Site conducted
Gen 1 or Gen 2?
Tractel Serial Number
Rope Grab Serial Number
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Check List
When "At Risk" is selected option to add comments and photo is enabled
Is the bag in good condition? (Ensure bag has no tears or holes and can support the weight of the Tractel unit. Also inspect the slings / straps attached to the bag.)
Is T-Bar in the bag, including wire lanyard and carabineer? (Make sure there no burrs or sharp edges that could cause damage to a lanyard or rescue rope
Edge Roller
Is the edge roller in the bag and in good condition? (Make sure it rolls smoothly)
Rope Grab
Is the rope grab in the bag? (Must be Stopfor A—Not Stopfor B. Ensure it opens, closes, and move freely )
Is the pigtail in good condition? (Ensure it is not broken or bent and is tightly attached to the unit)
Is the unit in good condition? (Ensure it is not rusted or weathered)
Is the ladder bracket securely attached to the unit? (Look for any cracks, especially the point where the bracket is bolted to the unit)
Does the anchor rope have the Stopfor M device? (Rope grab for the anchor rope)
. Is the handle on the wheel functional, and in good working condition? (Ensure that there is not any rust on the wheel)
Are the two carabineers in good condition? (Ensure the locking mechanisms and springs are functional).
Are the carabineers Z359.12-09 stamped?
Measure the rope. Is there at least 80-meters of rope for an 80-meter bag? (The rope must be at least as long as the WTG is high)
Is the rope in good condition? (Check that is has not been weathered, chewed by mice/rats, or molded and mildewed)
Run the rope through your hands. Is the rope free of frays or kinks?
Feed the rope into the bag slowly hand-over-hand. This will ensure that during a rescue the rope should feed out smoothly. Never roll the rope
Make sure that the entire unit fits completely into the bag.
Cinch the ties back on the bag and re-secure.
Inspectors name and signature