Title Page
Driver Name
Observation Type
- 30 Day
- 60 Day
- 90 Day
- Post Incident
- Annual
- Safety
Conducted on
Prepared by
Route Number, Tractor Number & Trailer Number
Pre-Shift Assessment
Driver arrives to work on time
Proceeds directly to hand truck area & puts equipment on trailer in a secure manner
Couples and proceeds to safety lane and does his pre-trip inspection using E.D.V.I.S.
Leaves yard in a timely manner
Field Safety Observation
Driver drives the posted speed limit (not to exceed 65 mph)
Driver uses seatbelt continuously throughout the trip
Driver uses a 3 point stance when entering and exiting the tractor and trailer
Driver displays safe driving habits throughout the route
Driver uses 4 way flashers while backing
Driver performs warm up procedures- stretches for 3-5 minutes
Driver turns off ignition and removes key while not in vehicle
Driver opens and secures trailer doors when open
Driver safely extends ramp and attaches it to rear of trailer (uses both hands, etc.)
Driver safely replaces ramp in carriage (uses both hands, lifts with legs not back, etc.)
Driver has hand truck properly loaded (can easily see over the top)
Driver proceeds down ramp in a safe manner
Driver demonstrates proper lifting procedures
Driver goes up and down steps in a safe manner (uses legs not back)
Empty pallets are organized to prevent tripping hazard (secured with load locks)
Trailer is clean and free of debris
If applicable, did driver utilize their safety cone while backing?
Driver is wearing appropriate PPE (gloves, shoes, etc.)
Quality Assessment
Driver is properly uniformed for work and is clean and neat
Driver checks invoices for credit terms, improper routing and pickup request & notes any special handling concerns
Driver selects all invoices for the customer and signs them before exiting cab
Driver puts product in proper place for customer
Driver reconciles delivery and accounts for refusals, shorts and damages. Makes necessary deductions and records proper return codes on invoices
Driver follows credit procedures
Driver has customer sign invoices and issues copies for customers record
Driver calls dispatch to report any delivery problems, delays or accidents
Driver proceeds to customer, runs route as scheduled
Driver announces delivery to customer and surveys the premises for hazards
Driver moves obstacles out of the way for delivery
Driver organizes and down stacks load throughout the day
Driver uses STS to check off product. Scans over 95%
Driver completes paperwork throughout trip instead of waiting until the end of the trip
General Assessment
During the observation, driver exhibited a positive and safe attidue
Was the delivery free from any equipment problems, barriers or significant delays?
Is the driver safe or at risk for injuries associated with improper lifting?
Is there a spill kit on the truck?
Comments & Signature
Employee Signature
Supervisor Signature