Weekday DM checklist
Client / Site
Conducted on
Opening Tasks 05:45 - 06:00
Switch lights on
Collect DM keys
Read the DM handover sheet
Ensure pool signs are placed correctly (1 foot from edge of pool closest to pool plant room)
Complete pre opening pool test
Remove dolphin from pool, ensuring it is stored correctly in the pool plant room
Turn on sauna and steam room and complete checks
Ensure all three buttons are turned on for steam room
Turn on hot yoga heater , ensuring it is set to 35 degrees
Pool plant room checks- email Maintenance Manager for anything which needs follow up
Ensure sauna/steam cupboard is clean, clear and does not contain and cleaning products or chemicals
Ladies locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Men's locker room checks- showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Check cleanliness inside all lockers
Turn on music and TV system in comms room
Ensure projector on gym floor is functioning correctly
Ensure all music (gym/changing rooms/front of house) are set to the appropriate level.<br>(Note: FOH/changing rooms should be both set to high energy and level 5)
Ensure that all locker keys are located in safe
Ensure newspapers are up to date and displayed in FOH areas
Check all gym areas are set up as per SOP
Check all studios are set up as per SOP
Ensure all mic batteries are on charge and all three mics are located at Concierge
Log and report any maintenance issues from open
Distribute walkie talkies (FOH, gym, housekeeping)
Ensure Concierge air con unit is on and functioning
Opening safety checks
Check fire panel
Check all fire exits are clear and safe
Check for any accumulated build up of storage - combustible materials etc
Check changing room areas are in a safe condition
Check gym areas and studios are in a safe condition
Fire evacuation designation
E/M/L fire walk round and sign daily DM fire checks form
All fire extinguishers in place/usable
Check all first aid boxes are fully stocked including eye wash station in pool plant room
Test defibrillator to ensure it is fully functional
06:00 - 08:00
DM tour of the club
DM tour of the changing rooms to occur every 15 minutes during peak time
- DM to allocate a member of staff to check other gender changing room - Key areas/items to check are: Towel Bins, Bins, Toilets, Shower Cubicles, Lockers, Rubbish, Amenities - DM to spot check and ensure unoccupied lockers are fully functioning
Ensure all team members have namebadges and appropriate uniform
Number of clean towel bags
Note number
Check towels are stored safely
Collect lost property from the changing rooms and and take to concierge for logging and storing
Ensure air con units are functioning in the gym area (4 x panels plus Cycle Studio)<br>
Ensure all AV/internet data is working correctly on all CV equipment (check that Academy Team have performed checks)
Ensure air con units are functioning in male and female changing rooms
Ensure scales are working in both male and female changing rooms
Perform full check of light bulbs across club- note any gaps (light bulbs not working or flickering) and report to Maintenance Manager/ resolve where possible.
Ensure cup holder is full (water cooler in Sports Medicine)
Take any empty water bottles from cooler to the storeroom
Ensure Riverside/Mind Body studios has x 2 spray bottles and towel dispenser is fully stocked
08:00 - 10:00
08:00 pool test to be completed
08:00 sauna and steam room check
Ensure pool signs are placed correctly (1 foot from edge of pool closest to pool plant room)
DM tour of the club
Assist More London with fire alarm test FRIDAY ONLY 09:45
Ladies locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Men's locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
10:00 pool test to be completed
10:00 sauna and steam room checks
10:00 - 12:00
DM tour of the club
Pre 11:00 meeting - DM tour of the club
Check all studios are set up pre peak
Ensure Riverside/Mind and Body studios has x 2 spray bottles and towel dispenser is fully stocked
Ensure locker checks are performed at 11.45 with the black key (check empty locked lockers). Other gender to be sourced to check alternate changing room.
