
  • Document No.

  • Client / Job No.

  • Project Title

  • Project Location
  • Project Owner

  • Project Start

  • Prepared by


  • If these requirements cannot be physically implemented, then MUTCD PART 6 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL standards shall apply as the minimum. The traffic control plans are to be used along with sound judgment. Proper planning, a good safety conscious attitude and full participation from the persons involved in the work zone are all prerequisites to good traffic control. Aspects of the roadway environment such as weather, time of day, traffic volumes, traffic speed, roadway geometry, roadside conditions, and your inventory of traffic control devices should all be considered when implementing the guidelines.

    GOAL:: Awareness - Alertness - Attitude - Responsibility


  • Project Photos

  • Work Description

  • Work Type

  • Work Duration

  • During hours of darkness, flagger stations shall be illuminated without causing glare to the traveling public by using a portable light plant or approved alternative such as baloon type lights.

    Exemption: Emergency situations are exempt from these illumination requirements. For the purpose of this rule, emergency means an unforeseen occurrence endangering life, limb, or property.

  • Signs that will be in place at one location continuously for longer than three days must be post mounted.

  • All signs associated with the flagger shall be moved ahead whenever work advances to more than 2 miles from the first advance warning signs. Also the flagger ahead sign must be within 1,500 feet of the flagger and the flagger station must be able to be seen from the sign.

  • Work Location

  • Placements of sidewalk closure signs are required in advance of the closure point for pedestrians to make adjustments to their route. It must be recognized that pedestrians are reluctant to retrace their steps to a prior intersection for a crossing. All pre-existing ADA compliant pedestrian facilities within the work zone must continue to comply with ADA requirements for access during work operations.

  • The signal must be either turned off or set to all red “flash” mode. Close at least one approaching lane to the intersection when multiple lanes exist in an effort to minimize confusion and better control traffice movements.

  • When a grade crossing exists either within or in the vicinity of a temporary traffic control zone, lane restrictions, flagging (see Chapter 6E), or other operations shall not be performed in a manner that would cause highway vehicles to stop on the railroad or LRT tracks,, even if automatic warning devices are in place.

  • A traffic control plan must be developed for each individual roundabout specific to the location.

  • Advanced Preparation?


  • Preview traffic control plans for appropriate installation.

  • Inventory and inspect all devices required.

  • Visit site in advance to identify potential issues.

  • Pre-locate all TTC devices and equipment.

  • Contractual use of law enforcement?

  • Assistance provided.

  • WSDOT Notification Required?

  • Contact WSDOT NW Region Radio approx. five(5) minutes prior to start of closure and again after opening. (206-440-4490). Closure Hours::


  • Site Safety Briefing for TTC personnel.<br><br>• • "What is the worst situation that any of us could get in and how would we be able to rescue someone from that situation?”

  • Tailboard Topic

  • Pre-activity Safety Plans and daily “tailboard” meetings are required prior to beginning any work operation to ensure everyone is aware of the task to be performed and their respective duties.

    The orientation must include, but is not limited to:
    • The flagger's role and location on the job site;
    • Special notes and conditions from traffic control plan;
    • Motor vehicle and equipment in operation at the site;
    • Job site internal and external traffic patterns;
    • Communications and signals to be used between flaggers and equipment operators;
    • On-foot escape route; AND Other hazards specific to the job site;
    • And any unresolved issues and concerns at the site.

  • Action Taken:

  • Review traffic control plan(s) and changes?

  • The traffic control supervisor in charge at a work zone is responsible to see all standards are followed. This includes ensuring temporary signs, warning devices, and flag persons are placed appropriately to protect both motorists and workers. Motorist and worker safety are of primary importance. Safety takes precedence over all efforts to maintain a highway or structure.

  • Action Taken:

  • High-visibility apparel and equipment?

