Title Page

  • Name of Employee

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by David Steele

Toolbox Talk

  • After a recent incident in a customers site a fellow employee failed to report what they believed to be a minor fall which unfortunately resulted in a serious injury.

  • One of the requirements of the contract agreed between McPherson Ltd and its customers is that all accidents are reported. All accidents no matter how trivial must be reported.

  • It is extremely important that you report what happened and where to site management. If you can't find a customer manager, customer employee, site security you must contact the traffic office and report the accident.

  • Every employee that works on the Chivas Brothers Ltd contract has completed an ACE (Approved Contractor Employee) induction which explains the importance of this requirement and therefore are aware of this requirement and have agreed to it.


  • If you hurt yourself slightly should you report it imediately


  • Add signature

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