Title Page

  • Site conducted

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Statutory Notices

  • Is there an up to date copy of the public liability insurance displayed?

  • Is there an up to date of the employers liability insurance displayed?

  • Is there a health and safety Law poster displayed WITH correct information?

  • Is the company Health and Safety Policy displayed and made available to staff?


  • All risk assessments are up to date and available to view?

  • All training records up to date and accessible?

  • Have all accident / incident investigations been carried out and documented correctly?

  • Is the accident book / first aid book available to hand?

  • Have ALL Daily, Weekly, Monthly, inspections been carried out and recorded?

First Aid

  • Are ALL First Aid Kits stocked and ALL items within expiry date?

  • Are trained first aider details available and certificates in date?

  • Are First Aid notices clearly displayed?

  • Do you know the location of the nearest Accident and Emergency department?

Fire Safety

  • Is there a current - up to date Fire Risk Assessment for the site?

  • Has the Fire Risk Assessment been reviewed within the last 2 years?

  • Are weekly fire alarm tests carried out?

  • Are ALL fire exit doors inspected WEEKLY and in full working order?

  • Has a fire evacuation been carried out in the past 6 months and recorded?

  • Are fire exit routes kept clear at ALL times?

  • Is the emergency lighting in full working order and when was it last tested?


  • Are toilets cleaned daily and in good working order?

  • Is drinking water available?

  • Is there a facility for warming food?

  • Is there a facility for making warm drinks?

  • Is there adequate heating in office areas?

  • Is there adequate ventilation in office areas and high risk areas?

  • Is there adequate and suitable lighting in the office and warehouse areas?


  • Passageways and doorways kept clear at all times?

  • Internal and external areas are clean and tidy?

  • Waste removed from internal areas on a regular basis?

  • External bins emptied on a regular basis?

  • All fixtures and fittings in good order and no in need of attention

Electricity and Gas

  • Fixed wiring test has been completed and can be evidenced?

  • Portable Appliance Testing (PAT-Testing) has been completed in the last 12 months?

  • Roller shutters have been inspected and tested within the last 12 months?

  • Gas safety checks on appliances and tightness testing has been completed in the last 12 months?

Fork Lift Trucks

  • Have annual LOLER inspections taken place?

  • Have FLT daily inspections taken place?

  • Are all FLT operators trained and hold relevant license?

  • Are FLT charging-Storage bays marked out and signage in place?

  • Do charging areas have appropriate extinguisher(s) in the vicinity?

  • Eye wash stations are stocked and available for use in area of charging station?


  • Have weekly racking inspections taken place?

  • Have relevant issues identified in previous inspection been actioned and resolved?

  • Is loading capacity signage in place?

  • Are all products stored correctly and securely?

Control Of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

  • Are all chemicals stored in a suitable locker/ cupboard or secure area?

  • Are COSHH data sheets readily available - Hard copies close to storage?

  • Are COSHH risk assessments in date and readily available - Hard copies close to storage?

  • Are all users of chemicals trained in COSHH and have read and understood COSHH guidance?

  • Is there an eye wash station and first aid kit in the vicinity of the chemical store?

Further comments

  • Any other comments

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.