  • A high-visibility safety garment designed according to Class 2 specifications in ANSI/ISEA 107-1999, American National Standard for High-Visibility Safety Apparel. Consisting of at least 775 square inches of background material that are fluorescent yellow-green, fluorescent orange-red or fluorescent red in color; and 201 square inches of retroreflective material that encircles the torso and is placed to provide 360 degrees visibility around the flagger that is visible from at least 1,000 feet.

    A high visibility hard hat that is white, yellow, yellow-green, orange or red in color. marked with at least 12 square inches of retroreflective material applied to provide 360 degrees of visibility.

    Sign paddles must be approved by WSDOT that comply with the requirements of the MUTCD and be retroreflective or illuminated in the same manner as signs.

  • Action Taken:

  • Accident prevention program?

  • A formal accident prevention program must be implemented in a manner that is effective in practice where each employee shall be instructed in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions and the regulations applicable to his/her work environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure to illness or injury per WAC 296-800-14020

  • Action Taken:

  • Safe Work Method Statement?

  • The document is designed to be used to ANTICIPATE - IDENTIFY - ASSESS - EVALUATE & CONTROL hazards on the worksite and must be completed in consultation with the employees working at the site BEFORE work begins.

    All employees will immediately notify supervision of any accident, incident or that results in any type of injury or property damage, no matter how minor. Employees will also immediately report any “near miss” that could have resulted in injury or property damage.

    In the case of an 'Incident', follow the Incident Reporting Procedure.

  • Action Taken:

  • Incident management program?

  • A traffic incident is an emergency road user occurrence, a natural disaster, or other unplanned event that affects or impedes the normal flow of traffic. All employees will immediately notify supervision of any incident or “near miss” that could have resulted in injury or property damage, no matter how minor.

  • Action Taken:

  • Emergency equipment available and serviced (eg: fire, first aid, etc.)?

  • Action Taken:

  • Worksite amenities adequate (eg: drinking water, toilets, trash, etc)?

  • Action Taken:


  • Roadway Type

  • A four-sign sequence is required for flagging on roadways with posted speeds of 45 mph or higher.

  • This spacing may be reduced in urban areas to fit roadway conditions.

  • Control Method

  • Traffic Volume

  • Advance notification of the closure is required. Short-term closures may be allowed without advance public notification for emergencies or off-peak closure (night closure).

  • Road/Weather Conditions

  • Action Taken:

  • Advanced warning area.

  • • A three sign advance warning sequence on all roadways with a speed limit below 45 mph.
    • A four sign advance warning sequence on all roadways with a 45 mph or higher speed limit.
    • Warning signs must reflect the actual condition of the work zone.

  • Action Taken:

  • Transition Area.

  • When redirection of the driver's normal path is required, traffic must be channelized from the normal path to a new path. This redirection is intended to occur at the beginning of the transition area. In mobile operations, this transition area moves with the work space.

  • Action Taken:

  • Activity Area.

  • The work space is that portion of the roadway closed to traffic and set aside for workers, equipment, and material. Work space may be fixed or may move as work progresses. Long-term work spaces are usually delineated by channelizing devices or shielded by barriers to exclude traffic and pedestrians.

  • Action Taken:

  • Termination Area.

  • The termination area is used to return traffic to the normal traffic path. The termination area extends from the downstream end of the work area to the END ROAD WORK signs, if posted.

  • Action Taken:

  • Signaling Operation

  • Only one person to give signals and make sure you and the operator understand each other and the signals to be used. Improper signaling can kill or injure workers as well as cause severe property damage.

    According to "Techniques of Traffic Enforcement, One whistle blast means "stop;" two whistle blasts means "go".

  • Action taken.

  • Property Damage

  • Property/Plant restoration may be needed. Consult with property owner.


  • Are you satisfied with our overall performance?

  • Further investigation may be needed.

  • Are you satisfied with our customer support?

  • Further investigation may be needed.

  • Are you satisfied with the Public Response?

