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Partiwall Installers.
- Glen Bourke-Finn
- Brendan Jacks
- Andrew Owen
- Kelvin Harvey
- Installers Appointed By Builder
- Jesse Bourke-Finn
Conducted on
Prepared by
Confirm materials have been stacked in appropriate position, there are no damaged sheets and is wrapped in plastic to protect from weather.
Take photos of material stack.
Confirm all perimeter safety barriers and stair void is in-place with closable hatch.
Take photos of material stack.
Rondo P140 Bottom Track.
Confirm the bottom track is fixed to the lower P140 channel at 150 mm from the ends & 600 mm centres between.
Confirm that the bottom track has 6mm gaps between tracks to allow for moisture run out.
Confirm the cavity between the H-stud or I-stud and frame is in the range of 20mm - 40 mm.
Wall requires urgent rectification prior to proceeding. Take photos of issue.
Confirm H-Studs or I-Studs are full length pieces and not joined.
Wall requires urgent rectification prior to proceeding. Take photos of issue.
Aluminium Partiwall Clips
Confirm Aluminium Partiwall clips are fixed to every Partiwall stud directly, and not more than 3000 mm above lower clip line or base track.
Is it just one stud missing and Aluminium Partiwall clip, unable to install due to it being obstructed?
Take photos and forward to manager.
This is ok provided that the stud is clipped on the other side of wall. Take photo of item and move to next question.
Confirm Aluminium Partiwall clips have not been substituted with steel or other material.
Wall requires urgent rectification prior to proceeding.
Confirm H-studs or I-studs in roof cavity have 2 Aluminium Partiwall clips attached to roof framing.
Wall requires urgent rectification prior to proceeding.
Confirm 16mm Firestop has been correctly laminated at 400 mm centres at floor/ceiling junction and in the roof cavity.
Urgent rectification required, must have laminating screws at maximum 400mm centres, vertically and horizontally.
Confirm 16mm Firestop laminated one side is not in contact with framing members.
Urgent rectification required, 16mm Firestop must not touch framing members.
Are services located between framing and shaftliner fire barrier.
Urgent rectification required, service contact with partiwall will greatly reduce the acoustic performance of wall.
Confirm Shaftliner fire barrier is not penetrated other than by allowable penetrations in roof space.
Urgent rectification required, no penetration can be made in the wall.
Penetration is allowed provided a fire proof collar is fitted.
Confirm Rockwool insulation is in place over ridge of wall and at wall ends.
Urgent rectification required.