Trees and plants protrude and obstruct or obscure motorists view at intersection or corner.
Vegetation obstructs or hinders pedestrian traffic along the footpath zone.
Trees from the property overhang over footpath lower than 2.4 meters.
Unconstrained domestic / household waste (paper, boxes, disused furniture etc solid and non putrescible)
Putrescible waste - (foodstuffs, used nappies, carcass, other organic or degradable material capable of rotting and causing offense or attracting vermin or reptiles)
Oils and coolants contaminating land - Refer to EHO.
Other accumulated disused or derelict goods and items. Describe these in comments.
Other issues - (Describe in comments)
Area Affected
Sporadic tuft grass, no breach.
10 - 20% niil breach
20 - 30% nil breach
30 - 40% borders on breach
40 - 50% minor breach level
50% and above breaches standard
Other issued observed (if required)
Required actions to rectify
Nil works, no breach observed
Please issue Compliance Notice requiring the following works.
Mow or slash grass to a height not exceeding 70 - 100mm.
Overhanging tree canopy to be trimmed vertically with the property boundary to an overhead height that is not less than 2.4 meters above the footpath / pedestrian zone.
Protruding plants on property boundary to be cut back flush with property line so as to not obstruct motorists view or hinder pedestrian traffic.
At pedestrian crossing areas cut all vegetation within 2 meters of the roadside back to a height not exceeding 600mm.
Implement an eradication program to rectify vermin harborage issues on your property.
Dispose of unconstrained domestic waste in Council provided bins or remove to approved waste facility.
Neatly stack and secure loose tin and other similar items to prevent airborne hazards.
Elevate stacked and secured items to a height not less than 300mm to prevent reptile and or vermin harborage.
Remove any collapsed structures and or hazardous materials from the property and dispose of them at the appropriate waste management site.
Dispose of stored oils / and other flammable or viscous liquids at the appropriate waste management site.
Backfill or barricade excavations to prevent danger of persons, vehicles or machinery falling in.
The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions.
The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.
You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction.
You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.