Conducted on
Prepared by
Name of colleague
You can describe how your daily planning contributes to the business plan and the improvement of the store and your departments performance. you have, use and can describe the benefits of your diary.
You can describe how your PDP is progressing and how it will improve your leadership.
You can describe which of the 5 Leadership Skills are you working on and can your team articulate this?
CRITICAL - Any member of your team can articulate the way their department is performing on Sales, Waste and Shrink and what your plan is to improve this. One Team Leader (if applicable) and one colleague will be spoken to.
Your department is always clean and free from dirty shelves and damaged stripping.
There are no missing or incorrect SEL's on the department. Spot check 3 Random MOD's. One error is non-compliance.
All promotion ends and trade driving locations are full and have the correct POS in place.
All your team are wearing the correct uniform and are presentable to the highest standards. All Departments will be reviewed.
CRITICAL - You work the backstock 100% first every night and there are under 10 in stores for the whole trading operation. <br>
You have a weekly Service Huddle with your team.
Your holidays are to target and your holiday booking diary is completed 100%.
Your department has the correct manning and any over or under hours has a plan to resolve. Your heat map and Ideal Schedules information is understood.
CRITICAL - You have completed all the required Inspiring Great Performance Reviews as per the plan.
CRITICAL - You have NO out of process SYA issues and you can describe the top 3 (worst) attendance colleagues for your department.
Training & Development
You have a succession plan and your plan shows future growth of your team. You require one options candidate or team leader back fill per dept.
You have a 4 week development plan for skill or leadership aspects for your team or department. Your team can articulate this plan and the part they play. Focus on the WHY not the WHAT.
CRITICAL - Your legal and department training is completely up to date and signed off.
Key Operational Accountabilities -ALL CRITICALL
Your depts have achieved their sales targets and you have an active trade plan for your areas. You can articulate the gap between actual and target sales and you know your dept L4L%.
You have delivered your Shrink loss accountability for last week. You have a lockdown plan and can describe your Stock Loss Dashboard.
You have completed a minimum of 5 searches last week.
Have you delivered your waste accountability for last week and there is never anything left to deal with from your shift.
You have no next steps outstanding from any Audit and you can articulate your performance on any remaining Audits.