Collect and distribute post
12:00 - 14:00
12:00 pool test to be completed
12:00 sauna and steam checks
Ensure sauna/steam cupboard is clean, clear and does not contain and cleaning products or chemicals
Ensure pool signs are placed correctly (1 foot from edge of pool closest to pool plant room)
DM tour of the club
DM tour of the changing rooms to occur every 15 minutes during peak
- DM to allocate a member of staff to check other gender changing room - Key areas/items to check are: Towel Bins, Bins, Toilets, Shower Cubicles, Lockers, Rubbish, Amenities - DM to spot check and ensure unoccupied lockers are fully functioning
Ladies locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Men's locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Log and report any maintenance issues
Ensure all deliveries have been taken to the correct department
Check concierge till balance at handover
Handover to late DM
Handover notes
Sign once handover is completed
14:00 pool test to be completed
Ensure pool signs are placed correctly (1 foot from edge of pool closest to pool plant room)
14:00 sauna and steam checks
Test lift alarm with locker attendant
DM tour of the club
Check all studios are set up pre peak
Test defibrillator to ensure it is fully functional
Late DM safety checks
Check all fire exits are clear and safe
Check for any accumulated build up of storage - combustible materials etc
All fire extinguishers in place/usable
Fire evacuation designation
E/M/L fire walk round checks
Check fire panel and report any faults to the Maintenance Manager
Ensure air con units are functioning in the gym area (4 x panels plus Cycle Studio)<br>
Ensure all team members have name badges and appropriate uniform
Perform full check of light bulbs across club- note any gaps (light bulbs not working or flickering) and report to Maintenance Manager/ resolve where possible.
Ensure air con units are functioning in both changing rooms
16:00 - 18:00
16:00 pool test to be completed <br>
16:00 sauna and steam checks
Ensure pool signs are placed correctly (1 foot from edge of pool closest to pool plant room)
DM tour of the club
Ladies locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Men's locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up<br>
Ensure all studios are ready for evening classes
Ensure Riverside/Mind Body studios have x 2 spray bottles and towel dispenser is fully stocked
Ensure locker checks are performed at 17.15 with the black key (check empty locked lockers). Other gender to be sourced to check alternate changing room.
18:00 - 20:00
DM tour of the changing rooms to occur every 15 minutes during peak
- DM to allocate a member of staff to check other gender changing room - Key areas/items to check are: Towel Bins, Bins, Toilets, Shower Cubicles, Lockers, Rubbish, Amenities - DM to spot check and ensure unoccupied lockers are fully functioning
18:00 pool checks to be completed
18:00 sauna and steam checks
Ensure pool signs are placed correctly (1 foot from edge of pool closest to pool plant room)
DM tour of the club
Ladies locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Men's locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
20:00 - 22:30
Ensure Sweat X/Speed Fiends headsets have been placed on charge
Ensure the watt bikes screens are placed on charge overnight by the AT
20:00 pool checks to be completed
20:00 sauna and steam checks
Ensure sauna/steam cupboard is clean, clear and does not contain and cleaning products or chemicals
Ensure pool signs are placed correctly (1 foot from edge of pool closest to pool plant room)
21:30 PA announcement
Number of clean towel bags
Note number
Ladies locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Men's locker room checks - showers, sinks, floors, toilets - amenities topped up
Ensure towel shelves are stocked
Check towels are stored safely
Check air conditioning in studios is switched off
21:45 PA announcement
DM tour of the club
Collect lost property from the changing rooms and and take to Concierge for logging and for storing
Ensure Concierge air con is turned off
Check front of house area is set up
Ensure all deliveries have been taken to the correct department
Club close
Locker checks- all lockers to be opened with master key and any items placed in lost property and logged. <br>Specific lockers as per the 'Locker Check Spreadsheet' to be checked to ensure they are working properly (ie. Digi Lock) with any issues noted on the spreadsheet
Turn off music and TVs in the comms room (21.45)
Ensure hot yoga is turned off
Turn off sauna and steam and check for safety
Ensure the gym is shut down (AC off and gym equipment off)
Ensure all locker keys are located in the safe
Ensure all mic batteries are on charge and all three mics are located at Concierge
Ensure managers office is locked
Place Dolphin in the pool and check correct operation
Place walkie talkies on charge and ensure they are switched off
Log and report any maintenance issues upon close
Ensure relevant reports/spreadsheets are sent (Daily cash, Locker checks, Duty Log, etc)
Closing safety checks
Check fire panel
Check all fire exits are clear and safe
Check for any accumulated build up of storage - combustible materials etc
Check non essential electrical items/lights are switched off
Once completed please email to Operations Manager, Steve Mason and General Manager
Closing handover notes
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