Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
On Site Manager
Produce Sales
Store Manager has completed produce freshness walk prior to 9:00 am?
Fresh up front or Wow displays in place with proper ad items?
Photo document lobby/wow display
Ad signage in place showing value on weekly buy spots?
Organic set with proper CORE and signage in place?
Produce tables properly culled and no LESS than 2 high, full and clearly signed?<br>
Table baskets/foam are clean?
Wet rack properly crisped, fresh, full and clearly signed?<br><br>
Wet rack is wiped down clean and store is deep cleaning sections weekly?
Space to sales being adjusted weekly based on ad and seasonality to drive sales?
Produce TL Principles
Produce manager knows his QTD and daily sales performance?
Produce manager knows his previous period and 3 month total loss performance?
Team is having daily and fully engaged huddles?
Spoils are being staged for review, photographed and accurately scanned daily?
Back room and cooler organized and inventory level acceptable?
Produce manager is listing on hand inventory prior to writing orders?
Cooler is properly code dated?
Crisping totes are in cooler and being properly utilized?
Mark down stickers being used correctly?
Fresh checks being used effectively?
Department manager reacting to plus outs and credits are being requested/received?
Sign Off
Manager Signature