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1. Site Environmental Management Systems
1.1 Is the company or site Environmental Policy available & displayed on site with relevant requirements highlighted at the site induction?
1.2 Has a construction environmental management plan been prepared to identify the relevant objectives, issues and control ?
1.3 is there a system for ensuring that all site personnel are made aware of the project environmental issues and standards through site inductions & toolbox?
1.4 Have responsibilities for environmental management been defined and communicated through inductions, notice boards and so on?
1.5 Is someone responsible for ensuring that environmentally sensitive areas are identified and protected?
1.6 Is there a system for sites to deal with environmental emergencies and for notifying them to the relevant authority?
1.7 Is there a suitable and sufficient monitoring regime in place to ensure site environmental requirements are being met?
1.8 Are environmental records being maintained?
1.9 Have adequate arrangements been established for liaison and communication with local interested parties?
2. Contaminated Land
2.1 Are suitable controls in place for dealing with contaminated water?
2.2 Are there suitable wheel-washing facilities to clean contaminated vehicles before leaving site?
2.3 Are there procedures in place to ensure work is stopped and appropriate reporting takes place if contamination is accidentally discovered or disturbed?
2.4 Are contaminated, potentially contaminated soil stockpiled on an impermeable surface?
2.5 Is provision made for Lea he off contaminated, potentially contaminated stockpiles?
3. Air Quality
3.1 Are stockpiles of dusty materials covered on watered?
3.2 Are all vehicles carrying dusty loads covered / watered over prior to leaving the site?
3.3 Are demolition works areas watered?
3.4 Are plant and equipment well maintained?
3.5 is plant used on site compliant with NRMM Regulations?
4. Water Management
4.1 Have all watercourses and drainage systems been identified on site?
4.2 Have all discharges to streams, ditches and drainage systems been consented by the relevant environment agency?
4.3 Have water discharges been properly treated?
4.4 Have designated areas been defined to wash out concrete lorries away from watercourses and drains?
4.5 Are watercourses and drainage systems protected from run-off and silty water?
4.6 Are all fuel tanks effectively bundled to at least 110%?
4.7 Are all oil and diesel tanks and chemicals located as far as possible from drains and watercourses?
4.8 Are oil and diesel tanks separated from the ground by an impermeable layer?
4.9 Are all oil, diesel tanks and chemicals marked with the type of contents, volume and appropriate hazard warning signs?
4.10 Have site personnel been made aware of the site spillage response procedures through inductions and toolbox talks?
5. Nuisance
5.1 Are appropriate dust suppression techniques used to minimise air pollution from timber sawing or planning, stone or block, crushing and so on?
5.2 Has appropriate liaison or communication taken place with local stakeholders that may be affected by nuisance?
5.3 Are site vehicle speed limits controlled to reduce dust?
5.4 is dust on site haul roads and material stockpiles dampened down adequately on dry or windy days?
5.5 are cement and concrete being mixed in enclosed areas to prevent dust?
5.6 does the site have a procedure for dealing with complaints and issues?
5.7 Have locally sensitive areas been identified?
6. Waste Management
6.1 has a SWMP been prepared and is it being maintained / regularly updated?
6.2 has a waste target and relevant objectives been set for the project.
6.3 have waste responsibilities been defined to know who is disposing of what and when?
6.4 have designated areas been established on site to segregate and reuse waste materials?
6.5 Are waste management permits, licenses or exemptions in place for any processing of waste on site?
6.6 is the WRAP quality protocol being complied with for the production of aggregates from waste?
6.7 is the CL:AIRE code of practice being complied with for the treatment and use of contaminated soils?
6.8 Are hazardous waste collected and stored separately from general wastes?
6.9 Are registered waste carriers used to remove waste from site and are these checked on a regular basis?
6.10 Do waste transfer documents include the right information?
7. Storage of Chemicals and Dangerous Goods
7.1 Are chemicals stored and labelled properly?
7.2 Are proper measures to control oil spillage during maintenance or to control other chemicals spillages?
7.3 Are spill kits / saw dust used for absorbing chemical spillage readily accessible?
8. Resource Conservation and Resource Efficiency
8.1 Are stockpiles and material storage areas away from traffic routes to prevent accidental damage?
8.2 Are stockpiled materials being stored to prevent cross contamination with other materials or waste?
8.3 Are stockpiled materials being stored away from sensitive areas, drains or watercourses?
8.4 is water recycled wherever possible for dust suppression?
8.5 Are diesel powered plant and equipment shut off while not in use to reduce excessive use?
8.6 Are energy conservation practices adopted?
8.7 Are materials stored in good condition to prevent deterioration and wastage?
9. Energy
9.1 Has an energy monitoring process been implemented to monitor and report energy consumption and carbon emissions, including business travel and transport?
9.2 Does the site induction cover the main energy efficiency issues?
9.3 Are there signs in place advising site personnel to switch equipment off when not required?
9.4 Have delivery routes for construction traffic been agreed with the Local Authority?
10. Ecology
10.1 Are areas containing wildlife suitably protected from the construction work?
10.2 Are trees suitably protected to avoid damage from the works?
10.3 Has permission been given by the Local Authority to remove hedges or trees that have a tree preservation order?
10.4 Has the approval been given by the relevant Environment Agency to deal with invasive plants?
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