no label
  • Is there sufficient storage space at the workstation?

  • Are the floors clear of trip hazards?

  • Are the sharp corners of furniture etc situated to avoid a hazard when passing?

  • Are electrical connections and cords in a safe location and condition (electrical inspection tagged)?

9.. Environment

  • Does the lighting level feel suitable for the work environment?

  • Does the worker find the level of noise compatible with the work being undertaken?

  • Does the air flow feel adequate in the work area?

  • Does the worker find the air temperature suitable and the area free from draughts?

10. Manual Handling

  • Has the worker received manual handling / back care education suitable for the tasks being undertaken?

  • Organise manual handling training within one month.

  • Are suitable mechanical aids provided if appropriate? (Eg stepladder, trolley, etc.)

Corrective Actions

  • no label
  • Detail any corrective actions to be undertaken

  • Enter completion date for actions

Sign Off

  • Workstation Owner

  • Assessor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.