Title Page

  • Training Title

  • Trainer Name

  • Location
  • The training take place inside

  • Conducted on

  • Number of participants

  • In which number of male participant are

  • and female participant number are

  • Training duration

  • Which part of the training is observed?

  • Report prepared by

Training Observation Checklist

  • Dear Observer in case your answer was "Partial" or "NO" kindly use the note function to write detail for justifying your answer

Before starting the training

  • When the training start ?

  • Did the trainer (and trainer assistant) are in time at the location of training before arrival of the participants?

  • In case that there was major delay in the starting time of the training mention Why this delay happened

  • Trainer takes proper safety measures to help prevent classroom injury (include but not limited: avoid harmful situations, prepared for emergencies, use training devices, use appropriate behavior)

  • Both trainers and participants follow local, state recommendations and take reasonable precautions to help prevent the spread of infectious diseases (include but not limited: use of needed PPE, availability of sanitizer in place, preventing ill participant from attending training, social distancing)

  • The classroom space dedicated for training are

Preparation of environment for the training

  • Did the trainer assistant (or the trainer in case the trainer assistant not available) make proper arrangement of seats? (Seating is arranged in such a way that it encourages active participation by removing barriers, chairs are in semi half circle)

  • The resources and tools needed for the training were available, functional and in sufficient quantities (include but not limited to: printout, Power points, flip chart, sticky notes, notes book, pens and any other resources needed for the training)

  • Did the trainer assistant (or the trainer in case the trainer assistant not available) prepare the data show and laptop for the training

  • Did the trainer assistant (or the trainer in case the trainer assistant not available) Prepare the venue for coffee breaks.

  • Accountability tool are available in the training venue (Phone number, E-mail or Complaints box)


  • The trainer introduces him/herself.

  • The trainer introduces the Co-trainer, trainer assistant (or any other person present)

  • If applicable, the trainer introduces the project in which the training activity is supported through it.

  • Did the trainer properly do the introduction of the trainees?

  • The trainer explains the agenda for the day, duration, process and the activities to the participants.

  • Whenever applicable, The trainer informs the participant about the availability of accountability tools (Phone numbers, E-mail or complaints box)

Learning enviroment

  • The trainer discusses and agree with the participants on ground roles and norms to be followed during the training (like putting cell phone on silent, when to rise questions …etc.).

  • The trainer uses an icebreaker appropriate for the group to help participants to feel more comfortable?

  • The trainer created a safe and comfortable learning environment for the participants, where they can speak freely, with the aim to overcome shyness.

  • The trainer ask questions or explains topics in a respectful manner and in line with the local culture, specifically for sensitive questions

  • The trainer remains neutral and does not react to participants’ answers in such a way that it can be felt as judgement and be aware of your body language (nodding, eyebrows, facial expression)


  • The trainer ensures that all participant are paying attention (not distracted)

  • The trainer uses a language which is understood by the participants (language English, Kurdish, or Arabic, and explains difficult terms)

  • The trainer explanations are clear and simple language

  • The trainer explanations are supported by the appropriate visual aids and tools

  • The trainer demonstrates active listening skills through nonverbal ques (eye contact, nodding, facial expressions) or verbal ques (hmm, aha, indeed)

  • The trainer rephrases questions if people do not understand them

Encourages active participation

  • The trainer gives time to think…… When asking a question…. Stay quiet (this let’s everybody think) before asking someone specific to answer

  • The trainer redirect questions, to others, as to get them involved (e.g. Ask: what do others think….....)

  • The trainer tactfully limits the contribution of those who dominate

  • The trainer keeps the participants on the topic

  • Ensures that everyone has a chance to express themselves equally, including quieter participants (without forcing)

  • The trainer gives positive reinforcements (encourage, show appreciation… )

Content of the topic

  • The trainer clearly explains the training goals/objectives.

  • The trainer did not skip any training topic.

  • The trainer follows the learning methodologies described in the training guideline.

  • The trainer gives correct and complete information.

  • The trainer commits to the sequence of subjects as per the training agenda.

  • The trainer listens and responds to questions of participants

  • In case trainer does not know the answer to a question, he-she explains he-she does not know the answer but tries to get the answer from someone who knows.

  • The trainer finally does a proper recap of the training by reflecting on the important messages the trainees learned.


  • The trainer commits to allocated time for each subject as per the training agenda.

  • The trainer shows flexibility as to adjust to the needs of the participant or handle unforeseen situations

  • The trainer keeps an eye on the energy levels of participants and acts accordingly, (break, energizers)

  • The trainer manages conflicts when they arises

Wrapping up

  • When the training finished?

  • Did the trainer asks participants feedback on the session verbally (general feedback, or what they learned, or how they feel)

  • Did the trainer asks participants to fill in the valuation form and explains it is anonymous (and distributes the forms)

  • Did the trainer stays in the room and is available for questions that participants want to share in private

General Notes

  • If you find other observation that not mentioned in the Checklist above or you like to mention additional details, kindly write it in the field below


  • undefined

  • The Report reviewed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.