Unannounced Visibility Inspection Report
Site conducted
Conducted on
Prepared by
Was the officer/s aware of his/her surrounding?
What was the officer doing?
How long did it take before you saw the exterior patrol?
Was the security vehicle/golf cart/ bike driven appropriately?
What was the officer doing the was inappropriate?
Was the "no curb side parking" regulation enforced?
Was the detex system utilized?
Photo's of vehicle condition.
Was the officer/s aware of his/her surrounding?
What were they doing to not be aware?
How long did it take before you saw the interior patrol?
Did you see a security officer at the food court?
Did you see a security officer next to the customer service booth?
Was the detex system utilized?
Was the center's code of conduct enforced by security during your visit?
Were tenant violations addressed by security during your visit?
Was the security officer's uniform appearance satisfactory?
Did all security officers have duty belts, radios & mics, detex wands?
Comments (explain above answers and describe your overall impression of daily security operations at the site):
Scenario if-then
What was the scenario?
Officer 1 answer
Officer 2 answer
Officer 3 answer