  • Further investigation may be needed.

  • Would you continue doing business with us?

  • Further investigation may be needed.


  • Final Comments/Actions

  • Approved?

  • Approved By...

  • Action Taken::



  • Periodic reviews (twice daily is recommended for long-term traffic control) of the traffic control devices should be made to verify the adequacy of the traffic control and to identify any needed revisions.

    Check the installation and position of the signs and other devices and determine if the overall configuration of the traffic control relays clear, concise information to the reasonable motorist. Special attention should be given to overlapping and potentially conflicting traffic control zones.

    Check for overall safety and determine if the configuration of the traffic control provides required safety provisions for vehicle operators, bicyclists, or pedestrians within a public roadway, including workers in temporary traffic control zones.

  • Review
  • Date/Time

  • Traffic Volume

  • Road/Weather Conditions

  • Temporary traffic control (TTC) zone.

  • Has the risk been controlled?

  • Action Taken:

  • Pedestrian and road-user safety.

  • Has the risk been controlled?

  • Action Taken:



  • A traffic incident is an emergency road user occurrence, a natural disaster, or other unplanned event that affects or impedes the normal flow of traffic. All employees will immediately notify supervision of any incident or “near miss” that could have resulted in injury or property damage, no matter how minor.

    Consider the type of work activity, complexity of the traffic control plan, possible speed reduction needs, traffic volumes, nighttime work activity, geometric conditions, associated cost for use of enforcement (cost benefit analysis), and actual traffic problems observed as the work progresses.

  • Incident
  • Date/Time.

  • Workzone Location

  • Traffic Volume

  • What happened? (be as specific as possible)

  • Was there any Property Damage?

  • Consult with property owner.

  • Was anyone physically injured?

  • Persons Injured

  • Person
  • Name, Address, Phone

  • Did this person receive medical aide beyond basic first aide?

  • Were the Police notified or on-site?

  • Was a Police report, warning or citation issued?

  • Action Taken:

  • Was an Incident Investigation completed?

  • Was a Root Cause Analysis completed?

  • Action Taken:


Traffic Control Responsibilities

  • Traffic Control Supervisor
    A Traffic Control Supervisor (TCS) shall be present on the project whenever flagging or spotting or other traffic control labor is being utilized or less frequently, as authorized by the Engineer.
    The TCS shall personally perform all the duties of the TCS. During nonwork periods, the TCS shall be available to the job site within a 45-minute time period after notification by the Engineer.
    The TCS’s duties shall include:
    1. Having a current set of approved traffic control plans (TCPs), applicable Contract Provisions as provided by the Contractor, the latest adopted edition of the MUTCD, including the Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD, the book Quality Guidelines for Temporary Work Zone Traffic Control Devices, the most current edition of the PROWAG, and applicable standards and Specifications.
    2. Inspecting traffic control devices and nighttime lighting for proper location, installation, message, cleanliness, and effect on the traveling public. Traffic control devices shall be inspected at least once per hour during working hours except that Class A signs need to be checked once a week and nighttime lighting need to be checked only once a shift. Traffic control devices left in place for 24 hours or more shall also be inspected once during the nonworking hours when they are initially set up (during daylight or darkness, whichever is opposite of the working hours). The TCS shall correct, or arrange to have corrected, any deficiencies noted during these inspections.

    3. Preparing a daily traffic control diary on each day that traffic control is performed using WSDOT Form 421-040A and 421-040B, and submitting them to the Engineer no later than the end of the next working day. The Contractor may use alternate forms if approved by the Engineer. Diary entries shall include, but not be limited to:
    a. Time of day when signs and traffic control devices are installed and removed, b. Location and condition of signs and traffic control devices, c. Revisions to the traffic control plan, d. Lighting utilized at night, and e. Observations of traffic conditions.
    4. Making minor revisions to the traffic control plan to accommodate site conditions provided that the original intent of the traffic control plan is maintained and the revision has the concurrence of both the Contractor and the Engineer.
    5. Attending traffic control coordinating meetings or coordination activities as necessary for full understanding and effective performance.
    6. Ensuring that all needed traffic control devices and equipment are available and in good working condition prior to the need to install or utilize them.
    7. Ensuring that all pedestrian routes or access points, existing or temporary, are kept clear and free of obstructions and that all temporary pedestrian routes or access points are detectable and accessible to persons with disabilities as provided for in the approved Plans.
    8. The TCS may perform the Work described for Flaggers and Spotters or Other Traffic Control Labor provided that the duties of the TCS are accomplished.

  • Traffic Control Labor
    The Contractor shall furnish all personnel for flagging, spotting, for the execution of all procedures related to temporary traffic control and for the setup, maintenance and removal of all temporary traffic control devices and construction signs necessary to control vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic during construction operations.

    Flaggers and Spotters
    Flaggers and Spotters shall be posted where shown on approved Traffic Control Plans or where directed by the Engineer. All flaggers and spotters shall possess a current flagging card issued by the State of Washington, Oregon, Montana, or Idaho. The flagging card shall be immediately available and shown to the Contracting Agency upon request.
    Flagging stations shall be shown on Traffic Control Plans at locations where construction operations require stopping or diverting public traffic. Flagging stations shall be staffed only when flagging is required. This staffing may be continuous or intermittent, depending upon the nature of the construction activity. Whenever a flagger is not required to stop or divert traffic, the flagger shall move away from the flagging station to a safer location. During hours of darkness, flagging stations shall be illuminated in a manner that insures that flaggers can easily be seen but that does not cause glare to the traveling public.
    Flagger station illumination shall meet the requirements of the MUTCD and these Specifications.
    The Contractor shall provide portable lighting equipment capable of sufficiently illuminating a flagger and their station without creating glare for oncoming motorists, yet will meet the mobility requirements of the operation. The lighting stations shall be located on the same side of the roadway as the flagger and aimed either parallel or perpendicular to the traveled lanes to minimize glare. The lighting devices shall be located 5 to 10 feet from the edge of the travel lane with a mounting height of 15 to 25 feet above the ground. The flagger should be visible and discernable as a flagger from a distance of 1,000 feet.
    Flaggers shall be equipped with portable two-way radios, with a range suitable for the project. The radios shall be capable of having direct contact with project management (foremen, superintendents, etc.).
    The Contractor shall furnish Stop/Slow paddles conforming to the requirements for all flagging operations.
    Spotting stations shall be shown on Traffic Control Plans at locations where a spotter can detect errant drivers or other hazards and provide an effective warning to other workers. Spotting stations will not be allowed at locations where the spotter will be in unnecessary danger. The Contractor shall furnish noise-makers or other effective warning devices for spotting operations. The duties of a spotter shall not include flagging, and the use of a flagging paddle while performing spotting duties is not allowed.

    Other Traffic Control Labor
    In addition to flagging or spotting duties, the Contractor shall provide personnel for all other traffic control procedures required by the construction operations and for the labor to assist in the installation, maintenance and removal of the traffic control devices shown on Traffic Control Plans when not actively flagging.

  • Conformance to Established Standards
    Flagging, signs, and all other traffic control devices and procedures furnished or provided shall conform to the standards established in the latest WSDOT adopted edition of the MUTCD, published by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Washington State Modifications to the MUTCD, and the most current edition of the Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG). Judgment of the quality of devices furnished will be based upon Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices, published by the American Traffic Safety Services Association.

    Additionally, The condition of signs and traffic control devices shall be acceptable or marginal as defined in the book Quality Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control Devices, and will be accepted based on a visual inspection by the Engineer. The Engineer’s decision on the condition of a sign or traffic control device shall be final. A sign or traffic control device determined to be unacceptable shall be removed from the project and replaced within 12 hours of notification.

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